Yet people insist that WoW is not p2win.
I never claimed I had issues clearing anything as I’m not playing retail.
It’s you who are throwing personal experiences as “counter argument” to justify garbage.
Okay, but what you claimed was wrong.
Name any class or spec, and I will show you someone who has cleared 10/10 mythic CN or a +17 as it.
Class balance is better than it’s ever been.
Effectively all content is available to anyone who wants to pursue it and they can find relative success.
What more balance are you looking for?
I will not name absolute anything.
And you’re wrong, the class balance/design for 2 expansions now is atrocious. There’s a reason why the game is in clear decline, class design/balance wise is also another check on the list.
But since you’re more worried about who’s “right” I will just say you’re right and move on with my day.
Can you provide an example at least?
What specifically is wrong with balance right now?
I agree with design being weak
Posting in a thread which Blizz created specifically and officially to encourage the “world first” race stating “Blizz has nothing to do with the world first race” (while Blizzard tunes the whole end game around such an event) is just stupid.
It’s like ignoring reality 3 inches from your face.
Please enlighten me why i should care about a race of filthy elitists that are sponsored to due this?
It’s not a blizzard event though. Sure they can promote it, but they have nothing to do with the race.
I can promote the MLB, but I don’t have anything to do with MLB.
Again, the balance for the vast majority of the player base is fine.
You can clear heroic SoD and do KSM as literally any race, class, spec, and covenant combo.
What is wrong with balance?
You either fail at logic or you are just not an honest interlocutor. You are basically copping to at least some level of involvement while trying to say there is no level of involvement. It’s just dumb.
And then there’s this today:
It’s still not a blizzard event. It never has been.
Still haven’t said why balance is bad btw
Underrated comment
It’s a very small amount that can actually race through mythic
Token sales to buy boes
They’re going to race through it either way
I never commented on balance. As I indicated before, the balance of which you speak is irrelevant to the point of contention.
You also just moved the goalpost, a sign of a failed argument. Read your first response to me in this thread.
During past world first races, has anyone ever checked the AH on the realms that the world firsters are on?
Iow, do they have an impact on AH prices during the world first race? Or do they buy on lower cost realms and transfer the goods to their home server? Just curious.
I farted, it stinks about as much as the stupid esports races in an MMO
Let us know who wins so I can say gratz.
Tuning is another word for balance brother.
You have not defended a single point you have brought up.
I’ll say it again: The race to world first is not a blizzard hosted event. They promote it, but they do not plan it, stream it, or do anything else with it outside of letting people know it’s happening. It has nothing to do with wow being an esport.
Don’t watch it then?
People get so triggered over this, I swear.
But that’s not what you said. Read your original comment in response to mine. Again, you are just changing words, adjusting definitions, and moving the goalposts. All signs of a failed argument.
But if you want to keep making stuff up and playing word games to make yourself feel better, have at it.