The PvP nerfs

Its crazy to see in comparison the buffs that overachievers get while affliction has been nerfed so many times this season. This is actually terrible, and there is no way you Blizz people find this balanced!!
Whenever i look at nerfs/buffs the only thing im concerned with is warrior buffs. This is because they are so overtuned with TOO MANY abilities and cc and mobility and immunities. Ideally a class with SO MUCH should not be buffed in PVP to this extent. Lets use Arms warrior as an example.


  • Hellcaller: Wither damage increased by 25%. This change does not affect PvP combat.
  • Agony damage increased by 15%. This change does not affect PvP combat.
    Corruption damage increased by 25%. This change does not affect PvP combat.
    Unstable Affliction damage increased by 20%. This change does not affect PvP combat.


  • Execute damage increased by 10%.
  • Colossus: Demolish single-target damage increased by 15%.
  • Slayer: Reap the Storm damage increased by 25%. This change does not affect PvP combat.
  • Slayer: Slayer’s Strike damage increased by 15%.
  • Mortal Strike damage increased by 15%. (50% MW for 10sec on 6sec cd)
  • Overpower damage increased by 15%.
  • Dreadnaught damage increased by 15%.
  • Cleave damage increased by 20%.
  • Slayer: Culling Cyclone now increases Bladestorm’s damage done by 20% (was 10%) per stack in PvP combat.
  • Slam damage increased by 40% in PvP combat.
  • Colossus Smash damage increased by 60% in PvP combat.

welcome to being a warlock.


Im not new to this pain, just pointing out how ridiculous the “balancing” is lol


Yea this feels like the worst locks have ever gotten in up the a$$ from warriors. Already unsubbed, priest and lock are basically just target dummies for our unga overlords


yea and your shadowbolts were hitting 1.2 mill at the start of the season. like what? lock needed it

Youre a ret paladin, you have no business talking about any other classes damage, youre insane to even say anything LOL


My guy. Aff is and was way up there, while war was struggling and overall mediocre.

Why would we buff aff when its an s tier spec.


Did we get another stealth nerf? im doing about 20% less damage and the patch notes have no PvP changes listed at all

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The title of the thread is pvp nerfs not s tier warlocks in pve content

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Your UHDK brothers know your pain.

idk but i wouldnt put it past them. I feel weaker also. in fact im always top dps and and bottome dps in the past 3 arenas ive done. Ofc #1 damage was feral, who just got buffed for no reason

idk but i wouldnt put it past them. I feel weaker also. in fact im always top dps and and bottom dps in the past 3 arenas ive done. Ofc #1 damage was feral, who just got buffed for no reason

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Aff i s tier in PvP.

But keep coping.

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Aff is not currently S tier in any content, and it keeps getting nerfed further and further


After testing more Wither, Unstable Affliction and Agony have 100% been stealth nerfed and are dealing around 10-20% less damage than before the patch, its possible they messed up somehow when applying the PvE buffs but this is unacceptable either way.

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Aff was wrecking at the highest lvl (AWC) after the nerfs.

Aff is still wrecking on ladder. Its one of the strongest specs this season in PvP.

At this point only crybabies say its bad.

Btw demo is very solid now too.


It’s still solid in shuffle but has fallen a bit in coordinated team play.

Could probably still run it with a rogue but it’s not really s tier anymore, probably around A.

Subjective, but even if youre right, were still leagues and leagues from the gloom and doom from the people here.

Skill issue at this point.

Statistically warlocks have the highest death rates in PvP out of all classes and while offensively they’re okay, the defensives in PvP need a major overhaul.

The self heals in PvP are long overdue for some buffs. Drain life doesn’t heal or do damage and seems to just be broken this expansion. A simple solution would be to give a big boost healing effect to soul burn drain life rather then a mediocre absorb that only applies if you somehow manage to complete a full uninterrupted DL cast. The base healing also needs a major buff.

It’s inexcusable that basically every other class/spec has decent self heals while our only heal drain life is healing very poorly at a rate of 1% per sec if that or lower. Healthone doesn’t count as a heal as a whole team can get them handed out and use the same heal in addition to their own class heals.

We are one of the lowest mobile classes in the game with no roots and the escapes we do have either need to be pre-meditated or gateway which is within gap closer range immediately upon use with a super high cooldown.

Dark pact should be reworked to shield you for 200% of your total health rather then your current health. The ability is useless to use if you’re already near death.

Soul link probably needs a 100% buff To damage reduction so that it’s at 20% instead of 10%. Warlocks are too squishy against 2-3 melee to the point that a healer cannot keep them alive unless both healer and warlock uses major defensive cooldowns. Soul link also had 3% healing returned to warlock and pet from all damage done in Cata&MOP, this needs to come back.

Shadowfury needs to become instant cast again. The 2sec cast is so long that mobile classes are well out of the cast radius by the time you complete it. There’s already a baked in delay from selecting where your casting the shadowfury on the screen.

Shadowflame talent is not used by anyone in PVE/PVP, but would be if changed to become a root instead of a slow. A root is desperately needed with all melee classes now having seemingly endless stackable gap closers.

Dark bargain should make a come back. It was a 8sec damage immunity on a 3minute timer that would apply 50% of the damage received over a 10sec period in Cata & MoP.

Dark regeneration - cataclysm/mop talent that restored 30% of warlock and pets health and healing received over 12secs on a 2 minute cooldown.

Mortal coil 50% healing nerf in PvP needs to be reverted and the range needs to be buffed back to 36 yards. A 20% heal on a 45sec cooldown shouldn’t be healing at only 10% or 5% if we have a MS effect on us.


I mean it’s semi subjective sure but even the only lock who kept playing aff in the awc after the nerfs, chanimal, said aff isn’t s tier anymore.

So i’d agree aff its still good when played with coordinated teams but falls off at the highest lvls.

That would be a dream come true, but blizz would rather have us suffer or play a different class.