The purpose of the edicts
We now know the why the titans made the edicts and why the earthen have to remove their memories

So basically needing to go to the forge thing to recharge was not necessary at all, they were just made that way so that their memories would be wiped again and again keeping them obedient.

Basically yea, the titans wanted to keep them obedient so no one could counter their falsifyied history

Sounds pretty solid connecting to the quests we had earlier. :robot::thought_balloon:

Unseen Entity says: Dornic… earned his fate… Both… defied directives… Galan, you…
Unseen Entity says: Misuse… memory gems… Lapse in judgement… you will… repurposed!
Unseen Entity says: Watch over… no more… instead… safeguard… my…

…however I have to suspect there’s another reason for the skirmish with the Earthen concerning what’s below. :robot::interrobang:

All wonder according to Odyn’s edicts is to be attributed to the Titans. Archaedas is designed to create Ulduar-style Architecture so him being created to ensure Odyn’s edicts are followed is expected.

We know from the Cache of Cosmic Curiosities( that Titan Runes have been used by the Black Empire and placed on Coffers alongside Fel Runes from the Nathrezim.

Archaedas looking like an ordinary Titanic Watcher instead of a Titan Keeper is because he is an ordinary preprogrammed Titanic Watcher designed to build Architecture that would serve as Propaganda for the Titans!

Furthermore the Titans themselves used trickery just in case the Titanic Watchers designed to keep the Propaganda Machine running kept logs on what they found and thus hid the nature of the World Soul and Light Crystals like Beledar from them.

The Earthen turning into unconscious Stone is the Curse of Stone the Old Gods were speaking of! Flesh is a Gift(intended as a Curse as it was sent out before the Curse of Stone was implemented which is why they include quotation marks when calling it a “gift”) to counter this as long as the Dwarf doesn’t randomly become a Thraegar causing the Curse of Stone to activate automatically.

Khaz’goroth’s true Titan Keeper(whom I suspect built Archaedas as per Odyn’s decree) I suspect will be found in the Worldcore alongside Galan.

This Titan Keeper’s stating that “Both defied directives” before telling Galan that she misused Memory Gems requiring she be repurposed. That means Dornic and Galan aren’t the only ones who defied directives: I suspect Archaedas is the 3rd.

Archaedas I suspect never joined Tyr in his exodus and infact was sent straight to Uldaman by his creator. If his body is brought to the Archives he might be reactivated leading to the True Titan Keeper of Khaz’goroth’s identity being revealed.

I have no doubt Archaedas will reveal which Titan Facilities are actual Titan Facilities(as in built on orders of the Titans): I personally suspect Uldaman, Tyrhold(but not the Halls of Infusion it’s built over), Khaz Algar(at least the Archives, Coreway and Worldcore), Stormheim and Halls of Valor will be the only actual Titan Facilities built with everything else being a lie or half-truth(in so much as a Legion Facility built on Sargeras’s Orders can be called a Titan Facility).

Uldum’s confirmation as a fake facility won’t be revealed until The Last Titan! The final death blow to Brann’s hope that he is studying Titan Prehistory!

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I think they still need to recharge, but the part where they have to dump their memories into the archive is not necessary to the recharge process and was only done to keep them in line.

You have to wipe your droids memory every now and then. otherwise they start going independent. Especially those R2 models.


Or its a middleground of yes, you needed to store some of your memory.

I would like to think of Earthen as analogous to our computer. You do need to store your memories somewhere else or you run out of memory space but you dont have move everything into the clouds.

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Me seeing this thread


If you make a robot, and the robot starts acting in ways you didn’t intend, and you re-program it, you’re evil?


If its gained sentience, yea and if you made those robots for the sole purpose of enslaving and controlling another soul

Rather strange though that they go loopy or show signs of dementia if they haven’t recharged in a long while though :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

:thinking: Guessing the ones that have been there since the start (or at least prior to the re-writing memory tactics) – had their very minds altered as well, where it’d cause them to die or become in a frozen stasis-like state should they not recharge, whether by choice or otherwise …

  • Wonder how they’re going to alter the reawakening machine with the knowledge they now have, given they still HAVE to quite literally recharge in order to keep themselves enduring … Unless Magni’s gift to purify the machine simply altered it to Azeroth’s liking (no longer rewriting their memories or removing the world-soul’s essence) so that they can simply recharge and proceed with their lives forevermore.

There’s a few unanswered questions still with the titanforged, as to whether Blizzard will answer them in later developments with the Earthen’s story or leave it as is for speculation — is another story :yum:

Well the new earthen do seem to have azerite in em

Given the increased focus on Titans = nefarious, I’m thinking the memory loss and stasis were intentional features introduced to the earthen to avoid problems if any of them “went rogue.” Plus we’ve got the Hall of Awakening systems that were clearly designed to put down any anomalies.

I’ve not seen any prior evidence of earthen or stormforged suffering from this condition, so it seems isolated to the Isle of Dorn.

Yeah, but not all of them were in the machine when the ‘gift’ was cast upon it — so whether or not the machine now holds a change within it, that later on allows all other earthen who enter it to now:

  • Keep their memories
  • Become blessed by Azeroth’s presence once again
  • and alter their forms so they no longer need to ‘recharge’ themselves to prevent from going senile then shutting down

is another story …

:sweat_smile: They haven’t really answered such questions or if any of the above hold true with the reawakening machine now, which is why it’s still kind of up for speculation at this point in time.

More like Titans not sharing the same concepts of morality that mere mortals go by. Kind of like Marvel’s Celestials/B5 Vorlons/Star Trek’s Q/ Michael Moorcoks Pantheons of Law/Chaos/ Lovecraft’s Old Ones/Elder Gods.

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So is it wrong to support or oppose the Titans in these matters?

Depends on if you think its wrong to deprive another being of its own free will, but we know from past experience you don’t

After everything we been learning about the titans, nobody in their right mind should be supporting them or their actions

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I need to make one of those Danuser retcon memes that I’ll always share in threads like this. Any suggestions?

The issue of free will originated with the curse of flesh.
You do not need to remove a golem’s memory, since he has none.
The new lore is inconsistent with the old.

You will probably say, “The old Lore was already inconsistent.”
And you’re right. But you can always make matters worse.

That depends on your point of view and your priorities.

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