The problem with Microsoft buying WoW

Yet they have the xbox app for computers especially for computers running windows 10 or 11

It is still popular and it still brings in revenue


Master Chief transmog when

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I want more.

I want…a BG. In blood gulch.

it be the retro crossover the masses would like I think. many hours there back in halo (the first). that to break up warsong, arathi and such? yes please…


WOW is easy money for MS.


Microsoft: We just spend almost 70 billion with a b dollars on a game developer! What do you say we celebrate by not making money!

Yeah, WoW isn’t going anywhere.


Would we also get BG announcers that yells out killing sprees?

I would actually be okay with old school Halo maps if we also get the vehicles.


They wont cancel WoW. That wouldnt be the smartest move considering wow is still a money maker.

I think MS would just give the reins back to Blizzard and let Blizzard do what they do best and make games. Im not going to speak about current and past development because I dont work for Blizzard and I dont really want to make assumptions about what goes on and what Activisions involvement was or if.


that game sucks. its just coping thinking its somehow different. especially when all the toxic playerbase that made wow toxic go there and pretend its wholesome.

Just like it’s a possibility that Microsoft discontinues Windows and instead starts putting out a Linux distro :laughing:

Ask yourself this question, MS owns ESO, does Wow or ESO make more money, ESO isn’t cancelled so why would they cancel a more profitable game?

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They’re going to keep WoW going. It’s an IP that still makes a steady profit every year. I have no doubt about it.

I’d imagine given the problems Blizzard has had they’ll leverage resources to find out what’s going on with the delays across all their IPs. Fix what they can, remove problematic individuals, and just in general clean the place up if at all possible.

If anything this will give Blizzard a chance to being as close to the studio of old as it ever was when they wouldn’t release something until it was ready. Short term might be rough, but long term I’m very hopeful.

Yeah, and then you guys will be throwing a temper tantrum about buying the next guy a yacht.

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Whether or not WoW will get better in the future is another question. Microsoft rarely intervenes with the companies they control. At best they’ll make Blizz throw some polish on WoW, but after that I foresee them leaving Blizzard to their own devices so long as WoW continues to generate revenue for them.

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Uh not really, their “biggest” one is Sea of Thieves which is meh. The only other one I can think of is PSO which is also pretty small and has only been around 2 ish years.

Blizzard has kept WoW around and kicking for almost 18 years. MS couldn’t even keep Bungie around for half that time.

Anyways though I’d rather have MS pulling the reigns than Activision.

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No, I don’t think they’d spend 70 billion dollars just to shut down a revenue stream.


No, but I saw similar posts

back in 2004.

WAIT, Microsoft DID buy Activision-Blizzard???

" Microsoft will acquire Activision Blizzard for $95.00 per share, in an all-cash transaction valued at $68.7 billion, inclusive of Activision"

Holy Excretions!

I’d honestly not worry; Microsoft is pretty cool with Xbox and lets companies do their own thing, even if the company is an “asset” that they purchase. If anything, things often improve.

AH, that was the one, I forgot. Yes, case in point; ESO has only improved.

HEY! Wasn’t it around the time that Microsoft bought it that ESO got HOUSING? (Mode Derail.)

Wow… Microsoft now owns pretty much the two biggest “Western” (as in, not Eastern/Asian, rather than “cowboy”) MMORPGS.

Also, if they now made Wow run on Xbox series X that would be insane, or the one after that; not sure if it could even run OK on series X. ESO is made “thin” since it runs on consoles, so they do console tricks like limiting the different kinds of textures and such.

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For 68 billion, I doubt they would cancel it anytime soon. Look on the bright side, the game can’t get any worse.

It’s always a possibility, but WoW has been around long enough that it has name recognition, and it’s still one of the largest MMOs out there (if not the largest). I don’t expect to see it go away anytime soon.

What we may get out of the merger are actual statistics about how many people are playing…

Their biggest one is Minecraft, which has thrived more under Microsoft than it ever did as an independent game.

Sea of Thieves is not “meh”. It’s actually pretty good and continues to keep getting better.

Halo Infinite, while starting off rocky, has only improved thanks to the feedback and receptive developers who seem committed to giving players what they want. This isn’t even including games that now exist under their label, like Fallout 76 and ESO. Game Pass itself is a form of live-service.

In any case, as I’ve pointed out in other threads, Phil Spencer has gone on record saying that live-service games are the future. If Microsoft themselves are saying this, and they have a pedigree of investing in live-service games whether it’s through acquisitions or original IPs, I’m inclined to believe them.

maybe they’re from another country and don’t speak good English or had a disability, so yes by all means let’s make fun of them. Does that mean they’re not allowed to ask a question? Grow tf up you maroon.