The Problem With Containing a Death Loa

Zel’han the Summoner has a permanent Undeath Barrier that wont go away even after resetting aggro and abandoning the quest.


Made this post on the wrong toon, but none the les it’s still bugged

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Can confirm, on January 23rd, Draenor-Horde-EU, still bugged. All spells and attacks miss from all characters. There are about 10 people here attacking it from both factions and nothing is happening…


Khadgar EU, Zel’han is stuck evading.


still bugged with me as well

Unable to complete quest ‘Probl;em with Containing a Death Loa’ due to Zel’han floating in air evading all attacks. No way to reset situation. Need to make this an instance or something so he can be reset.


Still bugged -Frostwolf-US

This is still bugged, stuck in evade. Tichondrius - US


Sorry wrong toon, but yes it is still bugged…

OMG can this be fixed??? STILL bugged on Darkspear. 2 weeks and no report from blizzard to fix??? So we just cannot complete our campaign while other zones can. Not cool.


Still bugged (Stuck with undeath barrier) - Darkspear U.S.

Okay, so I tried a workaround that let me complete the quest.
Go to faction capital (Org for Horde, and Stormwind for Alliance)
Turn on ‘War Mode’ in the talents section of your abilities (bottom right hand corner)
Then come back and he should be engage-able
Go to the nearest rest area to turn off War Mode when done

It’s a lot of work, but it worked for me. Hope it helps y’all


Can confirm this works. Turning off warmode is profit!

Still occuring, i have just hearthed back to org to turn on Warmode which hopefully resolves it for me. Maybe in the future add a group finder icon next to the quest similar to how you guys do world quests etc. because “changing shards” is nowhere near as easy as the blue post made it sound.

and following tradition, the above post was made from the wrong toon oops.

Edit: As stated above, i went to org to turn on Warmode, returned, and the boss was there to be easily killed, as well as a level 60 hunter who tried to kill my prot warrior and lost :3
GGz and Happy Hunting.

Bug still occurring.

its till bugged i figure it was cause the world quest active but that’s not the case i guess

It was bugged for me and I flew to zuldazar main base, turned OFF warmode, went back and it was attackable. It might be that it is targettable in one mode and unvulnerable in the other.

Best Regards,

Broken on Tichondrius as of last night, still.

Still bugged for the past few days on KJ! This is progress halting! Need fixed ASAP!