The problem with BM

They’re definitely hardier than they have been for a while

I’ve always felt that going out to eat is the most successful.

Yea I’m playing my WW at 2k MMR (same as my BM Hunter) and I just feel insanely strong and typically get 4-5 wins per shuffle. As long as I rotate CDs and place my port properly and hit the port when I feel pressure.

Had a Shuffle against a BM last night and every time I went against them I just stuck on them like glue and they did zero damage due to trying to kite me all match. Monk damage even outside CDs is pretty insane lol.

Also one question on WW, do I pop Celestial Conduit with Zuen? I sometimes hold off on Zuen and just pop one of the Storm, Earth, Fire CDs with Conduit…then on the second go I pop Zuen with the second SEaF.

While I played devil’s advocate before about WW in that weirdo’s “representation=strength” post, WW dmg is very underwhelming.
Even when I’m fighting other WWs I don’t actually have to pop any defensives to live through them, that’s not good.

Even comparing their ability to disrupt has weakened compared to other classes and is falling behind, the only thing we got going into this xpac is not being a kill target.

Maximum dmg is pop Xuen with it, as he transfers a portion of your dmg to the enemy

Other tip I can give you is don’t worry about not breaking your mastery btw, if you’re getting trained spend more on blackout kicks even back to back to get FoF faster to keep parrying melee more

Yea I’m so used to the Mastery and holding abilities from doing a ton of PvE in Legion. I need to learn to just use an ability especially if it’s a Blackout kick to build more Chi even if it’s a repeat etc.

I will say if I have 80-90% uptime on connecting damage to my target I will typically top the meters, but if they are able to kite me pretty well (BM Hunters, Mages, Locks) my damage goes down the tubes. What feels the worst to me is when I get rooted by a mage and use the Tigers Lust and then I get immediately re-rooted again…not sure why Tigers Lust just doesn’t make me immune to roots and slows for it’s duration.

Because our mobility needs some kind of counterplay.

That’s going to be more because splash/cleave damage not because of single target pressure.

Yeah, fist of fury is our biggest defensive* next to teleport.
Another thing you should do to maximize on your burst is tiger palming a few times to stack up teachings of the monastery