The Problem is Contamination

Wat? I raid and m+ and honestly dont feel like i have to do either cause if i just wanted to do world quest i could just have a bunch of stuff crafted and have almost normal raid ilvl.

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Maybe for you, and that’s fine.

Pushing into heroic raiding, (and beyond) you’re pretty much expected to do +16s to supplement your loadout.

Some don’t like M+ and chafe at the idea of having to run it to stay relevent/competitive.

It’s exactly the reason raiders/M+ers HATED Korthia, the Maw and Torghast. They were FORCED to do content they didn’t enjoy in order to stay relevent/competitive.

No one likes that.

I do plenty of content. Arena, Battlegrounds, solo shuffle, skirmishes, rbgs, world pvp. Some times I even quest!

A true player!

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