The problem about Plunderstorm isn't that it's bad

I’m kind of 50/50. There are moments where I feel Plunderstorm itself is an exercise in frustration. And yet there are others where it can feel fun and satisfying.

I think a lot of it can come down to the fact that even if PVErs want to do it to raise renown to get transmog or whatever? They may focus on collecting the plunder? But that’s only if they are kind of left alone long enough to actually do much of anything. There are those moments where you have someone drop in on top of you or you drop in on top of them.

Blizzard said they didn’t design it with balance in mind. And it can at times feel incredibly lopsided because of that imbalance where it’s pretty easy to die incredibly early. Which as people have said makes you feel like your time was wasted if you exit a match with a scant 200 plunder or so. But you still are 200 plunder to the good that you didn’t have before. So yeah you will have bad matches. Just kind of the nature of the beast with any online game that throws a bunch of players together. I’d wager people that raid don’t always have a good go of it depending on their group. Especially with a PUG.

I had one match where I placed 4th and walked away with a cool 1,000+ plunder and 4 kills. (this was after I had already got the daily bonus and completed my quests).

That being said? I do feel like 40 renown is kind of excessive for what is essentially a limited time event/side mode that we are paying for. We are already paying a subscription for the content found in the main game. We should look at Plunderstorm as what it really is. A battle pass system. Now sure we’ve had rep and stuff in the past in WoW. But the difference is that this mode will cease to exist unlike rep which can be gained at your leisure.

And I hate to think Blizzard are looking at further ways to monetize WoW through battle passes in an MMO we already pay for. I’ll point out they already sell trader’s tender on the store in bundles.

I know some folks say to just hop in, farm some plunder, die, rinse and repeat. Some people might be able to no life it. And you do you. But that imo becomes a tedious slog. I have been trying to gain 1-2 renown each night. I may have to get more in a given night or two depending how close we are to the end.

I don’t ‘hate’ it persay. I appreciate they tried something new. But I have my reservations and feel it needs some work.

To the above point? I would agree. I see a lot of people complaining in just about every solo game I have joined. So I certainly think it’s more than just a “Skill issue” as some folks are making it out to be.

At the end of the day maybe the reason is nothing more complicated than that they are forcing PVE and PVP players who are very different together in one mode where the playstyles are so opposed that it just sours the whole experience.

And it’s not like Blizzard have been great at balancing PVP regardless

Battle Royale = PvP

I haven’t PvP’d since the changes to resilience after MoP.

Didn’t bother with a new PvP-mode side-game with FOMO (limited time offer!).

The problem is that people are forcing themselves to do this mode because of self-inflicted FOMO.

This is not a Blizzard problem. This is a you problem.

no its not a blizzard problem but it is a blizzard caused problem. this would be a dead game mode without it. the longer this goes the longer the wait time gets

Nah. Blizzard offering rewards for playing the mode is fine.

You know what isn’t fine? Forcing yourself to do something you don’t want to do for rewards you may not even care much about beyond “gotta get 'em”.


I don’t really care. I think if people don’t want to do it, they shouldn’t do it. Self-inflicted FOMO is not anybody’s problem but the people doing the self-inflicting.

Worst game mode ever, get top 5 but whoever stayed out of the fight and just ganks the other with low health/no CDs wins

People saying it’s optional as they make an optional post on optional forums, while not utilizing the forums intended use: feedback.


The sole purpose of the forums is not strictly feedback. We’re posting in General Discussion. I’m not saying other people shouldn’t provide feedback. I’m saying people shouldn’t force themselves to do things they don’t want to do.

you realize how little people would be playing this game if people didnt force themself to do things they didnt want to do? its like you have no clue what your even talking about but this is gd so its not surprising

Actually it is, sayith the devs.

Yeah you are.

People are saying they shouldn’t have put the items in this type of content is feedback, which just like Warmode would be dead if not for forced participation from those not interested

So everyone just hates this game and plays it… why, exactly?

There’s a difference between choosing to do a completely optional mode with no meaningful gameplay impact on the normal version of the game besides cosmetics, and doing the normal things games expect of you.

I do know what I’m talking about. People are forcing themselves to play Plunderstorm and want to whine about it. I just suggest those people not play Plunderstorm if they hate it so much.

If the mode dies, it dies. I don’t really care.

Nope. Forums aren’t solely for feedback, especially General Discussion of all places. The development team directing you to post here to provide feedback does not mean the forums’ sole purpose is strictly game feedback.

" The World of Warcraft forums are for discussion of topics directly related to World of Warcraft.

The forums here are specifically to discuss the game and related topics. Any topics not related to World of Warcraft,, or Blizzard Entertainment are subject to deletion."

Nah. I’m just questioning the point of doing something you absolutely hate doing. You’re still able to post here, and I’m not preventing anybody from providing their feedback on the mode… but, this is a forum where discussions take place.

Great, and you’re welcome to provide that opinion as feedback. Nothing I have done is preventing you from doing so. I’m merely discussing the topic.

i never said everyone hates the game but most people play for a short time and then are done. remove transmog from the game and watch how little people will have a active sub for the entire season and not just a couple of months. they needed to artificially inflate the numbers so they added a 1 of 1 transmog because the only other is a heritage and thus doesnt count and then added in mounts pets and transmogs which everyone knows is what the majority of the player base plays this game for. deny it or pretend it isnt true all you want this game is 100% a dressup sim in a mmorpg dress. true end game is transmog mounts and pets

Plunderstorm is fun and fills a niche. I won’t play it as much when I hit max renown, but it’s definitely a great game mode for when you want to play 2-3 games during a 20 minute break. That is probably where I will play it.

Doing a M+ in WoW takes at least 40 minutes between forming and doing the key, and that time will be even longer in S4 because there’s 5 dungeons with 40 minute timers. Doing half a raid takes an hour betweem forming and killing half the bosses, etc.

It takes about 8 minutes to get into a BG or SS and its just such a mess of a mode that’s not even fun for the 20 minutes you’re in it.

Plunderstorm definitely wins on a lot of fronts

I’m gonna be honest mate, your post is so disjointed that I’m not even sure how to reply to it properly.

It’s a limited time event.
Why do we phrase it as if that’s a bad thing?

Yeah it is, actually.

A dev didn’t post that, sorry.

and I’m mocking you for doing something you hate doing, at the same time, which is completely optional.

Developers aren’t typically involved in community management, nor are they typically responsible for dictating the rules of a forum.

I quoted that from the post I linked. You should go read it.

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

What do I hate doing?

They do set what things are for and what CMs can do.

They actually are.

I did, you have not. There’s a lot of support articles you haven’t read.

See, you didn’t read it!

I for one can’t wait for new rewards to be added to PS.

While I might have not loved Plunderstorm, it was a nice distraction from retail WoW for a week.

Link it.

Link it.


Didn’t read what?

Anyways, beyond the drivel you’re pushing that’s taking the discussion away from the topic…

No, nobody is forced to do this. People are choosing to do it and resenting making that choice. That’s a player problem, not a Blizzard problem.