The Pro-TBC people want to destroy our world again a second time

There’s no damage.

Before you clutch your rose-colored pearls and exclaim “BUT MUH WORLD PEEVEEPEE1!!1!1!1!11”

World PvP was never good.



It was always about massively outnumbering people or being a griefing d-bag and ganking people who were fighting mobs.


Flying didn’t ruin your world PvP. World PvP was a dumpster fire from minute one. It was already ruined because it was garbage.

And yes, i was there. From the early vanilla beta onwards.


YES! I’ve been saying this all along. Cata changed a lot of the “Classic” style, and Cross-Realm zones, while well-intentioned, did not help in the long run. It allowed people to spread further and further out, but not actually “be” together.

Cross-Realm is a lot like cell phone use. You can stay connected, but there’s only so much you can do from that sort of distance.


Starcraft with the Brood Wars expansion.
Starcraft 2 with Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void


And when the consumers are the paying customers that get pissed off and aggravated, and they leave, then Blizzard loses money. They went off the rails trying to tell the players what they players would like instead of listening to the players tell them what they liked.

It was basically gift wrapped for them.

Yes, it’s their product to do with as they please. Even if that means running it in the ground.


Add arena to vanilla then


Add what Blizzard’s own devs admited was literally the worst thing they ever did to PvP to Vanilla? Yeah, seems like a good plan.

Source plz

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… effing Blizzcon, meng. ON STAGE.

Its on effing video.

Plain as day.

Im not your Google search. The fact that you DONT know that they said that just shows how utterly clueless you are. EVERYONE watched that shizz.

I mean what’s it going to be. It’s only been 2 months or so. They release TBC, in 2 months the zoomers ask for WotLK, they release WotLK, then what? You have four different versions of WoW up and running, the population is going to be spread thin.

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Well i searched and saw that there was one ex dev who said that in his opinion arena was a mistake because it required constant tuning.
Solition: dont tune it

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Vanilla World PvP was terrible…

But it was good for what reason now? Class balance?

TBC didn’t kill WoW “but but teh flying”…shut the dolphin up no it didn’t. Everything Cata and after that killed WoW.


Starcraft and Brood War weren’t in the last 10 years(I’m not counting the remaster of the actual game from 1998).

I’d consider Starcraft 2’s expansions to have not made the game better. Especially LotV.

Just give me my TBC/WotLK server and i’ll leave you and your Classic server alone.


There’s a game called Diablo 2… it’s much older than Classic WoW yet people are still playing it even without any new content.


Get over yourself…

I want tbc but I also want blizzard to keep separate classic servers. Relax.


i vote for an alternative spin off expansion with no flying.


They are not going to force you to play TBC. Where did you get this idea?

Uhh… go back and read, meng. I never said wPvP was good. In fact, i said it was a dumpster fire from minute one.

No meng, you don’t realize the purpose of Arena. To pit classes against each other, to highlight the difference. Which is a direct contradiction to your point and Blizz. Arena forced them to address class imbalance

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