The "pro RDF" crowd is proof WOTLK isn't Classic

I don’t get how people can post on Retail chars or lowbie chars and expect to be taken seriously. Clearly they are hiding something


Ah, the true colors.

You just wanna 1 shot people 50 levels below you.

And when they bring their mains or call in the 70’s suddenly it’s time to leave.

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What a load of garbage. We want RDF because it is an objectively excellent feature of Wrath. You decided to project a bunch of traits onto a large subset of people and thought it was clever enough to make a post about. You’re not better than the average troll.


Not really this is my forum avatar

Hate to break the news to you… everyone doing Coren in BRM is 70… LOL.

And the 50’s that want to do BRD?

Everything you posted so far is factually wrong. There was no sub decline for a year after rdf was added. In fact subs went up 500k. The sub decline didn’t start until several months into Cata

http ://


Oh you mean your cherrypicked strawman argument when 1 in 50 people right now going to BRD are going to be lowbies?


Right back at you. Creating a thread to say people want Dungeon Finder because they don’t liked to be ganked… Not everyone is stupid enough to roll on a PVP Server too. And with the faction imbalance on a lot of servers, both PVP and PVE, it seems that you don’t really seem to care much about that.


RDF has 0 impact on the socialization of the game so I dont know how this even came to be a talking point. Delay it until Ulduar after heroics have run their course. Problem solved.

But they understand that heroics will have no purpose after the complete removal of RDF so they are trying to put other incentives into heroics that the RDF could have solved.


You are literally lying to try to push your point.

Outright lying.

You’re a troll.


More power to you then, go make your thread.

I won’t report you like you did mine. :slight_smile:

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Okay, but why give false information? RDF didn’t cause the decline of WoW, Cata being a mediocre expansion which destroyed areas people loved did. And why do you assume people are using WotLK as a QoL waiting room? It’s not like Retail is offline, you can still play it. Most people just want a feature that originally was in Wrath to begin with; it has nothing to do with Retail people or not.

I accept your opinion. If you hate RDF, love ganking, love PVP then more power to you. But making complete generalizations about people who like the things you don’t comes off as hostile and trolling.


I have a skyfury alt. Yes, there’s a lot of 70’s doing coren, but I’ve seen more than a few people doing BRD. I’ve also seen tons of 70’s camp Freewind Post, harass Tarren Mill, grief Splintertree Post.

Conveniently, when the 70’s get called in they aren’t there anymore.

Aww :heart: ill take the mute for calling you out.

Edit: this may be why you find making groups so hard.


I’ve already had

Go back and read all your posts you hypocrite

Oh wow? Skyfury? The fresh server, the one place you would actually find a lowbie leveling? A cherrypicked server?

My friend, I am on Grobbulus. I don’t know if you know this, but it’s a megaserver. Not only that, it’s locked.

No new levelers, and in addition to this, the ones that are leveling, are unfortunately, more than likely, boosted.

I can assure you 90% of the people running thru BRM right now on Grobb are 70. as irrelevant to this conversation as that may be. Don’t even see the point of it tbh. But if you want to beleive that I’m sitting in BRM ganking 1 out of 50 level 50s and then running off when I see a 70, more power to you!

Never have outright lied to try to push a narrative. :slight_smile:

I would say A for effort, but I don’t think you even deserve that.

Have to disagree with both of you. It is impossible to say that any one thing caused the decline. We know that players were dissatisfied with the gameplay experience, that’s about it.

I speculate that the hollow feeling of an empty gameworld was in part responsible for this trend. Encountering random cross-realm characters who you’ve never seen before certainly did not help.

I am sort of hoping they add RDF since I am a very casual player now, but I understand why many old-school players are opposed to it.

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