Every single time I see a post like this I say the same thing, the only words you speak in a non rdf dungeon is “who is tanking and who is healing?” or “someone come to stone we need 1 to summon”. You are not actually talking to anyone any more than you would in rdf when you manually invite and walk to the stone, if you want to have social interactions then make a time machine and go back 15 years.
If by “classic” you mean fits your rose colored nostalgia goggles of something WoW never was then nether was vanilla classic or tbc classic.
People like this tend to project their insecurities on the world because they are unable to see that someone’s experience may vary
I don’t care what retail has, because it’s succumbed to attempting to change directs 12 different times at the whining mewling behest of players whom complained the game was too easy, then blizzard realized screwing over tehir casual player base costs them money… to them succumbing to the mewlings of the hardcore babies again, over and over again. Not to mention the incompetent leads driving it into the ground for their waifu fantasies.
I’d like an authentic Wrath experience. Unfortunately that apparently just isn’t going to ever be a thing. At least not from blizzard.
Original Wrath was in my opinion, perfectly balanced between being extremely accessible, casual friendly, while also providing good, challenging encounters for those whom wished to persue them.
That’s why it was successful, you don’t build a successful MMO just based off the top 1% minmaxing to the nth degree.
That’s what Wildstar tried to do, and we all saw how -that- worked out for them.
Only if we can have the true authentic Wrath experience like what it was
It was an expansion for everyone
And sadly all the changes move away from that.
I know. Blizzard seems to forget why people loved Wrath so much. Instead, they’re just releasing a new expansion and catering to only 1 side, while at the same time, altering the game to take the “classic” out of it, considering classic wasn’t even there to begin with.
Truth tbh.
You retail people are so goofy
Nah, what they’re really doing is appealing to the “classic community” and basically throwing us a bone by saying. “Yeah, we realize why you didn’t like retail and why you quit - All of those arbitrary QOL systems that ruined the open MMO feel of the game and turned it into an instanced queue up game. That was our bad. We’ll learn from it the second time around.”
It’s obvious that’s what’s happening here, but you guys either can’t or won’t acknowledge it. It’s so funny how if you talk to anyone in game no one wants RDF, especially the people I have been playing classic with for 3+ years now… but if you come here?
You guys have came out of the woodwork just since WOTLK released.
It really is a retail mentality “I WANT MY EZ DUNGEON QUEUES FOR EZ LEVELS AND EZ LOOT!!1!” why not just go mask off and ask for LFR too while youre at it. Infact why not just have blizz let you play offline so you can skip every social aspect and just press a button to get new loot for each content update.
You are arguing for the removal of something that was in wrath, and calling other peoplw retail players… the irony
They’re here because WOTLK is “retail” enough to pull them away from shadowlands, but something is missing… just that little extra pizzazz that is retail… They are missing RDF.
They want to use WOTLK as a dragonflight waiting room and they want their QOL experience. And if you mention “RDF was only in the last patch of wrath” they will cover their ears and act like they didn’t hear you.
They don’t want to WPVP, they don’t like the fact that BRM is active with players during the brewfest event because of 0 RDF portal, they want to queue up and do a dungeon with 4 other randoms without saying a word the entire dungeon… just like retail.
Remember that RDF is what initially led to MILLIONS unsubscribing in original Wrath too, don’t let these pro-RDF trolls try to twist the information.
Something that was in the very last patch of wrath, and then a few months later lead to the biggest sub decline spike in wow’s history.
I wonder why that is. It’s almost like it took a few months for everyone to realize where this was going…
RDF was a well-meaning feature but it killed the overworld, at least when i played in wod/legion. Instant dps queues meant everyone just spammed rdf all the way to max level.
The exp, loot and gold gains were tremendously greater than solo questing, so you would be stupid to not take advantage. Horrible game design
As for the “new blizz” devs claiming it’s about the social experience, I agree that is a stupid reason. people don’t really talk much in dungeons as it is, but at least your name carries weight on your server, more than in a cross realm environment
rfd is bad for the game experience of every players, its even detrimental to the players who think they want it
I’m not saying WOTLK isnt classic. I’m just saying… we had the term “wrath baby” for a reason.
As you can see this alt played wrath. I was there. And you can see this alt hasn’t played retail for several years. I quit retail. No one called players wrath babies because they liked the rdf or other qol additions. Almost everyone loved it. This is why we had the term wrath babies
When ever someone would complain about a dungeon the elitists would call them wrath babies and tell them don’t know hard dungeons. If they were in BC they’d know what a real hard dungeon was. It was laughable hard core nonsense they were spouting because they thought they were such great players. The casual players, even the ones who played from day one vanilla laughed at the hard core players for their elitism over an effin video game. We wondered if they ever accomplished anything real in life to be try to be elitist about a video game. We considered them the real babies because most of them were. High school kids or kids in college who played games tons of hours every day instead of applying them selves to their studies.
RDF had literally zero to do with sub declines. And it was in half of wraths life cycle.
You kinda omit the part about cata being trash having much more to do with sub decline
rfd is bad for the game experience of every players, its even detrimental to the players who think they want it
Once these pro-RDF trolls quit OUR game, we will finally move away from the threat of having Classic turned to Retail.
Until they’re ALL gone, we will continue to face this threat.
The dungeon finder was a part of Wrath, though.