The "pro RDF" crowd is proof WOTLK isn't Classic

Playing or not doesn’t change when it was added.

That’s not an answer to my question. Please stop deflecting when you don’t have a response

No one is saying it does. Please read things before replying to them.

I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one. They’ve said they are moving away from not ever. They aren’t there yet, but the line is moving.

I did. Whether you played or not, half way is not end. Anyone who thinks it is is wrong.

U claiming the absolute true “mayoriy wants rdf” is boring…

Not well, evidently.

For some people, who did not play the content drought of Wrath, it did come to the end of their Wrath experience. What about this do you not understand?

I’ve done no such thing, all I’ve said is that pro-RDF has a very miniscule amount of evidence over anti-RDF’s no evidence. You have done nothing to back up the opposing argument so I can only assume that you agree with me but don’t want to admit it

If 100 customers buy a TV, which comments will u see? The negative ones, because the ones that actually like they new TV are WATCHING TV instead of going to a forum and talk wonders about said TV

Same goes here… The players that are in love with the game as it it, or just like it the way it is ARE IN THE GAME AND NOT HERE

That’s why u can’t claim “mayoriy” while the actual mayoriy of the “I don’t care I donw want it, I’m fine like it is” are playing the game, waiting the first zeppelin…

And again, if that were actually true then why do we see just as many, if not more, comments saying “No the TV is actually fine you guys are just dumb”?

at first I thought it was just a mistype of “majority” but now you keep saying it and now I’m not sure if that’s what you’re even talking about in the first place

I’m sure they didn’t. But most must have and others must have started then because the subs went up 500k after rdf was added and before cata was released.

http ://

I’ll just be healing for my guild. No more pugs.

Lions don’t have to type it out for the sheep to read it, the sheep just know…but you do you :wink:

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Staying subscribed =/= actively playing the game

First it was not everyone played. Now it’s actively played. Every time you get called out on your lies and bs you move the goal posts.

RDF came out with ICC in 3.3.0 so release it in that phase and be done with it or dont i dont care.

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So what you’re saying is you aren’t in love with the game as it is. You don’t even like the game as it is.


Only if Blizzard would say that, then the forums would be calm, and everyone would be happy.


I’ve spent the last 3 days “among the community”. All I’ve seen is people chatting in /4 and standing around watching and waiting and hoping they die so they can get the mob. Everyone complains about “toxic” retail is… retail has NOTHING on the classic community.

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By definition, “played” is active. Do you know what “play” means?