The premade debate

Everyone seems to be angry about premades and I don’t understand.
Premades are just people grouping to go to a BG together, right?
I see that as a positive, wholesome thing.

I dont really personally have a problem with it, but even private servers ran from random eastern european neckbeards basements were able to implement queue systems that favoured towards matching premades up vs other premades.


I was wondering if something shady was going on that I didn’t understand and I was sticking up for jerks.

It definitely could be, there’s lots of paid services that sell rating boosts to people.

Premades in BG random: Leads to abuse against normal players.
Premades in RBG: Correct, groups should be premades.
Premades in Blitz: Ruined the game mode.

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I hate to ask you to type a bunch, but please explain. I don’t get what you are saying.

How do those even work? I’m curious how you even guarantee that y’all get on the same team.
Unless, people are intentionally throwing to help their premade on the opposite team?


Yes – I think most people would see friends playing together as a positive and wholesome factor of the MMORPG genre.

The “debate” stems from people that are more solo oriented and don’t have access to friends themselves, so they typically queue up alone.

Because a group of 5 try hards can dominate the game, and make the life of the solo queuer’s miserable. Combine this with blizzards terrible match making and it’s just not a good set up for any competitive environment.

In epic bgs it’s because players will sync queue to make one side a complete premade on comms fighting randoms.

In blitz it gives the duo queue an inherrent advantage to have greater influence over their games (unless the duo queue is extremely sub-par). It also allows for sell carries where rating can now easily be bought.

Overall people dislike premades because it gives players who participate in them advantages.

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The game does not allow raids to queue for random bgs.

To circumvent this in-game restriction, some people sync queue (and drop queue and requeue) to bring their premade raids into random bgs.

So, we end up with one-sided roflstomps where one team has a premade raid on voice chat and they’re going against a team of random pugs.

It’s unfair to the pugs and it drives players away from PvP.

Furthermore, whenever a premade raid mass drops queue pops as part of their attempts to circumvent the system, that ruins yet another bg for other players because one team will be starting the game half-empty. If you’ve ever been in an epic bg where your team was still missing 20+ players when the gates opened, that’s what happened.


I think people certainly would premade just to win trade for rewards

Offer me a singular moment. I seem to be experiencing anger.

Worst case scenario, they always end up on opposite teams and they take turns winning. 50% win rate, but that’s the expected win rate if you play normally. They get the benefit of no extended losing streaks.

If they end up on the same team sometimes, it theoretically should increase their win rates above normal.


Incorrect, the debate is about the people that are sync queue large, organized groups into content they are not intended to be in giving them huge advantages and give them wins they do not deserve. Stop spreading lies.

teamwork is op needs nerf.
whats stopping pug teams from defeating premades? the general consensus is that all of “them” are terrible so shouldn’t pug teams with players such as yourself be able to whip a pug team into shape and beat “them”?

It’s entirely just pugs which stop pugs from defeating premades.

They defeat themselves from within, by giving up as soon as it’s apparent that they can’t go fishing.

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what is the point in advertising the system as SOLO when you allow duos?

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Not incorrect, that’s exactly what it is which is why it is being ignored.

Nope. You are just lying like normal. People are tired of sync abusers.

Not lying – it’s a fact. Blizzard has completely ignored this and will continue to do so. Things that you dislike =/= lies.

That’s a personal problem.