The premade debate

Blizzard ignores a lot of stuff. That doesn’t mean it’s ok.

No, it’s defiantly a problem for lots of people. Also, the lie was you claiming only solo players with no friends don’t like it.

Duo queues were advertised at the same time as solos lol. That’s why it’s been a thing since BGB launched as a brawl.

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Its because SOLO is supposed to be solo, when they abuse the queue system to get a mostly full premade against 8 random players. The premade are mostly Professional wow players working for 3rd party websites selling ratings. With the PvE gear token at 1600 generating a TON of cash for shady actors, its flooded the low ratings with teams of Multiglads power farming the player base. One your MMR is tanked, your toon is basically bricked for the season. Literally players going for 10+ straight losses witch is statistically hard, unless its a PRE MADE.

What is MMR?

Thats your rating stuff, it affects how much rating points you get when you win or lose a game. You want a higher MMR than your current rating.

Players are putting their mains on ICE and not queueing atm until Blizzard fixes stuff. And they will, they are just slooooooow lol.

Ok, I wish people just told me off the bat.
It’s screwing up solo PVPers’ MMR.
Now it makes sense.
Yeah, that is pretty messed up.

There are no full premades in BGB. You keep repeating this nonsense and you’ve given zero evidence of this, just as the same 2-3 people before you did. It is mathematically impossible to get a “full premade” into BGB considering how matchmaking works. Like a 1-2% or less chance.

Stop lying

Take your own advice. Takes 2 seconds to look up sites selling carries and piloting.

Actually I do… Friends of mine I play with all the time have a Mistweaver and boomy above 2200 in Blitz, big party last night watching them climb. They also have alt Mist / Boomy to play for fun. Same gear and all, and their alts are stuck 1500s, power farmed by RMT premade glad teams.

I dont, but ma Buddy does stream, he records his games, and sends to the Blizzard dept that deals w that stuff, showing absolute PROOF. His videos are verry accurate!

Now why would I share that info w shady forum actors so they can better cover their tracks? I could care less what random internet person #1345789 thinks.

But from the feed back I got from friends, its costing Blizzard players and subs, they are watching, and building a list… Anyone whom has played wow for a min remembers those big famous BAN WAVEs that Blizzard does.

Pretty happy today, cause I know what coming, EPIC laughs, when all the cheaters are crying innocent over on reddit etc…

In short, BLIZZARD is listening and watching.

Does that mean that PVP guilds who queue as a group will be penalized?

Heck if I know, Blizzard does that they do, just saying what I heard from high end friends. I’m a casual gamer, my hardcore days were back in BC when wow was a full time second job lol.

Zero proof.

Zero proof, “buddy streams” but doesn’t post links.

You won’t share that info because you don’t have any info. You’re just talking out of your rear end like Thaedreu.

Too bad I don’t still keep in contact with my psych professor from university, it’d be hilarious to show this stuff to his classes. Master class in delusion.

It’s not a debate. It’s just whiny people feeling the need to vent about/justify their losing.

That got your attention real fast didnt it??? LUUUL!!!

To those reading this, its like when on your yard you roll over a log, how all the lil critters flee from the light.

Soon enough guys, we will all see fruit lol.

Yes, stuff that is nonsense, like the complaint that others play with friends in an MMORPG.

If that were true, it would’ve been changed by now. Projecting your view onto an imaginary “lots of people” doesn’t work though.

Not a lie.

I don’t know what’s more hilarious, you thinking I work for a booster site, or you thinking there’s actually legitimately full premades in BGB when there’s already been math done that shows that it isn’t possible.

Either way, lolz all around.

That’s very blatantly not true lol

Also not true lol

It is a lie. I play with friends all the time

I never said that, I think you are lonely or bored and just want to argue with random people on the internet to be honest… gg btw reddit has a much larger audience, you can talk to people who are PRO rmt boosting, and threads full of people who are against it.

I am more interested in noticing that many players are starting to speak out at weird things they are seeing in game. Thats a good sign, showing that the players do care, wow is NOT dead yet!

Its ok, its a lonely era, whole generation raised to be social outcast…

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Ah, the “nuh un” response. Nice to see nothings changed in the months you’ve been posting about this. Oh well, at least you make it easy.

Calling everything that you dislike a “lie” makes it pretty hard to take anything you say seriously.

See above.

See above.

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LOL you can’t even argue anything against it. You just spew nonsense you have to believe in order to keep your narrative intact.