The power of the Eternal Ones

You know that even the naaru have bosses right? There’s higher powers than the naaru, and the old gods aren’t top of the void food chain anymore. The void lords are the managers.

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We really don’t have power levels in WoW. We cant say Denathrius is weaker than Argus. We cant say he’s absolutely more powerful than Argus. We can say he like all enemies that came before us have died by our hand and/or the help of greater forces.

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It’s almost like you can’t read at all.

So im not going to repeat myself

No need to get worked up about it, man.

I might have missed it or it hasn’t been mentioned yet, but the Winter Queen is pretty much single handily keeping Ardenweald alive. They’re pretty powerful beings, but the anima drought has turned their attention elsewhere.


Well, the 9.1 cinematic pretty much confirms that the Eternal Ones are no where near titan level.

Maybe anduin is superpowered since the jailer is possessing him

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Eternal Ones are the same level as Titan Keepers according to the most recent interview on the subject.

The Titans are one level above these guys.

Zovaal of course took advantage of an Anima & Soul Drought to become Titan + Level.

That sounds about right. Where can I hear or read that interview?

Eternal Ones, Pantheon of Death, New Interview - Lore / Story Forum - World of Warcraft Forums (

How did he go from keeper lvl to that ? I doubt The Jailer himself is anywhere near a titan in power tbh. In fact given what’s happening rn, I’m thinking of Ilgynoth’s prophecy, the boys king serves at the masters table. The 5 keys that will open the way, note that the Jailer is speaking about keys.

Imo the Jailer is not the end goal, he’s opening the way for the Void Lords.

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I’m thinking that Eternal ones have a power level that’s above that of Titan Keepers, but below that of actual titans.

Zovaal is a titan level threat just based on how much power he’s accumulated from whatever his “crime” was

I’m guessing the first ones created them as titan keeper equivalents


Ooooo good point! I’ll take it a step further. The Jailer says he only needs three more - that suggests, if there are five, he already has two.

When Sylvanas asks about rescuing Denathrius, the Jailer mentions every soul having a purpose and he served his (Stupid Purpose - I hate the dialogue in Oribos). He might already have Denathrius’ - which would leave the Winter Queen, Arbiter, and Primus.

If the Primus is the Runecarver, some have speculated he might have a phylactery somewhere so killing him would just revive him wherever. So maybe the next steps for him are to find that (enabling killing him), kill the Winter Queen, and destroy the Heart of the forest, and then destroy the Arbiter. Unlock the whatever and get to the Sepulcher and … well whatever it is he wants to do then.

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This expac will end with the way to the VL being open the way i see it, and us needed the strength of a titan(Sargeras) to lead the fight against them.

There is a reason for why Sargy is captured rn, he’s probably gonna have a change of heart by the end.

Titans the only things we never actually beat the full power form of, Argus was a malformed baby that was drained of its strength for millenias.

And Aggramar was more like an avatar than his actual self.

Sargeras was so strong that they had us capture him.

I doubt the Jailer will be the same, we’re probably gonna beat him ourselves and capture/kill him.

So far nothing ive seen from these eternal ones comes even close to a titant’s power, let Alone Sargeras.

The void lords are the real threat.

And they’re coming.

Anduin already has grey hair, it’ll lead to the Son of the wolf comic with him with grey hair leading the fight against them.

First ones are probably Titan level or something close, they couldve been titans themselves.

I dearly hope they aren’t the Titans. I hope they oppose them actually

We also had godly weapons at the time (some more than others like xal’atath, tuu’re, apocalypse and the scepter of sargeras) and Argus still managed to kill us. If it wasnt for the other titans Azeroth would be gone by now

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Yeah i doubt we’ll ever fight beings of that scale bar maybe the void lords, which themselves will probably be taken care of by titans/Sargeras alllying with us if i had to guess.

This comment sums it up perfectly, especially the “characters or entities are as strong or weak as the story demands” part. From Sylvanas defeating Lich King Bolvar to Grom one-shotting Mannoroth or Illidan one-shotting Xe’ra. I hate it when stories do that.

It does make sense that the Archon was beaten twice, first time with your soul juice explanation and the second time because Anduin being possessed by the Jailer. I also have the theory the Archon was holding back when fighting Devos because she didn’t want to slay Devos.

I don’t know how strong the Winter Queen is in battle, and the Primus was said to be unbeatable but he’s MIA because of something the Jailer did and Denathrius was a tough boss fight.


You do know that each Eternal created the realm that they dwell in, right? Denathrius literal shaped Revendreth from muck. The Primus forged Maldraxxus from some conquered monstrosity. The Winter Queen grew Ardenweild around the forests heart. The Archon shaped Bastion into its glorious form.

Not only that, the Eternals created many of the first forms of ‘life’ in those realms, shaping them from the raw stuff of death and their own power. The first Harvesters were never mortal souls, but beings Denathrius breathed life into himself - likewise he was the first to impart life to figures of stone that became the first Stoneborn and Dredgers. The Winter Queen made the fairies and tirnenn. It is the Archon who personally Ascends every Aspirent, and it’s likely that she created the original Paragons as well.

The Eternals are absolutely as powerful as the Titans, at least in their own realm of Death, but we see them with their power expended - stretched thin either over their many creations, trying to hold them together against the drought, or in Sire Denathrius’s case with all of his energy focused on feeding Zovaal in the Maw.

They could absolutely crush the dragon aspects, under normal circumstances. Even as they are now, they wouldn’t be much of a challenge, especially since it seems the Eternal’s themselves cannot die. The Archon has been struck down twice and still hasn’t died. Denathrius himself wasn’t killed but absorbed by his sword, likely to return later on down the line. All of the Titans except Sargeras have been killed, only to reform after we freed their Titan souls from the Legion.