The post-Ulduar gear iLvl squish suggestion is a TERRIBLE idea - here's why

Why increase the difficulty at all? Who asked for this?

Why, the .5% of raiders and parts of the Community Council, of course! And that’s all that matters, right?!


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Yes, this is what I keep saying. We won’t shift off the DK/Arcane/Afflic meta the entire expac if we don’t get specs to their secondary stat threshholds that 3.3.5a is balanced around

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What are you talking about? People skip raid bosses left and right, even now with TBC there are tons of people skipping 60% of black temple.

They’re not forcing it lmao. They’re giving people choices, if they want to get their piece of gear on ToC they can do ToC, if they want the same piece of gear on Ulduar, they can do Ulduar. What’s so hard to understand?

Sure, I bet that saves a lot of time.

But if the gear you want doesn’t drop you’re going to have to run it again… and again… and again… and again…

There are people who haven’t seen glaives or skull drop even though they raid every week.

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Exactly, people here are ranting for non sense.

They don’t want to get their gear nerfed, they just want to rush the expansion and get their BiS gear and move to the next thing.

I hope Blizz is still on track about this, Ulduar’s relevance becomes obsolete after ToC and it shouldn’t be like that.


Because not wanting an iLvl squish inherently implies that we want to rush the expansion? That’s ridiculous.

I’m assuming you are in favor of the iLvl squish - for what reasons do you think it will be a good idea?

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Because it is one of the things that made WoW Vanilla so great.

By giving relevance to all raids, players can pick and choose which raid they want to do, rather than being choked by a new “BiS raid” with each patch that comes by.

If players can choose between ToC and Ulduar rather than being forced into ToC to get their BiS gear, it’s better for them, they have more options to go with, and that’s good.


This is inaccurate reasoning and the comparison makes no sense. Each phase of vanilla WoW saw progressively better overall gear, with exception to a very small handful of items that remained relevant into the late game. (OSG, DFT, Crul, etc)

Are you suggesting that there is virtually no reason to run Ulduar once T9 drops?
I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not


Ulduar was too short and one of the only raids I completely missed out on.

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Okay, they’re not forcing it, they’re just heavily encouraging you to run it for 6 months.

you wont be done with all the hardmodes in 6 months.

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So why do we need the Ilvl squish then in the first place?


At Phase 6 Vanilla there were Phase 1 items that were BiS to certain contexts like wbuffs or no wbuffs, like MC bow & Rag belt for warrior. There were tons of items that were relevant from all raids.

ToC T9 totally replaces Ulduar T8 and many other items dropped in Ulduar, more than any Vanilla Phase does with any previous vanilla raid.

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And SWP gear doesn’t do this in BC already? Cause uh, yeah.

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When Wolk was current, at this exact point (start of tier 9) i specifically felt that normal TOC replacing Heroic Ulduar was just wrong. I was VERY into wow at that time, this is one of the earliest memories of what I felt to be a truly terrible development decision. (other than Tier 7 tuning but I brushed that off as “entry level”.)

I am happy to see they are addressing it.

I felt it’s wrong back then and i remain of the belief that it was wrong.


Then what’s the reasoning behind nerfing ICC loot? Like sure, if they really think TOC is such a bad raid that they don’t want people to run it, why not buff the gear to toc level and then leave ICC as is? People like being powerful at end game, why nerf people in the final phase because they want people to run ulduar more?

How is this not a great thing?

no idea. i’m more worried about other things with iCC such as: Will there be limited attempts this time? will there be Determination buffs this time?

there was plenty wrong the first time. everyone forgot the end-wing limited attempts. complete amnesia. Nobody even asked about that yet.

See that yellow text at the top? Why is that yellow text not a concern to anyone?