The post-Ulduar gear iLvl squish suggestion is a TERRIBLE idea - here's why

Why not just extend the life of Ulduar to a 9 month raid? Keep it open much longer than initial release. Problem solved.

iLevel squish is the worst idea - don’t alter this game further and make it unrecognizable.

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Sadly, I was planning on maining mage this time around (mained MM hunter at the end of Wrath last time), while having a hunter and/or warrior as back up.

I picked the three winners of this stupid idea.

All it means is that ulduar hard mode gear will be SLIGHTLY better than ICC normal gear.

This gives people a reason to clear it even after ICC drops.

Here’s a better idea imo.

Switch ToGC and Ulduar releases. Make ToGC 226 and increase iLvl of Ulduar. Problem solved.

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They’re also making it so all the icc raids will lock out at normal or hard.

You won’t be able to clear normal 10 and 25 and then do it again on heroic.

You’ll only be able to do icc 2 times a week vs 4, making any sort of gear farm take twice as long if you had planned on doing 4 a week.

Ya I don’t get why this isn’t the proposed solution. Buff Ulduar and make it harder to compensate, leave ToC as is similar to what ZA was in TBC (catch up mechanic), and buff ICC?

Perfect response.

If one of those is the real problem, these are far better and more specific ways to solve the issue than doing a huge change with far-reaching consequences.

solved game
players are soo much better now
choose your response there are others that I’m sure you’ve seen before in this forum

nice nostalgia vid tho
one shaman makes me cry every time

everyone keeps saying this and its true the hard core epeeners will finish everything quickly but wow didnt get big because it focused on those guys. it focused on the next level down semi casual. and todays semi casual people are employed.
They need to be careful with this.

That was kinda my point.
Everyone is not the 1% yet they will parrot the rhetoric.
We shall see.
Sorry I again forgot the sarcasm tag.

not players… only their addons.

I have to turn my sound way up.
You can call me Gramps, the Kingslayer.