The Post-Fourth War World

What zones? We got access to questing zones, but the Horde faction really only picked up “maybe” two in the form of Hillsbrad and Azshara; and the prior’s status is up in the air with the very real prospects of Arathi and Gilneas being returned to the Allliance.

Merely having access to zones for the sake of improving what really was a shallow questing experience in Vanilla … does not mean the Horde actually picked up much in terms of territorial control. For gods sake, the Kalimdor Horde is now faced with the harsh reality of attempting to support 5 distinct cultures and peoples within the land so decimated by the sundering that even the NEs didn’t want it. There is one hell of an interesting story to be told about a World Power needing breathing space to grow into something of worth; with nowhere left to grow into. But … Blizzard doesn’t care about things like that, not even in the books.

What the nelves didnt give up azshara cause they didnt want it, they gave it up to prevent a future war about resources, I am starting to feel that you never done alliance questing.

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Oh, I did it at level 80 here on my main when it came out. I already had Loremaster from Classic-Wrath, so was eager to see the old world changes and did all the zones again with the Cataclysm revamp.

But Dustwallow wasn’t revamped. You go there from Southern Barrens (it didn’t help that I hated Southern Barrens) to suddenly be back in time where you’re routing deserters who are trying to get Theramore to go to war with the Horde. But worse than that is how horrible the quest gameplay felt after the far better gameplay design of all the other revamp zones.

It was the same with Desolace and Arathi. Those three zones were miserable to play again.

From what I remember, did Dustwallow get a little revamped in TBC or something? I think Mudsprocket and some other things were added because there were originally so few quests there. I was disappointed Cata didn’t bring back Stonemaul Village in all its glory with a new Stonemaul chieftain.

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Yes, and I’m always happy to quest with Goblins, but Burning Crusade era questing design was quite horrible, too. I look forward to being able to skip Outland and Northrend when the level squish comes.


Funny how I recall then that one of the major enemies we need to fight in that zone are NEs and their Ancients. If they had really “gifted” the zone to the Horde to prevent such conflict and resource competition … then I wouldn’t spent half the zone using a Goblin Shredder to clear cut access to those resources. At best, it was a symbolic gift post Garrosh’s rein … but the Cartel had already cemented its control of the zone long before that.

On top of this, Azshara was only a “NE Zone” in that it was once part of the Ancient Kalimdor, and it remained parallel to Ashenvale. As far as I can tell, it was largely abandoned prior to the Horde’s incursion into it; after Illidan’s rampage through the territory during the Third War. The Naga and Satyr held strong positions within the area; and from what I recall about Vanilla NE content … they largely considered the region “Cursed” … due to the fact that the ruins of that zone were actually a festering vestige of the Kaldorei Capital.

Amusingly, during the Legion Invasion pre-expansion events, we saw the Talrendis Ancient had grown back, and Night Elf forces were still stationed in Azshara, and both helped the Goblins fend off the demons from the back gates of Orgrimmar.

Tyrande also never gave Azshara to the Horde. Just let them use its lumber in return for staying out of Ashenvale. Something obviously the Bilgewater did not keep their end of the deal up for.

LOL … lets be fair.

Even Goblins don’t trust Gallywix to hold up his end of bargains. Tyrande has no one else to blame but herself if she believed he wouldn’t overstep his boundaries. Guy does not care how many of his workers she slaughters, if he can still pull out some profit from where he’s not supposed to be.

Thank god Gazlowe is our Trade Prince now. He actually is more predictable in how he follows through with contracts.

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What are you confusing what is happening during the cata war with what happened after mop when the war ended?

No I’m not. You can’t “gift” something to someone who already has that thing you’re trying to gift them. The Cartel was so firmly ingrained into Azshara by the conclusion of MoP, any “gifting” the NEs did with Azshara was symbolic at best.

Just saying. The Bilgewater know who to turn to for demolishing Gallywix’s Pleasure Palace, and would give the Night Elves some catharsis. The Bilgewater probably don’t want to touch the place themselves. They know what’s been done there.

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Well … this created images I never wanted to ever think about lol! Everything in that palace must be super sticky … from various sources. On the other hand, we did invent Golf. That’s pretty cool. But, yeah, go nuts NEs … take a crack at that terrible place.


Um… Legion Invasions were after Warlords of Draenor, which was after Mists of Pandaria.

Umm the alliance won the war hun,

edit proof as when mezten said alliance was the sole superpower now

Of course he did. “Horde Bias” am I right? The Alliance is the Sole Superpower … which is why Blizzard did nothing to rebuild the Horde in preparation for us to be the antagonists in another Faction Conflict. What a joke … Pick a fight with the faction you have no chance in hell against to push the personal narrative of a single character that has never represented your faction well.

Well umm in good war and elegy the factions are equal again, cause of the legion

There have been too many wars so the idea that any faction can fight another is ridiculous.

Not … really? The Horde is portrayed as sufficient enough to make a sneak attack against a single Alliance race … only when the majority of that race’s forces are deterred with a feint; and the rest of the Alliance cant reinforce them fast enough due to the loss of their fleet. Hell, A Good War actually portrays it as if had both Malf and Tyrande been on the field in the WoT … the Horde could not have possibly won that battle. AND … even with all these advantages for the Horde, the NEs police force managed to hold their own against 8 to 1 odds extremely well.

If Blizz wasn’t handicapping the Alliance both ideologically and literally in about a half-a-dozen ways; the Horde would have no chance in hell. But … Blizzard didn’t care about that … they just cared about the Red Faction being the plot device they needed to push Sylvie’s story and set up Shadowlands. God I love being portrayed as weak, ineffectual villains.


Yes, the Alliance put in a highway towards the Barrens which was the justification for the bombing of Theramore as it had become the acess route for supplies to the Alliance forces in the Barrens.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

In terms of zone distribution, because the Worgen should get their capital back … then there should be some territory shifts to compensate. On EK Arathi; Hillsbrad; Silverpine; Tol Barad; and Gilneas all go to the Alliance. Tirisfal remains with the Forsaken, and they fully move into the Plaguelands and that still unseen “Northern Lordaeron” zone. Alterac remains as it currently is.

On Kalimdor, the NEs fully consume and heal Hyjal; Winterspring; Felwood; Darkshore; and Ashenvale in their entirety. The Horde picks up Dustwallow (screw Theramore); Thousand Needles; Tanaris; and Ungoro (if we truly are seeing Farakki Horde). Stonetalon, Desolace, and Feralas remain as they are; largely neutral with mostly NE and Tauren presences.

I could care less about “control” of Northrend if the Kalimdor Horde is allowed to move South; but since Blizz finally gave an opportunity for the Forsaken to grow and preserve their people … in a non antagonistic way. They should be allowed to exploit the now nearly endless army of Lich-King Less Scourge, and get back to their roots of freeing the minds of those that can still be freed.