The Post-Fourth War World

I feel like you get a little possessive about even the “neutral” elements of this game sometimes? Azshara? Gazlowe? The Cape of Stranglethorn in a hypothetical Anti-Cata expansion where the Gurubashi join the Horde. Also, if her goal is resource acquisition and tourism like she states to the Goblin PC, there are worse things than having the soul Horde aligned port in Stranglethorne if the Gurubashi really are going to fall in line behind the Horde.

If anything, its just as the “Can’t we just buy the Bilgewater” thread states. There is demand on the Horde that cannot be matched in such quantities on the Alliance. The Gnomes, Dwarves, and Humans combined covered most demand that the Goblins would normally profit off of. If ever the Trolls of Stranglethorn ever did follow the Zandalari and Darkspear, then holding a lions share on Horde imports and exports to and from the territory would be an incredible source of income.

You don’t know how much time I spent killing pirates for the Steamwheedle. (… Too make up for all the time I spent killing Booty Bay guards and Jazzrik after them…)

The Gurubashi can probably set up their own port up closer to Zul’Gurub.

:anguished: tfw when the Horde is likely now cut off from the locations and monuments where Grom Hellscream died (Demon Fall Canyon) and where Orgrim Doomhammer died (Hammerfall).

In before: “They were evil and Thrall was wrong to show them any respect.”

Not necessarily. High Elves were allowed to make pilgrimage back to the Sunwell in Wrath even after the Wrathgate, after all.

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So? Look, the Horde needs all the help it can get, and Gazlowe has always been very Horde Alligned in the past. Ever major story involving him always had him intimately tuned in with Horde characters. Hell, the Steamwheedle themselves were strongly allied with the Orcish Horde during the Second War. They only returned to a state of neutrality afterwards … in no small part likely due to the fact that their clients were no longer profitable.

Booty Bay can remain neutral, but there is no need for preferential treatment for it as a city. You seem fine with the Horde picking up Tanaris full time, with the expectation that Gadgetzan remain neutral. So why not Booty Bay? I just dont understand this sort of strange dichotomy where the NEs NEED to hold their immense swath of lands into perpetuity, but the Trolls can only be allowed to cling to the barest lingering dredges of their ancestral homes?

Hardwrench Hideaway is an already established Horde port on the Cape. In fact its the only real one in Stranglethron. Sassy would profit immensely should the Gurubashi ally with the Horde, as the infrastructure of her little base was designed around exports and imports. If anything, she might give the Steamweedle of Booty Bay a real run for their money. In such a hypothetical world, she’d make more profit with the Bilgewater than the Steamwheedle.

It’s sad how little the old pirate crews featured in the Pirate Expansion…


I don’t agree with this assessment. If the Gurabashi wanted that area back they would likely want Sassy and maybe even Booty Bay off of the land so they can reclaim it. Additionally, what tourism would Sassy see from locals? She’d get much more business from people who don’t already live there, including Alliance if she opened it up to them.

Summing it up after some thinking (more thinking may be needed):

Eastern Kingdoms:
Alliance (16?): Elwynn Forest, Duskwood, Westfall, Redridge Mountains, Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge, Loch Modan, Dun Morogh, Twilight Highlands, Wetlands, Arathi Highlands, Hillsbrad Foothills, Silverpine Forest, Gilneas, Tol Barad?, Badlands?
Horde (8): Alterac (NEW), Cape of Strangethorn, Northern Stranglethorn, Western Plaguelands, Eastern Plaguelands, Ghostlands, Eversong Woods, Quel’danas
Shared (3?): Hinterlands, Blasted Lands?, Swamp of Sorrows?
Independent: Tirisfal Glades (Silver Hand)

Alliance (6): Darkshore, Moonglade, Winterspring, Felwood, Mount Hyjal, Ashenvale
Horde (11): Azshara, Durotar, Northern Barrens, Southern Barrens, Stonetalon Mountains, Desolace, Mulgore, Dustwallow Marsh, Thousand Needles, Un’goro Crater, Tanaris
Shared (3?): Feralas, Silithus, Ahn’Qiraj
Independent: Uldum (Tol’vir)
Unfortunately destroyed when the Exodar got fixed and the Draenei moved to an actual zone: Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst Isle

Alliance (5?): Tiragarde Sound, Stormsong Valley, Drustvar, Mechagon, Val’sharah?
Horde (5): Zuldazar, Nazmir, Vol’dun, Suramar, Highmountain

She actually outright tells you that the reason she opened up the Hideaway is for resource acquisition for the Horde; and a tourism business on the side. She strangely only gives this bit of dialogue to the Horde Goblin PC; and her dialogue is a lot more vague and generic to other Horde PCs. She even allows for a Zandalari rep to remain and do business within the Town; and that was a threat to everyone.

Also, again. Why is it that the Trolls need to lose their ancestral land because “they aren’t using it”, but every single NE territory is the most holy of sacred ground? So much so that you still consider the zone now shaped into a Horde logo as “Neutral” territory still. The Gurubashi’s issue has always been its fractured nature, just like the Amani. Should they reconcile, then their territories would be the next on their list to reclaim.

I thank god that blizzard is gonna ignore all of this, you guys are forgetting about everything that isnt horde or alliance, the world is much more than the two factions.

Not anymore, it isn’t. The Horde and Alliance have more than doubled in size since Vanilla.

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We’re talking about a hypothetical anti-cata expansion, and the changes in territorial control that might occur in such a world. This is especially prominent with the new tribal customization options for the Trolls, which seems to suggest that the Amani; Farraki; and Gurubashi might be joining up with the Horde. Thus, it is assumed their territories would follow with them.

And … yeah, this sort of discussion is especially important for the Kalimdor Horde; due to the fact that they are now trying to support 5 distinct groups of peoples in 5 zones. 3 of which are some of the most desolate landscapes in the World.

well then your even more wrong, cause thats exactly what I mean if blizzard is gonna do a cata type xpac why would they ignore past stories of certain zones just to give them to the red team, they wouldnt

Because I like considering future stories and avenues of storytelling to explore?

Also, the game is long overdue for such an expansion; and the success of Classic shows people are ready for those sort of small scale, regional, and more personal stories again. These bombastic end of the world style narratives, back to back to back has done nothing but run the setting ragged, and desensitized the player base.

Or, Blizz could just update canon zone control in a book? I dunno.

I want a cata xpac too, but they arent gonna ignore the stories the zones told right now. They arent gonna have the plaguelands filled with forsaken, when they got argents already, the general playerbase is gonna be confused. and like wise for kalimdor

She doesn’t mention the Horde as far as I can see in either quest. For Goblins:

    Yes, can I help…

    <Sassy’s jaw drops to the floor.>

    <name>! Is it really you?! Look how big and strong you’ve gotten! Let me feel that bicep!

    Me? I’ve been trying to make my gold here in the jungle. We’re mainly in resource acquisition, but we also do tourism.

    I know, genius, right?

For everyone else:

    It’s not easy running a combination 5-star exotic resort/jungle resource salvaging plant!

That’s not my logic. That was yours for Azshara.


I get it, you value the Argents storyline more than the Forsaken’s; or even the Horde as a whole’s for that matter. You also seem to believe the Argents and Forsaken cannot operate in the same space, even if the Forsaken do get a change in course from their current situation?

Honestly, I don’t care about the Argents if what they are going to do is implicitly side with the Alliance by deliberately healing the Plaguelands for Humans/Alliance habitation. They are enemies to the Horde if that is the case, no matter how subtle their method of conquering territory in the Horde’s back yard actually is. Because the end goal is the same, push the Horde out to make room for the Alliance to come back. Even if its in a slow “Manifest Destiny” way.

They can heal the lands for “People” the live within. The Forsaken, The BEs, the Amani. These are people too. A slight shift in the end goal, does not mean they have failed in their quest. It just means they are adapting to the changing world around him, and helping people who actually do need that territory. Not a bunch of humans believing in their divine right to reclaim a dead Kingdom; the only one outside of Alterac that is truly dead … even with Corpse Calia in play.

You have your own biases too, the alliance shouldn’t get swamp of sorrows cause, think of the broken, I know you dont care about the argents, but they are a part of this story no matter what, and luckly for me you dont dictate what is important or not. I am just here to tell you what blizzard is most likely to do, and ignoring the argent story is not something they would do if they revamped the plagueland zones.

btw horde players are the only ones who ever think the argents would side with the alliance, as a alliance player we know they do nothing but sit down on there asses till the war is over.

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This isn’t a thread about what a Blizzard is most likely to do, it’s about what Blizzard should do.

Well they shouldnt ignore stories