The Post-Fourth War World

Seems like a fair enough breakdown. Gives the Horde some growing room, but I’m uncertain why exactly the Horde would get Stranglethorn, SoS, or Blasted Lands? And if we’re getting Northern Stranglethorn, why not also Southern outside of Booty Bay? Sassy’s Hideaway is already down there, so its not like the Horde doesn’t already have an established presence. Especially if your expectation is that Gadgetzan would remain neutral in a Horde controlled Tanaris anyway?

Of these zones, only the Stranglethorns make sense for the Horde to have. Those two territories are already going to be a nightmare to hold and reinforce, and thats not even including trying to get the Gurubashi in line behind the Horde; since they hate both Orcs and Darkspear. Swamp of Sorrows may have some somewhat worthwhile resources, but with no overland route to get in there beyond going through Alliance territory … its next to worthless. Blasted Lands is garbage, there is nothing of value in that unsalvagable zone even the NEs couldn’t fix. The Horde also gets to put up with sort of “the zones that are so desolate even the Alliance doesn’t want them”.

Also, I get that you are super defensive about the Dustwallow Marsh, but the idea that because “Humans dont get to live there anymore” means invalidating the fact that Goblins, Horde Alligned Ogres, and Grimtotem Tauren still live there, so the zone can’t go Horde … seems a bit petty.

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I guess the assumption is the gurubashi follow the zandalari. The blasted lands and swamp of sorrows would be more difficult as there is no reason for the alliance not to have rebuilt nethergarde and I believe the alliance won in the swamp of sorrows during cataclysm.

Feralas is split between the Tauren and the Night Elves


I like that the zone carved into a giant Horde insignia is “shared” territory.


We need a wall, at the very least

A biiiiiiig wall

Multiple walls, actually

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The Horde has catapults that can hit miles away. What’s a wall gonna do?


No, you don’t get it, like, a REEEEALLY big wall.

Oh, yes, I’m just talking about lore. I don’t mean as removing/changing the existing leveling zones or anything.

I’m giving Cenarion lands to the Night Elves, thus the Alliance, with the caveat that Horde Cenarion Circle members are still welcome as they always have been.

Winterspring has Starfall Village and the Frostsaber Trainers, but yes, the Night Elves would share it with Everlook, who would be allowed the remain independent. This would parallel the Horde getting Tanaris and sharing it with Gadgetzan, which would also stay independent.

Both Alliance and Horde have interest in not letting the Silithid become a problem again.

Stranglethorn if the Gurabashi join the Horde for character customization. Blasted Lands because with Nethergarde gone might as well give it to the Horde and the Mag’har, same with the Swamp of Sorrows.

Booty Bay is significant enough that its independence takes precedence in my book.

I am not an unbiased person.

I like it, too.

maybe we can stole the bandorei and make our own!
we have some velfs that could help us with that!

Swamp of Sorrows and Blasted Lands really should remain neutral. The prior holds the largest population of Broken on Azeroth, and the latter is a wasteland that corrupts anything that tries to grow there. Both are also inaccessible from any land base routes that don’t go deep through Alliance territory. There just isnt enough value there for the Horde to invest.

As for the Stranglethorns, if the Gurubashi are on board … then I don’t see why not. However, the Cape of Stranglethorn is more than just Booty Bay. Far more. If the expectation is that those territories become Horde because of the Gurubashi joining under the Darkspear and Zandalari; then the majority of the Cape of Stranglethorn is their territory. On top of it the Horde already has a firmly established base within the region, with Sassy’s Hideaway.

Bluntly, if the expectation is that Gadgetzan remains neutral despite being deep in hypothetical Horde territory. Everlook remains neutral despite being heavy in Alliance territory. Fuselight remains neutral despite being surrounded on all sides by heavy Alliance lands. Then Booty Bay should not require an entire zone to remain neutral. Honestly, its actually only Ratchet and perhaps Mudsprocket that I’d be most concerned about falling in line behind Gazlowe.

EDIT: To that end, Dustwallow is more than just Theramore as well … much more.

Just rebuild and resettle everything. New world tree with new night elf capital, Undercity, Brill, Gilneas, Dalaran back in the crater, Southshore, old Kargath, Okri’lon Hold, Nethergarde Keep, Camp Taurajo, Menethil Harbor, Stonemaul Village, Theramore, Auberdine, Lor’danel, Freewind Post, Hillsbrad Fields, Drakgor Encampment, old Feathermoon Stronghold. All of it!

Edit: And Gnomeregan!

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If you want.

Or Sassy can ditch the Bilgewater and join the Steamwheedle. As Gazlowe will say, doesn’t really matter who pays as long as the pay is good.

She’s in the Goblin Heritage questline, pretty sure she’s staying Bilgewater.

Also, not sure if that changes the fact that if all the other Steamwheedle locals are allowed to stay neutral despite being in/or surrounded by Alliance/Horde territories … why Booty Bay exclusively needs an entire zone they don’t even control now?

This is where I’m obligated to state that getting rid of Gallywix was a Faustian bargain. And he’s not paying me to say this.

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Steamwheedle are important enough that they should have their own main base of operation, and Booty Bay is probably the most profitable, despite Noggenfogger Elixirs.

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Gib Gnomer.


Very good point! I’m ashamed I missed that. I added it in an edit.

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I mean, have we ever introduced Trade Prince Steamwheedle? One could assume that he has his own settup somewhere, and that that is the center of the Cartel’s Operations. As impressive as Booty Bay is, its officially led by Revilgaz, its not the headquarters of the Trade Prince. None of the towns or business locals are for that matter.

Exploring the Steamwheedle’s primary seat of operations might be a future fun side mission. No need to arbitrarily give all of the Cape of Stranglethorn to the Cartel, when they don’t seem to want it; and its already Gurubashi territory. This is especially true when you consider that one of his Town Operators just jumped ship and became a Trade Prince of a Rival Cartel as of 8.3.

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I assume their headquarters was probably split between Undermine and a port city on the surface of Kezan like Bilgewater Port. I would love to learn where they relocated to after the Cataclysm though.

I’ve also always wanted them to introduce more goblin cartels too. Trade Prince Donais might have to return to whichever one he runs, now that his kind host was unceremoniously thrown out.

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Proving more examples of how easily Goblins switch cartels just shows how easily Sassy could switch sides as well. She set up shop down there to make money, after all, not for any particular interest in the Horde.