The Post-Fourth War World

No, the Argents are healing the Plaguelands with the explicit intent of ensuring those lands can be reclaimed and resettled by Humans. That is their literal reason for wanting to cleans and heal that dead Kingdom. So, by that logic, they are quite literally trying to settup a new Alliance territory in between two Horde nations; and there is no way in hell those people moving into Lordaeron are going to just … let the Forsaken remain in Lordaeron. They are taking a side as long as their intent is to resettle those territories for Humans! That is not hyperbole, that is literal. No matter how much they screech about neutrality.

I do care about the Argents, but not at the expense of the Horde being allowed to grow and evolve as a Faction. The Argents find themselves locked on the only overland route between two Horde nations, who should quite bluntly already control that territory. If they want to continue doing what they are doing in that Horde territory, and keep their holy sites … that’s fine. But screw em if their end game still remains “plug Humans here so we can eventually just push you out”.

Yeah totally thats why the argent have orcs and undead in there ranks too right

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It’s not just Classic I think

People seem to have enjoyed fixing problems of Zandalar and Kul Tiras way more than the BIG BOMBASTIC WAR CAMPAIGN WOOO or mining Azerite to SAVE OUR DYING WORLD OOOOOOO


Cool, then if those members matter … then I see no reason why they cannot continue to heal the land and let the … Forsaken, BEs, and probably the Amani move in? Right? If they aren’t a political entity. Don’t intend to repopulate the Plaguelands with Humans in an attempt to revive a Dead Nation. And they are so inclusive to include a few token Undead and Orcs … then they should have no problem with other people claiming those territories they heal? Right?

This discussion is straying closer and closer to the Plaguelands being healed to be place where the undead and the living can live together happily like the Gathering was intended to start.

I’d hoped this War had killed any hopes of that horrible idea…

Why would they let them move in when they are already there, why cant the argents become a neutral nation that lets all members of each faction come to them?

The Forsaken let Anduin (and Thrall) carry Saurfang into Orgrimmar.


Because they are not a nation? They don’t have the infrastructure in place to be a nation? They are also a Human based one, built around a Human based religion. The Horde Paladin cultures always just get absorbed into them whenever Paladins need to be relevant; for the sake of convenience. Its not like they are actually represented in that group, more they are along for the ride.

Also, lets be honest. The only reason plugging a “Neutral” Nation in the middle of two Horde nations would work is because the Alliance races are portrayed as perfect flawless beings from conception. They have no flaws. No racism. No holding grudges that they act upon. All that “evil” stuff … thats the flawed Horde races deal.

[Everyone disliked that]


did you ever quest in the plagueslands they literally have the infrastructure, a neutral nation would be wonderful for the story and this helps blizzard as they have two zones they can keep neutral for questing for both sides so less writing and the pace is kept. you just have your bias of wanting all of northern EK to just be horde for no reason.

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nah just you and that other worgen

Blizzard probably thought it was pretty cool.

All the people who are tired of the faction war and hope that one day Ion will finally unite the factions probably thought it was cool.

Oh I’m sure they thought it was cool. And they momentarily forgot the Night Elves are supposed to have the least shred of dignity when they decided the High King should give an eulogy to their butcher.

This was sold as the faction pride expansion with the “Faction matters” tagline.
And they recently confirmed the Horde vs. Alliance war is a pillar that won’t ever go away from the game.

I’m surprised they took the time to acknowledge that Tyrande wasn’t there in the first place.

Saurfang isnt sylvanas

They might’ve remembered Night Elves are a thing at the last minute.

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No I want them to control the territories that makes sense for them to have; and I dont operate solely off of how convenient you can keep the Horde Faction for the “Alliances” story like you clearly do. Every single suggestion you have for the Horde is to keep them contained and out of the way. My god, the Kalimdor Horde is now attempting to support 5 cultures in 5 zones; with 3 of them being so desolate that even the NEs could not fix them, and thus do not want them.

There could be an actual story to tell there if Blizz wasn’t so fixated on villain batting the Horde and deifying the Alliance. Actually supporting a growing population in the garbage dumps even the Alliance didn’t want is an interesting story.

As for the EK Horde, apparently they need to remain as convenient for the EK Alliance as possible; and part of that is allowing a Human Run, Human Based, Organization, operating under a Deeply Human Religious Belief System, who’s goal since Vanilla is to heal the Lordaeron territories for Human resettlement … to just become a major party right in their back yard. Which again … runs parallel to your regular arguments of focusing on simply Containing the Horde.

sure, the argents where always like that, the people who are first into the fire to protect azeroth