The Post-Fourth War World

Right, which is why I avoided both Desolace and Stonetalon on the list. And, if needed, they can easily enough be added to the Alliance list.

For the most part, the Alliance take the Western Shore, the Horde take the Eastern one. Pretty much split the continent down a NorthWest/SouthEast line. This especially makes sense if the Horde really are getting the Farraki as the new Troll customization implies; and one could assume the Tauren reintegrate the Grimtotem … thus Dustwallow.

The EK on the other hand is split between a North/South line, with the Alliance getting the bulk of the territories. However, considering I figure the Forsaken should have an avenue at continuing their people with the Helm of Domination being destroyed … I see no reason why the EK Horde cant supplement their territories with some Eastern Northrend locals.

I guess the general goal is to just get us out of eachothers way for a while; and give both sides plenty of space and resources to rebuild.

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This is the same Blizzard:


Jeezus … these people take an uncomfortable amount of pride in one of the single most hated and contentious events in Warcraft. I just do not understand being in this much of an echo chamber?


I posted this in the other thread as response to people’s response to the Autumn party:

Also this:


Why is THAT being counted? The Alliance has no presence there, only a few dead elves. May as well call that Demon Hunter territory.

And I don’t recall Ungoro being Horde either.

It’s possible because the Nar’thalas Mages in the Stormwind portal room have the Darnassus faction tag. And this doesn’t seem to be for PvP reasons, since other portal NPCs in there don’t have similar faction tags.

The Horde do have the Venomhide Ravasaur mount daily quest there equivalent to the Winterspring Frostsaber for the Alliance.

Its more of a hypothetical distribution of terrain. How things would likely fall in a period of peace and rebuilding. Essentially, a “what-if” Anti-Cata expansion. The external zones are less important than the EK or Kalimdor ones conceptually, but as Amadis said there are Nar’thalas Mages in SW. As for Ungoro … why is it that every area with sources of lumber is just magically off limits to the Horde? Plus, I’m sure the Zandalari would have a field day in there.

Don’t you have an infinite source of lumber in the Barrens already?

They had to have an Alliance tag for World PVP purposes and since they’re sort of Night Elves, rather than invent one, they stuck Darnassus on them instead of Stormwind.

For obvious gameplay reasons they could not use the “Court of Farondis” tag.

The barrens are called that for a reason, there might be some patches of trees in some areas but for the most part, there is not an endless supply of lumber there. Unless counting the overgrowth which has its own dangers due to emerald nightmare shenanigans (that have not been addressed as being solved in lore yet).

There are areas that could become such, they just need updated lore or something.

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And Ashenvale has Alliance, seems smarter to go with the overgrowth.


True, especially if we can overcome the fact the Overgrowth is on the other side of the divide and the options of getting it to Horde cities are:

  1. Through the ruins of camp T and the gate to get it to Thunder Bluff
  2. Through Stonetalon, which if not alliance is no-mans land, and then Ashenvale to Northern Barrens or Azhara then to Org
  3. to the coast where it can be loaded onto a ship to Orgrimmar (Ratchet is still Northern Barrens) where the only potential issue is Northwatch

Just for reference, here is the map with the Overgrowth:

The Dry Hills, which get seeds blown into them from Ashenvale is likely the best bet that is closest/safest to any Horde city.

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So build a bridge. It’s not exactly in need of a bridge the size of the Thandol Span, and if there’s one resource available in Durotar it’s rock.

It was a camp, you put up much more impressive structures in a range of .25-3 months in Domination Point, and Theramore isn’t exactly around to protest. You can build another.

It’s this one, probably leaning Horde because the Alliance got its butt handed to it there. Still, caravan through Northern Barrens, Mulgore and Durotar would work. Your newest allied race is even the 2nd most caravan-loving group in the game after the Grummels.

Um… You quoted me noting that this is not the case.

I think you’re focusing too much on zone number count. I think a fairer way to assess things would be land area size. If things were split up after a hypothetical Treaty of Thorns, if you would:

Purple being Shared, and Green being Independent:

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I’d think Azshara is red by now. And Teldrassil doesn’t exist. Stone talon I think is purple and isn’t Feralas blue? No idea how Hillsbrad isn’t red. Shouldn’t Moonglade be purple too?

During the Legion Invasion pre-expansion events, we saw the Talrendis Ancient had grown back, and Night Elf forces were still stationed in Azshara, and both helped the Goblins fend off the demons from the back gates of Orgrimmar.

Tyrande also never gave Azshara to the Horde. Just let them use its lumber in return for staying out of Ashenvale. Something I - mostly jokingly - point out obviously the Bilgewater did not keep their end of the deal up for.

The island Teldrassil grew on is still there.

You are correct on Stonetalon. I will fix that. (Edit: Fixed.)

Feralas is shared with the Tauren.

Hillsbrad I would give back to the Alliance, though Tarren Mill and everything north would go back to being Alterac and would go to the Horde.

Moonglade I give to blue since Malfurion is the leader of the Cenarion Circle.

You maniac! You sank it! Curse you!

Also, personally, I’d have the Draenei finally leave those god-forsaken islands.

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Might have to have someone ask the Dwarves how htey did such, the divide is also the Scar of Deathwing, I.E. it might not be IN a mountain or volcano but it is still over, potentially still hot, magma/lava. If nothing else, we might have to use some of the black iron from under Orgrimmar to build it.

Alliance got its butt handed to them there, but Horde withdrew after Garrosh “dismissed” the idiot that bombed the school. In other words it is one area in need of an update.

This is another “update needed” thing. I admit I was working with things as they currently are, if Blizzard would bother to update the zones to match the events since the last update (Cata), even just lore wise, a lot of the issues would solve themselves.

However, game wise alliance have nothing there anymore so it is one of those might be purple lore wise, but red for game mechs.

But the circle itself is neutral/independent, so would green not be better? Same with Winterspring, the only real area of civilization there is Everlook, a Steamwheedle Cartel town.

Yeah, I think Ahn Qiraj is green too.