The Post-Fourth War World

i only remember seeing sylvanas and thrall there. could be wrong.

But that would be a little more problematic, varian and jaina would be able to kill all of them?

No… the scourge still had a precense in EK.

Not correct, there are people from both factions and all races.

By that time garrosh was not warchief.

apologies i was responding to the other person.

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That was my suggestion since all of the Horde leaders participated in the liberation of the UnderCity. That was the chance we had to do to them what they would tried to do to us at Theramore. The Horde didn’t just try to take out Theramore, they knew that members of the Alliance leadership were meeting with Jaina.

With the help of 25 Alliance Champions? Absolutely. Jaina only has to sheep one of them for a few seconds to tip the tide. Or use that freezing spell of hers that worked so well on us. Ice them all up and we kill them one at a time.

I think of the leaders, only Thrall and Sylvanas are in the throne room. Cairne and maybe Vol’jin wait outside. On Alliance side, Broll and Valeera remain outside.


They did? i really don’t remember seeing other leaders apart from thrall and sylvanas.

Okay, what are you talking about.

Even i don’t think that she would be able to kill the entire horde leadership with just the help of 25 champions if the horde also has 25 champions.
Remember that at that time she didn’t had the power she has now. neither a mana bomb absorded or lei shin powers.

Lets say that she could match thrall in power (debatable)
Could varian take sylvanas being just a warrior vs a banshe with ranged attacks?.
now add other leaders like cairne or voljin… the odds are not in their favor.

The ice spells is temporary, i bet that has a long CD.

From gamepedia:

To the horror of both Baine and Vol’jin, they learned that the Horde was never meant to win the attack on Theramore. Instead, the attack was meant to draw many of the greatest commanders of the Alliance (like Shandris Feathermoon and General Marcus Jonathan) to the same location. With that revelation, Garrosh orders that a mana bomb be dropped on Theramore.

It’s not a bad strategy, save that Garoosh underestimated his targets’ abilities to save themselves at the last moment. The only leader he bagged that day was Rhonin who died getting the others out.

Other folks need to remmber that Garoosh was not the only Horde leader involved in the attack on Theramore… Baine and Vol’jinn were fighting to take the city as well.

It’s very simple.

Jaina uses the spell on the Horde that she used on Varian and the Champions. and freezes the whole kit and kaboodle. One at a time, we smash out a target, dogpile on said target until target is dead. Rinse and repeat on the rest until every single Horde person there is a corpse. (an actual dead one)

It’s ugly and as unheroic as you can imagine. But it could have worked.

oh i see, yes, decapitating the leadership is basic strategy, sylvanas tried that again in lordaeron.

but that is a different scenario because that is assuming that the alliance was in the same position to be able to kill them in the first place.

oh, i don’t forget that leaders of the horde support their warchief until that warchief says that they suck.
that is why the entire horde is as much guilty as their warchief.

well to be fair i don’t know how much it last that ice effect on the victims.
maybe it could have worked, or maybe thrall was able to free himself and uses a fire spell to counter it, who the hells knows.

That’s why you do your best homework on your enemies.

I love the idea of a Horde Ungoro and Tanaris. Tanaris should become a colony of the Zandalari Empire. Zul Farrak could be a hub/capitol under their rule with the Farakki Trolls officially part of the Horde. I’m pretty sure they’re going to be a customization option anyway for Darkspears.


The citizens of Brill were not shown as far as we know.

And in the context we have now, Sylvanas was never fighting for the Horde at the Battle for Lordaeron. She was just using it as another step to draw the war out as long as possible.

If you think I have any issue with the Alliance being a reactionary force you’re confusing me for other people.

Being reactionary in war is a good thing, there is no such thing as a good offensive war, being pro war is pro death pro destruction, the alliance is the only faction that has any sense in trying to keep peace.

Drahliana, the Alliance Victim Brigade will always come up with an excuse as to why the Undercity didn’t “count” and they need extra retribution. This particular argument isn’t even new; I was seeing it as far back as 8.1.


agency was robbed from the alliance once more. that is why it doesn’t count because, it wasn’t the alliance who did it.
sylvanas destroyed undercity, not the alliance, simple facts.

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You have already proven there is little point in trying to persuade you otherwise.


To be fair, even Horde side in-game no one really makes a big deal out of Lordaeron.

There is more presentation of in-game Forsaken clinging onto the loss of Sylvanas after she abandoned them than there is of them clinging onto the loss of Lordaeron.


But see, this is what I don’t get.

This is BLIZZARD deliberately trying to set the Forsaken up as the bad guy. It’s not that “no one really makes a big deal out of Lordaeron” but “Blizzard doesn’t allow a big deal to be made of Lordaeron”. It was a deliberate narrative choice to starve the Horde of motivation.

How people can then turn around and say “Oh well Lordaeron didn’t matter as much because Blizz ignored it” seems to be… an extremely one-sided view of things.


So, meh … board:

Alliance EK (14): Elwynn Forest; Westfall; Redridge Mountains; Duskwood; Searing Gorge; Dun Morogh; Loch Modan; Wetlands; Twilight Highlands; Arathi Highlands; Hillsbrad Foothills: Hinterlands; Gilneas; Southern Silverpine.

Horde EK (8): Tirisfal Glades; Northern Silverpine; Western Plaguelands; Eastern Plaguelands; Alterac Mountains; Eversong Woods; Ghostlands; Isle of Quel’thalas.

Alliance Kalimdor (9): Darkshore; Ashenvale; Felwood; Moonglade; Winterspring; Mount Hyjal; Feralas; Azuremist Isle; Bloodmist Isle.

Horde Kalimdor (9): Durotar; Azshara; Northern Barrens; Southern Barrens; Mulgore; Dustwallow Marsh; Thousand Needles; Tanaris; Ungoro Crater

External Alliance (5): Tiragarde Sound; Stormsong Valley; Drustvar; Val Sharah; Azsuna.

External Horde (5): Zuldazar; Voldun; Nazmir; Surumar City; Highmountain; Select Locations in Northrend are also tempting.

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Makes for some very dense areas of complete control for both factions. It makes sense, but it’d be rather awkward for Horde to get anywhere in Northern Kalimdor, or for Alliance to get to Feralas or Silithus. Alliance presence in Feralas in particular would be easily surrounded. Maybe Alliance get control of Kalimdor’s west coast, Horde get Kalimdor’s east coast? Feralas would have a line to Ashenvale then, at least.