The Post-Fourth War World

Don’t be disingenuous, why DID she blow up the city? Because she had lost it to the alliance. Which had earlier destroyed Brill.


The alliance did not wanted to blow up the city, sylvanas did. Not the alliance.
You don’t be Don’t be disingenuous, you know that it was sylvanas who did it.


How would leaving the city in Alliance hands not be a loss for the Horde? especially since they would have no intention of giving it back?

Sylvannas was following classic Russian strategy… leave nothing for the enemy.

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And thus proving my point that the alliance never destroyed or killed as much as the horde. minus camp taco and brill.

The horde destroyed the horde and the horde killed the horde.


The citizens of Brill beg to differ

The soldiers who fell in battle with the Alliance beg to differ.

The Alliance created the condition that made Lordaeron’s destruction a neccessity. Sylvanna’s destroying it was her nearly successful attempt to use the city’s destruction to decapitate the Alliance leadership.

The alliance killed the citizens of brill?

Yes, soldiers die all the time.

why do you insist that it was the alliance the ones who destroyed lordaeron?
i am simply pointing out a fact.

And this is relevant to the point because…


The evacuated citizens of Brill.

The ones who Sylvanas gassed to death?

Was it necessary when Putress and Varimathras took it? No, you just retook it.

That’s not a necessity due to the Alliance, that’s the Horde trying to kill still more stuff.


From what I remember, Varian intended to retake it but Jaina teleported him, the Alliance PC, and the rest of the Alliance forces out.

King Varian Wrynn: Look around you, brothers and sisters. Open your eyes! Look at what they have done to our kingdom! How much longer will we allow these savages free reign in our world? I have seen the Horde’s world. I have been inside their cities. Inside their minds… I know what evil lies in the hearts of orcs.

Thrall: The Undercity belongs to the Horde once more! LOK’TAR!

King Varian Wrynn: THRALL! HERE? ONWARD! We end this now!

Lady Jaina Proudmoore: Varian, stop! I won’t help you do this!

Jaina stays behind as the party moves on. Varian and the remainder of the party reach the throne room, where Thrall, Sylvanas and a host of Warsong Battleguards await.

King Varian Wrynn: You should all know, the orcs have a battle cry: LOK’TAR OGAR! It means “victory or death.” Fitting… To the throne room!

The king and his group walks in.

King Varian Wrynn: I was away for too long. My absence cost us the lives of some of our greatest heroes. Trash like you and this evil witch were allowed to roam free – unchecked. The time has come to make things right. To disband your treacherous kingdom of murderers and thieves. Putress was the first strike. Many more will come. I’ve waited a long time for this, Thrall. For every time I was thrown into one of your damned arenas… for every time I killed a green-skinned aberration like you… I could only think of one thing. What our world could be without you and your twisted Horde… It ends now, Warchief. ATTACK! FOR STORMWIND! FOR BOLVAR! FOR THE ALLIANCE!

The fight is joined.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore: VARIAN, NO! STOP!

Lady Jaina Proudmoore incapacitates all units with a freeze spell.

Lady Jaina Proudmoore: It did not have to be like this…

Lady Jaina Proudmoore teleports all Alliance forces back to Stormwind.

At that point the Alliance and Horde had fairly equal presence inside and right outside the city.

On that occasion, retaking the city from them was a JOINT faction action. Varian however at the last moment chose to take the opportunity to assasinate the Horde leadership yet for some inexplicable reason, Jaina stopped him.

Yeah, Varian vs the Thrall, Sylvanas and the entire Undercity because Jaina was still a pusillanimous hippie back then. Wouldn’t have worked out.

Probably because

It was never going to work out for Varian.

Maybe because they were still in the middle of a massive war versus the scourge and they could not afford go into an all out war between the factions.

She saved everyone’s lives.

Pretty sure she only saved Varian’s life. MAYBE he’d take one of them down with him. MAYBE. This was pre-Wolfheart, guy’s got limits.

Putress had proved that not having the Horde as ally was far safer than actually having them in Northrend at all.

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Let say that it was best case scenario and both of them killed thrall and sylvanas and not died in the process.
Do you think that a full open war between the alliance and horde in the middle of the scourge war would have ended well? That would simply make arthas stronger considering that he could just raise those who died.
Aand without thrall, who would have stopped deathwing in cata even if they beat the loch kong?

not to have them as allies but with the hypotethical thrall and sylvana’s death the horde would simply go at war with the alliance in the rest of the world while at the same time weakening the efforts from both factions in northrend.

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Kinda, yeah, most of the heavy lifting was done by the Argent Crusade and Ebon Blade. And we were at war shortly after anyway. And Sylvanas’ shinanigans later would have been avoided.

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That would have been problematic with Cairne and Vol-jinn dead as well. Eliminating all witnesses would have bought time… while the Horde would have been faced with all of the internal politics of selecting new leaders. Northrend could have been purged of a Horde presence and we’d simply would have gone down to work with the Argents and the Ebons.

You know that arthas becomes literally stronger with death no?

The argent crusade was also composed of champions from both factions.

the war was later revitalized by the twilight hammer that blamed both factions.

maybe the forsakens by then are left without a leader, but garrosh would have become warchief no doubt at that time, and we know that he likes war.
And how exactly would they kill cairne and voljin?

The argents and ebons were composed from people of both factions.

maybe the forsakens by then are left without a leader, but garrosh would have become warchief no doubt at that time, and we know that he likes war.
And how exactly would they kill cairne and voljin?

The argents and ebons were composed from people of both factions.

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As I recall all of the Horde leaders were there together, packed in fireball formation.

Only locally.

Mostly Silver Hand remnants from the looks of things.

Mostly blamed Horde. They weren’t in a big hurry to prove they didn’t do it.

He already did.


When did I say that they’d die?