The Post-Fourth War World

Alliance players, alliance in game would prefer all of lordaeron back doesn’t mean their getting it, and they’re won’t be another faction war for at least a few expansions anyways.

Right, but we’re talking about in world. Bluntly, if the Forsaken are allowed to hold Silverpine … it should only be the Northern sectors of it. Away from any trade routes developing between Stromgarde and Gilneas; and allowing Crowley his land back.

That is still a sacrifice of territory on their part, but at least the Forsaken wont be in the way of the two Human Kingdoms who have the most reasons to hate them. Alterac should remain in the hands of the Frostwolves, even if Hillsbrad is given back to Humanity.

Regardless, the Horde should be allowed to take the Plaguelands. It is the only overland route between the Forsaken and BE held territories. Both regions are far, far more important on several levels for the Forsaken to hold than the areas south of Tirisfal.

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Humanity fearing the Forsaken is outdated and the story should move on from it.

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I agree. Though, that does remove one of the last few actual grey elements of the squeaky clean Alliance. Perfect in every single conceivable way. Its the Horde races that are genetically evil from conception. Alliance races just seem to come out the womb with Halo’s by all indications.

Forsaken should get to be with their families again if they want to be. If Alliance has to be squeaky clean for that I would take that over the Horde being all about killing hope - as Sylvanas killing the Forsaken at the gathering was the first time she brought that idea up.

Yes, they should. However, the interesting balance between the Forsaken and the Alliance is that it was never as simple as that. There are those Undead who likely would adopt their identities they held in life, if given the opportunity. But, there are just as many who have more fully adopted their new Forsaken identities. There are also many on a spectrum in the middle.

The gathering also showed that there are those that can amicably admit with their living relatives, that they just have nothing left in common anymore. There are also likely Humans who will always hate the Forsaken for what they are; for the Scourge; or even what they’ve done as Forsaken. Fear, even irrational Fear, is a very “Human” thing; even if repulsive at times. Be careful how much you dial back those repulsive “human” things … or you’ll be left with a bunch of people who could not come off as little more than “inhuman”. Idealized puppets, not people.

I also do think it should be noted that it is at least in part this increasingly pristine nature of the Alliance that prevents them from ever being anything more than a reactionary force in the world. If you don’t have room to make mistakes and face the consequences of those mistakes, then you can not serve as a proper proactive force structurally in a narrative.

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I don’t believe for a second that Blizzard isn’t going to dig up the faction war again. But assuming it’s over for the time being, I think it’s okay for the factions to coinhabit zones like Hillsbrad, Dustwallow, Feralas, and others.

Distance from each other won’t do anything to prevent whatever nonsensical events lead up to the shock value armageddon (to outdo Theramore and Teldrassil) the Horde starts the next war with.


But in the end blizzard controls the world and the horde is not losing silverpine nor will it trigger a war. The next faction war will be caused by something contrived like Azerite or something silly and stupid as world of WARcraft needs more likethe cata and bfa wars.

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There has been way too much bad blood for humanity to ever be okay with the undead. With the Forsaken fighting for survival for years, that has undoubtedly caused some casualties and has thwarted some claims to birthright.

Hatred and fear is all-consuming and while the world is weary from too much fighting, I would not be surprised if the Scarlet Crusade made a comeback, once the next generation is of age to pick up arms. There’s a lot of people who would not be okay with the Forsaken holding land that they think belongs to their family members that have either died or become elderly.

A mere tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands since 4.0.

If I had any interest in this consumption of hyperbolic romanticization of “human nature” I would turn on the news.

I’ll stick with the pristine flowery fantasy. You can keep your garbage people if you want and will get no interest from me.


I’d buy humans at large accepting the Forsaken if they hadn’t been doing their best impression of the Scourge since forever. As a faction they’ve gone past the point of no return like a dozen times by now.

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Its not really romanticization, its more I recognize that flaws can allow for mistakes; and mistakes can allow for growth. And its those hard lesson storylines and subsequent potential for growth that interests me. It is generally whey I like the Horde as a faction more conceptually than the Alliance. Its also why I like the people of the Horde more than those of the Alliance.

Flawless characters and flawless people bore me to death because of a implied expectation that they have already achieved their peak in life; and thus the only thing of value is simply maintaining that peak. Their story is one of largely attempting to return-to or maintain the status-quo that they had already achieved; even if that status-quo that needs to be returned to varies from Alliance player to Alliance player. This expectation is never more true that with NE and Draenei fans, who already have a perfect people, from a perfect civilization, and were robbed of those … and the goal forwards is to go backwards to various degrees. To reobtain that image of perfection.

EDIT: You wonder why the Alliance is always a reactionary force? Well, in no small part, conceptually … this very issue is the reason for that. Its why if we ever did get an anti-cata expansion, the Alliance stories would largely focus on “reclaiming what was lost”, while the Horde stories would focus on “building something new”. Any conflict between the two factions, no matter how large or small, would stem from where these two goals conflict. Like … Lordaeron for example.

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It is balanced. Both the Horde and the Alliance lost one player capital each.

If you’re going to bring up Theramore, I would remind you that Stonard never was anything close to be an equivalent, so Theramroe was actually an Alliance one up over the Horde. However it ceases to be relevant to high level Alliance players whose only use for it was to provide an express teleport to Onyxia’s Lair and Gadgetzan, and they have a portal in Stormwind for that now.

if balanced was important it should have been destroyed by a third party or natural disasters.

The alliance never destroyed or killed anything from the horde apart from camp taco,incredible small in comparison.

Lordaeron begs to differ.

You do realize Horde did that, right?


To keep it out of the hands of those who had taken it.

Sylvannas didn’t blow up the Undercity for funsies.

Prior to that the Alliance had literally erased Brill from existence.

Kinda did, could have retaken it. It’s not like they were stuck in a Russian winter with no food.

That wasn’t the alliance, that was sylvanas.