The Post-Fourth War World

so you think that is okay that we got a miserable treatment in the unifinished zoned and lack of focus in the story.

malfurion did not founded the alliance, in fact, he was more neutral than anyone.
he pretty much ignored the horde agression in ashenvale.

basically the alliance wasn’t the agressor because they don’t care about the alliance. because the alliance being more proactive there would requiere far more effort in their writting that would give your side a more justified war and ours would already be.

it would be nice if we had more grey but blizzard isn’t smart enough to write it in a proper way, that is more because of their incompetency.

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Dude, seriously, stop with the Victim Complex. Both sides have it crap, but clearly if they are willing to try to maintain the Alliance Moral Highground to such degrees … they care about the Alliance. They just care about it in some deranged way. On the other side of the fence, its very clear that the Horde Faction is just a plot device to be dragged out when Blizz needs a big bad between big bads.

We went from a Villain Bat expansion; to an expansion that shatters the tragedy that came with the savagery that made the Orcish people’s so compelling; to an expansion where we could have just been written out without changing a thing, outside Surumar; to another Villain Bat expansion … but this time we had to remain convenient for our genocidal leader to push solely her story.

… and … based on what they revealed for Shadowlands. Boy does that scream another round of WoD shattering the very foundations of Horde Lore. I’m guessing with Blizz’s habit of loving to smash Trolls, we’re going to raid the Troll Afterlife; kill us some Troll legends; and free those poor souls from their own beliefs … and rid them of the Troll equivalent of Elune! :smiley:

i don’t know, i feel like if they truly care the conflict would be gray because it would be a little bit more difficult to write.


You’re not wrong. It would have been nice to have a morally grey Faction Conflict, but that would take effort that they were clearly unwilling to commit. Though, at least I got some good ARs. They and the Goblin treatment are the bright points in this pitch black night of an expansion. I even like the fact that we go the AU Mag’har, instead of the MU ones. They bring a unique enough culture to the Horde to make them conceptually an interesting AR.

I dunno, they both sound similarly neglectful to me - just two different kinds of Blizzard’s “care”.

Here’s a silly analogy because the forum is getting way more heated than I like:
Blizzard is a kid with a toybox.
The Horde is the red racecar that the kid runs screaming around the room with, making lightsaber noises and slamming it into walls, squishing anthills with it, knocking over the blue horsey with it, and returning it to the toychest every day covered in dents and mud. The toy doesn’t like it, but boy does the kid seem to be having fun.
The Alliance is the blue horsey that the kid plays with every time his mom takes the racecar away because she thinks it’s making him too violent. He keeps it clean, makes up nice bland knights-and-castles stories for it, and makes sure never to get it dirty (except when hitting it with the racecar, which is when his mom puts them all in time-out). The toy might be in better condition, but the kid doesn’t seem to have fun or imagination with it and it shows.

So each side envies the other side for having what it lacks.
“Gee, I wish I didn’t get destroyed all the time and got all that building-up that I could even have spillover neutral factions.”
“Gee, I wish the writers actually liked or cared about me and let me do something bombastic, fun, and victorious once in a while.”


no imagination, the alliance has the deeper lore and is tied to the world in a better way

The deeper lore means squat when the story doesn’t make use of it.

Still waiting for the titanic heritage of humans, dwarves and gnomes to finally pay off.

I dont think you understand what pay off means
pro tip, it doesnt mean winning

I think they’re going to run into problems with a lack of credible villains soon now that the legion is gone and the Azeroth old gods seem to be as well. I guess that’s why they created the jailor, so idk if they’re going to do much with the titans at all let alone the conection between the humans dwarves and gnomes with them


The Horde has the literal cradle of magic in its back yard. Humanity learned magic through the elves. They are they literal greatest magi to have ever lived, the practice starts with them. The Horde also enjoys the luxury of keeping with them the greatest shamans the world has ever seen. The blight is an abundant and incredibly powerful weapon, but it is not the Horde’s first and last line of defense. Even their army in physical combat is capable of great harm.

The Tauren, despite being shackled with cultural outlooks on pacifism, have great physical power and arm reach.

The Orcs have no equal in shock troopers, as they’re taught to not fear death from an early age and multiply fairly quickly.

The Trolls are long-limbed, great in physique and regenerate rapidly, sparing ample room in a sick bay, where more injured can be seen.

The Forsaken are masters of the art of sieging, as they do not eat, they do not sleep, they do not suffer bodily functions that’d compromise them whilst on the watch, they do not fatigue and only die by physical destruction, allowing them to be disemboweled, punctured, slashed and otherwise harmed and still carry on.

The goblins carry with them great technologies that compete fairly well against the gnomes.

The Horde is capable of so, so, so much more. They are a world superpower for a reason.

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We are awaiting the new Scourge invasions… I hope that they would happen in the old zones …

I guess it would be nice if an update showed what the current status of the Argent Dawn is. I didn’t play paladin in Legion so I could also use some clarification on what actually is known about them now.

From what I remember, Tirion originally merged the Argent Dawn, the Brotherhood of the Light, and the Silver Hand to form the Argent Crusade. And from what I understand of Legion, the paladin PC united the Argent Crusade with the Sunwalkers, Hand of Argus, and Blood Knights to reform the Silver Hand? But in BfA, it seems like they’ve split up to some degree because there are Silver Hand paladins fighting for the Alliance in Stromgarde while the Blood Knights and Sunwalkers are fighting for the Horde.

The Argent Dawn was featured in the two Scourge invasion events, one during the Vanilla Naxxramas opening event and one during the WotLK pre-patch event. So maybe there’s a decent chance this is addressed in the Shadowlands pre-patch event with the rampant Scourge.

A few minor things but with Stromgarde officially won i’d like to see a few things. An Alliance dominated phase of Arathi/Stromgarde is a must. I don’t know what should happen to Alterac in general but i’d like to see Strahnbrad taken as a colony of Stromgarde (or even the Stormpike Dwarves) and securing the road that connects to Chillwind Camp. From there Chillwind should be properly fortified. Their camp and the cemetery area around Uther’s Tomb should be fortified and manned by Stromgarde Troops, Stormpike Dwarves and Silver Hand Paladins.

I noted the full list on another thread, but canonically if the Alliance does pick up Arathi, Gilneas, and Ashenvale again … they will hold 26 territories. 13 EK territories, 9 Kalimdor territories, and 4 external. In comparison, the Horde holds 15. 6 EK territories, 5 Kalimdor territories, and 4 external. I think that outside of the extreme disparity between amount of territory held, the environment of those terrains is also rather stark; with the Horde now apparently attempting to support roughly the same population of people as the Alliance is lands so desolate that even the Alliance didn’t want many of them. Shame Blizz never wanted to tell this story.

To that end, I would like to see the Horde be allowed to expand. On Kalimdor, Thousand Needles, Dustwallow, Tanaris, and Ungoro should become more Horde aligned; especially if the Farraki are really joining canonically. On EK, I honestly think the Forsaken should be allowed to trade out Hillsbrad and Silverpine for the Plaguelands and the still hidden “Northern Lordaeron” territories. If Gilneas and Arathi are both heading back to the Alliance full time, it honestly makes very little sense for the Forsaken to hold the lands in between them still. Especially with the … history the Forsaken have with both Kingdoms. The PLs also just make more sense territoriality.


I don’t think horde should give up silver pine they’ve had it since vanilla and the gilnean wall is a good buffer/ border.

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I agree with Notamage. No one should get Dustwallow, and the Forsaken can keep Silverpine.

Hmm … honestly, Gilneas is a contentious area for the Forsaken to be right up against. Especially since I believe Crowley’s land is actually outside of the Greymane Wall. On top of this, we have Arathi and Stromgarde being given back to the Alliance; and they don’t have the best relationship with the Forsaken either. On top of this, Southshore still remains a deep point of animosity within the Alliance; with Roger’s having her canon hatred stemming from its destruction.

Like, its just asking for trouble having the Forsaken retain those territories.

I don’t think it would be awful most alliance would be happy enough with gilneas south of the wall and arathi. With that and bfa all the human kingdoms except lordaeron and alterac will have been re-established and those two won’t ever come back. I don’t see any alliance being angry with that scenario.

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Maybe Hillsbrad and Alterac should be separated again as far as a zone goes into two again, if Southshore is to be reclaimed by the Alliance. Tarren Mill can be considered part of Alterac and the Horde can keep it and everything north of it. Frost Wolves live there and all.


Alliance players? Or the Alliance in game? Because we’ve already had Humans trying to resettle the friggen Plaguelands by now. And the Argents canon reason for trying to heal them is for Human resettlement. BtS was also very, very clear that Humanity as a whole still largely fears and hates the Forsaken for what the Scourge did; and only very recently has a growing minority began hating and fearing them for what they’ve done as Forsaken.

This will not end well.