The Post-Fourth War World

Kezan is gone dude. Like, its a strip mine now, with a few party supplies lying aruond. It was a largely subterranean city that was just hit with the mother of all Volcanic Eruptions, then filled with what appears to be a highly volatile explosive material. There isnt a city to fix there. Anything that is built on that island will be entirely new, and honestly with how much Azerite is saturating the land … you couldn’t build a viable community there either. Even for goblins.

The Motherlode dungeon disagrees with you.

The Motherlode dungeon absolutely agrees with me. Everything built on that island is entirely new, and the entire island is organized in such a way to best harvest the massive Azerite deposits there. Kezan is gone. The Undermine is gone. They are filled and covered by volcanic ash and magma. They aren’t coming back, because even Goblins aren’t so stupid as to try to build another city on what is now an even more unpredictable and unstable bomb.

Humans do that alll the time in real life

funny how only the horde lose their stuff to a third party but the alliance doesn’t have that luxury and have to deal with the other faction being the ones who hit them and then randomly forgiving despite having little to no reason.

I mean yeah why dont the goblins go back to kezan, it erupted as hard as it did cause of the cata, that problem is done with, and theres azerite everywhere wouldnt they want that, in real life humans lose whole cites to volcanoes all the time and rebuild why wouldnt goblins

Look, I get that you hold nothing but contempt for the inferior “evil” races of the Horde, but no … even Goblins would not try to build a lasting city on what equates to a bomb. They will build mines there, and export equipment, they will not build another city on top of something that is even more likely to explode than a Volcano. I mean, canonically it was Wix’s mining operation of a tiny vein of Azerite that attributed to the level of volatility of that Volcanic eruption. Can you imagine the level of destruction the Motherlode would have if it went boom?

Not everyone enjoys the Racial Fantasy that the NE’s would conceivably provide if Blizz didn’t keep throwing crap at them. I actually enjoy playing a race with cultural flaws and room to grow; rather than one of a race born to greatness, that hit its peak 10k years ago … and is just sort of maintaining the status quo into perpetuity now.

I am just saying, people build on volcanos or near them all the time

(scratches head)

Are the NE being turned into a third faction? seems a little ridiculous to give them territory equivalent to the entire horde, on top of a cast of characters that exceeds the horde and a power that nearly exceeds them as well.


Right, but they don’t build on BOMBS though!

The island that was once Kezan is a bomb. It is a massive deposit of an extremely volatile, powerfully explosive material. Especially when that explosive material happens to also be on an active Volcano. It is only a matter of time before that island explodes again. Either the Volcano will go first, and compound with the Azerite create a civilization ending event; or the Azerite will trigger another Volcanic eruption and produce the same.

I mean, to be fair, they did build a city around a bomb in fallout 3, but that was a really bad idea.

Especially since some random weirdo can just apparently come in and detonate it.

It also fit the theme of that game of settlements cropping up in random places like a baseball stadium, an aircraft carrier, a musem of history, an amusement park (twice), etc

Volcanoes are bombs

Right, but far more predictable bombs with ebbs and flows. In my opinion, Azerite sealed the deal about the Goblins ever trying to resettle Kezan and rebuilding the Undermine. Its just not going to happen. That island has become too unstable to create any viable longlasting civilization. Its fine as a mine, but that is all it is likely to ever be.

predictable, hardly, and if you say is true, it would blow up azeorth anyways, making it that it wont happen. Why wouldnt goblins go back to their island and build a city and get that vaublable azerite. cause it might blow up? Well yellowstone might blow up and we still live here in the USA.

Azerite tends to turn the environment extremely hostile, and anything living or inanimate into corrupted super powered violent beings. Imagine those big azerite elementals constantly spawning inside a city.

THAT SAID, if anyone WOULD build a city there, it would be goblins. At least Gallywix would, Gazlowe would not.

Yeah … I get the feeling more and more the reason you’re supportive of them going back is you want them out of Azshara. You really do seem to operate solely on how convenient the Horde can be towards your Alliance story; and you default back to Meta arguments when I am clearly arguing why on a story level the Goblins will never resettle whats left of Kezan.

Also … as a tangent. There truly is no more unfair cultural comparison than comparing the NEs civilization and the Goblin’s. A thrice blessed race of ageless demigods that were given everything in life, and almost allowed some of their kind to throw it all away vs A race who was given nothing in life beyond their intelligence, which they only got through inter-generational exposure to the radioactive material they were enslaved to mine. Who’s entire post-slave race civilization has only existed for approximately .7 percent of Tyrande’s estimated lifespan.

I dont care if they leave azshara, I am just thinking about gilneas, if they ever update gilneas, the horde need something too

The Motherlode dungeon doesn’t agree with you, specifically this part:

Because we see them have a viable community there, with Refreshment Vendors, Vacationers, Jockies, and other revelers.

You can even leave the dungeon after the last boss by driving through a traffic jam.