The Post-Fourth War World

Well, whenever the Horde comes into the Alliance’s story, it’s usually to obliterate a city full of people, so…

Ugh … yeah, the Horde has no future as a Faction. The only way forward is to kowtow around the Alliance and remain as whipped and convenient as possible. So, for the Plaguelands, the only real thing the Forsaken can do is allow the Argents to heal the territory and let an ever increasing flood of Human settlers move in … and pull a Garithos. Oh, wait, Humans are genetically good by birth … they wouldn’t do something like push the Forsaken further and further out of their homes for the sake of their “divine right” to rebuild Lordaeron right?

The argents are netural and the horde should stay on there said, the forsaken only lost a town and a city, but they should get two zones? That isnt balance

What balance? Also, I am all on board the NEs/Alliance fully taking control of Hyjal, Winterspring, and Felwood; on top of reclaiming Ashenvale and Darkshore. The first three are all neutral zones still. I was supporting the idea that both Hillsbrad goes back to the control of Dalaran, and Silverpine return to support Gilneas; and give Crowley’s land back. So the idea that the Forsaken aren’t allowed to control the ONE OVERLAND ROUTE in between them and the BEs … is just insane to me. Its just trading out the two southern territories the Forsaken canonically control, that are now in between two prospective Alliance Kingdoms, for the two territories in the North that bridge the gap between them and their own closest territorial allies.

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Can you really count gnomeregan when it will never be in the game as a city?


who the hell wants two broken territories so the forsaken can ruin the argent storyline, and counting ashenvale and darkshore zones the nelves always had thats rich, blizzard isnt gonna just gut all the neutral zones like that thats just silly, realistically the nelves get a zone hjyal to replace there completely destoryed zone, and the forsaken just rebuild undercity and that other town that was destroyed, why would anyone get anymore than that.

To try and avoid another all-out war so soon?

Yeah … its what I thought. The only way you think about the Horde is in way that makes the Faction as convenient and out of the way as possible. You do not perceive a future for the Forsaken beyond staying out of the way of the Alliance. They should not do anything but wait around till they get pushed out and drivin to extinction like the Troll Empires did. :smiley:

God, the Warcraft Universe would be so much more interesting if the Alliance was ever allowed to be portrayed as anything more than flawless, paragons of every single conceivable virtue under the sun. Its sort of interesting that Blizz is creating customization options for Humans to reflect RW ethnicities; but has so many issues showing the Horde races as anything more than evil by birth, and who can do the world a huge favor by simply allowing themselves to quietly go extinct. All so the “Pure” Races of the Alliance can make an endless utopia.

The forsaken are the most greedy players in this game, not only do they have the glades, silverpine, hillsgrade, a chunk of western plagueslands, lets give them all the plagueslands, want to give them strom and the wetlands too? Might as well.

No, I want them to have the territories it always made sense for them to have once the BEs joined the faction? That’s all. There is no reason for those regions to remain neutral, beyond the Alliance playerbase’s expectation that eventually those “neutral” regions will get healed enough to support the Alliance again; and thus can push the Forsaken out. That’s all.

Yeah cause blizzard is totally gonna have the argents join the alliance and ruin the balance too.

And there you go with using Meta arguments to argue against story arguments again. On a story level, in a hypothetical “Post Fourth War” Azeroth, the Plaguelands of Lordaeron should fall into the hands of the Forsaken. While Silverpine should fall into the hands of the Gilneans to return some of their lands, and create a territorial buffer between the Forsaken and themselves. Thus, if Arathi and Silverpine returns to the Alliance, there is no point in the Horde keeping Hillsbrad.

Its a two for two trade, giving the zones that make the most sense for each Faction to have … to that specific faction. Nothing else. The Argents can remain where they are, but they are not a political entity. They should not act like one. And should they begin acting like one, and their acts infringe on Horde/Forsaken sovereignty like they did at New Andorhal … they should suffer the consequences of that choice. If they don’t, they can remain as they are.

and explain why the alliance would allow the forsaken who are genociders take more land

Because they don’t have a choice, and for them to go out of their way to deliberately contain a Foreign power is the stuff that a real Faction Conflict could be built around. Shame the Alliance is never allowed to be portrayed as anything but the most pristine, flawless, paragons of every conceivable moral virtue one could imagine. But, again, you do not see a future story for the Horde Faction beyond remaining as convenient and out of the way as possible for the Alliance. This is especially true for the Forsaken.

The Sunreavers are involve in the Mage Campaign in Legion, both in one of them betraying Dalaran to the Legion, and the rest helping shore up Dalaran’s defenses.

And Khargar very clearly stated Dalaran to be neutral when last we talked to him at Silithus.

Lol sounds like you want to start a fifth war now, there is no way the forsaken would be allowed to do that, the argents wouldnt leave lands they died for and spent years trying to heal, and you want to add attacking the defenders of azeroth to the list of horde crimes, remember the argents took down the lich king, they where the first to attack the legion, I am sure baine and lorthermar will just look the other way after bfa totally fits there characters right cause forsaken aggression always was a net positive to the horde that totally never backfired in anyway

But, there is no indication that Dalaran is letting them come back and live in the city right? Everything pointed to the idea that they are being allowed to come back to aid with the Legion invasion; there is no discussion beyond that.

And deflecting with Moral Judgements again.

Jeez, you really do get off on that highhorse horse of extreme moral absolutism don’t you? I honestly do not think that Lor’themar would have a problem with the Forsaken moving into those territories to the south; and would prefer that over the Alliance being allowed to move in. Which IS the end result of the Argents healing those lands, don’t kid yourself you are fully aware that is their goal. They are healing the Lordaeron territories for HUMAN resettlement.

But, you hate the Forsaken in every concievable way … so its not surprising that them fighting for a future for themselves would be considered an act of evil by you. Their only future is to remain contained, and let themselves die out.

Then you would include Kezan for the Horde. If you start cherry picking like this it just dissolves to nitpicking and technicalities and people trying slight of hand to see what they can get away with unnoticed.


I doubt it, the last thing lorthemar would want is to fight another war that the forsaken started, and waste belf lives, the forsaken are the ones who blackmailed his people after all. And with baine and thrall, lol yeah right, they’d probably kick the forsaken out of the horde for such a thing, how many times would they have to prove that they lack honor, attacking the argents would be the final straw at least should be before forsaken put on there plot armor again.

the argents have also been nothing but good to the horde