The Post-Fourth War World

Well story wise the nelves are back in hyjal soo still the same

As I said to you elsewhere - as long as you demand that the Horde suffer in the exact same way you did, you will never be satisfied. Balance exists as it is right now. Anything more will cause imbalance.

Does anything make my statement incorrect?

Also stromgrad isn’t debatable blizzard said the alliance won both warfronts

oh i already know that, in fact, i always knew it. i know that we will never have it.

it is already imbalanced in terms of story. eye for an eye will cause balance.
The horde needs to pay for what they have done. Then it will be balanced.

No, what we know is that Tyrande is operating based on Hyjal. Afawk the Nelves are still refugees littering Stormwind.

Yes. A city is a city, even if we can’t access it/it doesn’t have all the gameplay functionalities of the “capitals”. So Suramar, Shadowforge, Thunder Totem, Mechagon, are all cities (major settlements) controlled by the factions

You are incorrect. You are blinded by your own opinion and unable to see past it, so I am going to make this my last reply.


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I still include Gilneas and Gnomergon because the only thing stopping them from being turned back into Alliance capitals at this point is Blizz’s own lazyness. The prior is free for the taking with the Forsaken in such a weakened state; the latter is all but guaranteed, if it wasn’t already, with the Mechagnomes helping to clear the radiation.

As for Dalaran, Kirin Tor mages were actively helping evacuate the citizens of Teldrassil, and the Silver Covenant was fighting on behalf of the Alliance in the war. With both major political parties siding with the Blue Team to some degree … it means that Dalaran sided with the Alliance during the conflict; and apparently just didn’t have the resources needed for another jump.

Long story short, these cities still count. And I would suggest that should the NEs be allowed to turn Hyjal into their capital as they should, and Stratholme be turned into the Forsaken capital … that would result in one more city each side.

The forsaken still have the glades and undercity to stop trying to get more too

I mean, we can include Zul’Aman, Zul’Farrak and Zul’Gurub for the Horde too if you wanna do that. The only thing stopping them from grabbing those now that their Zandalari overlords are Horde is Blizz’s own lazyness, afterall…

The Silver Covenant is affiliated with the Alliance anyway. And I’m pretty sure the few High Elves we see on the Alliance side are 7th Legion, not SC.

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Honestly, UC’s status is a bit … tentative. That level of blight contamination makes the radiation flooding Gnomergon look tame.

While I don’t mind them reclaiming that territory and trying to heal it, Stratholme is just a better location for them now. Especially if they do what you wanted, ditch the Blight and Necromancy, and start building themselves back up by going back to their roots and finding the now freed Scourge who’s minds can still be salvaged. That is the most noble route they can go moving forward, and Stratholme has a large canon port located in that still unreleased “Northern Lordaeron” zone.

Also, it always did sort of bother me that Alliance players keep demanding that the Plaguelands remain neutral when they are literally the only overland path between two Horde Civilizations? Its very … petty. Those zones should have fallen into the hands of the Horde ages ago.

you are free to disagree, i disagree with just forgetting about the horde atroicities and be forced to let it go because “eye for an eye leaves the world blind” i do not care about moral highground, i want to see them pay. i know that isn’t going to happen,but i don’t have any reason to forget it in the near future.

Bon Appetite.

i am totally fine with that, now, the horde taking theramore? yeah no, i am not having that, i would be more partidary of making it actually neutral between living an undead, or simply forgot about it. unless we regain our jerusalem, lordaeron.

they did? interesting. if that is correct they should have been far more involved with the alliance war effort helping their friends in the alliance.
So far, they abandoned us to the horde while they commited genocide.

You want to keep balance or not blizzard could just fix undercity when they want to the only reason gnomer isn’t a city now is laziness

Oh, don’t get me wrong … I dont expect it. But, yeah, I honestly dont know what Blizz intends for Lordaeron going forward, but in a hypothetical best case scenario … the Forsaken keep the Tirisfal Territory and are allowed to attempt to purify the Blight Contamination; but they resettle in Stratholme. That city, as charred as it is, has the infrastructure necessary for the Forsaken to exploit the current Scourge status as best as possible. Which, is concievably the best, most noble way for them to continue their race going forward. Freeing those Scourge that can still be freed, now that the Helm of Domination is gone.

It could also be used to give them that edge they need to make up for the loss of Blight and Necromancy for military assets. You want both gone, well, the Forsaken always were a mongrel race of rotten corpses; maybe its time to just get a little bit more mongrel.

They are already back in the glades as of 8.3 and the Paladins and argents took strat what happens to them

Why do you think I’ve been so OK with the prospect that the Alliance reclaim not just Arathi and Gilneas, but Hillsbrad and Silverpine. Hillsbrad is the orignal territory of the Dalaran Kindom, Silverpine holds a lot of old homes for the Gilneans; including Crowley. They may not have had a huge presence, but yes … Dalaran forces did fight on the side of the Alliance in this conflict. Which is why, Vareesa is present alongside Anduin and Alleria in 8.2.5.

Well, they continue as peacekeepers and continue to heal the land if they want. They also keep certain locals in those territories. However, they are not a nation. They should also not place themselves in the way of a foreign power solely because they still believe they can resettle those territories for the Alliance. Even if its subconscious, that is them taking a side. I mean, New Andorhal was a joke. Who thought that was a good idea to stoke one of the Forsaken’s greatest fears by having humans settle right next door to the Forsaken capital?

The only Dalaran presence is the Kirin Tor evacuating Night Elves from Teldrassil, as far as I remember. Vereesa is likely there because they’re about to face her sister - a personal matter, not Dalaran business. I don’t remember any Kirin Tor, or even Silver Covenant forces out in Durotar either.

They might’ve realized continuously rubbing the High Elves on our faces is not the best of ideas.

They basically are a nation at this point lol you basically want what the worgen have be arguing for but for the horde

No, they’re not. They are a neutral religious entity, and one that was heavily weakened in Legion. One that is also multinational now, like most of the neutral organizations. I’m not saying they should lose things like Uther’s Tomb or Lights Hope, but they aren’t a nation, and for them to take political sides will only result in them coming into conflict with the Forsaken/Horde.

Also, them being considered a political entity is just another one of those weird issues where Alliance players believe the Horde need to be contained; and prevented from growing, even in largely abandoned territories. Its the sort of, the Horde should stay out of the Alliance’s story, but the Alliance must infringe as much as possible in the Horde’s story to keep them convenient.

Man … there could have actually been a nuanced Faction Conflict locked in that theme somewhere; shame Blizz had no interest in telling stories like that.

So the genociders should double there land size lol what a take, the forsaken who genocided another race should be rewarded with double there current borders.