The player character is an individual, not the borg

That’s sort of funny. On the one hand people say no, you can’t do that because there is all this lore and we have to be only doing things that fit the logic of the story.

But on the other hand hey, I worked hard for this faction to make them like me to the point where my lovely Dwarf became Revered by them - but let’s make it possible for a level 1 character that this faction has never met to be suddenly Revered by them…the logic of RP gets tossed when it comes to player convenience.

I mean sure, account wide stuff is far more important than RP… :sunglasses:

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I agree. It’s a matter of showing, not just telling. Explain what use the Army of the Light would have for warlocks. Double agents? Special ops to summon powerful demons to be captured/killed before important battles? Or perhaps like Alleria doing their own thing.

Reputation might have mattered something back in the original beta where you could swap faction by working on the reputation.

In modern wow, reputation is only a timed barrier to make you sub longer. And for tmog that usually means you also have to get 4 characters in each armor type to max reputation…

Hey, that’s an aberration now. Keep up with the retcons. I’d also like to know why monster dogs need bracers or even how they got them on.

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It was originally the boss bound to Dire Maul which makes sense for the bracers.

But I do wanna ask whos been decorating the local wildlife.

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Exactly this, its why I have no problem taking my sub money from WoW now and just having it go to FFXIV. Even tho they have no job restrictions based on race, the jobs also dont have cultural ties to the races you can play as. Thats the difference between them, as well as having actual job quests that have a plotline.

If/when Riot’s mmo comes out the extra sub money will be going there, since they seem to be doing a better job at expanding there universe currently.

I know the Ashringer would turn undead to ash but other then that I know the light is painful to undead. But here is something I found that is interesting .

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level 4


·1 yr. ago

There was an explanation of how the Holy Light works in the Warcraft universe from the DnD Warcraft book that really stuck with me. From what I remember and understand, the Light worked mostly from belief itself. The stronger one believed in the Light, the more powerful with it this person would become. It was similar to how the Force works in Star Wars. It’s why the Scarlet Crusade could still use it, their entire order being almost paladins from their sheer belief in the Light. This also made it very different from Nature, Elemental and Arcane magics, which brought a nice diversity to the universe. With this lore, Undeads can not be paladins because they do not believe the Light will answer them.




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level 5


·1 yr. ago

zamkis is correct, the onlything that matters to the light is that you believe youre doing the right thing essentially, thats how we end up with people like the scarlet crusade who are undoubtedly evil, or arch bishop benedictus etc

also its true that wielding the light hurts undead but its not fatal just excruciatingly painfull, in vanilla naxx there was one of the horsemen who was undead but his faith was so strong and his will was so strong that he continoued to use the light even as an undead.

Teh person spoken of is Sir Zeliek on of the 4 horsemen from Naxxramas.
As foor void and light how come Turalyon and Alleria haven’t blown eachother up because they have used their powers combined to interogate during the Shadows Rising book. So if what you are saying is true their combined powers being used at the same time would of blown them both up. Also wouldn’t have Anduin blown himself up when that little bit of void came out of him in the same book ?

As for Mag’har becoming Warlocs. It isn’tbeing a Warloc that turns them green it is Fel that does . Because if becoming a warlock meant the practitioner would turn green then Human, gnome, dwarf , and belf warlocks would all be green and there would be a bunch of green furry Worgen warlocks.
(Did not include Goblin and Troll for obvious skin tone options).

Tell that to the scarlet crusaders in Eastern Plague lands.

Back in TBC when you would ask a guard where the Shaman Trainer was in Stormwind they had this funny dialogue of like “Shaman? What are you talking about?!” (very paraphrased) but basically they looked at you like you were crazy.

I would LOVE more interactions like that because they are fun. Like certain NPC’s just reacting in funny ways.

I think spitting and such is too far but things like “NPC watches you cautiously as you pass, sneering and tightening their grip on their weapon” or “A Gnome Druid? How adorable!” brings life to the game world.

And yes, I say this knowing DK’s already get spat at and fruit thrown at them but I think that would become way too annoying too fast. NPC’s just speaking up or minor flavor text would be so much better because it acknowledges it but it does not become overblown.


Id love a more individualized feel to WoW

That is good roleplaying. Hide your true nature. The fact that it says “warlock” on your nameplate is irrelevant.

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