It’s not like this is going to be a permanent thing. I just figured that people could put aside their “me me me” for a couple of weeks for an event that will be over before you know it.
Oh, I know it’s not a permanent thing. I guess I just disagree with you that it’s selfish to want an opt-out rather than being an extension of Ion’s comments at BlizzCon about wanting players to have greater agency than they currently have.
nah. Pre-patch events are always just there in the world. It’ll be there for like a month or two and then the expansion will drop and the prepatch will go away. You can deal with it for that amount of time.
It would be a better event with War Mode respecting player choice.
I’m not asking for the Event to not happen, or go away. I just don’t want to deal with players ruining my game time. I really, honestly don’t see why this is such an unreasonable position outside of supporting griefers.
War Mode. Gameplay > Lore. If I can turn off a world war, I can turn off a zombie invasion.
Then War Mode should be respected and prevent player-controlled anythings from engaging players with it disabled.
Ah, you’re right. Gameplay > Lore after all. The Fourth War wasn’t at all as big a catastrophe as the Scourge Invasion.
So as I’ve copy-pasted at this point: War Mode. Gameplay > Lore.
War Mode. Gameplay > Lore. Player controlled anythings should not be able to attack players with this mode disabled.
Whoa! So you DO realize instances can be different! Wow! So guess what? Instances of the Scourge Invasion with War Mode off would feature only AI zombies. War Mode on? Go to the instance with PC zombies. War Mode Off = Normal. War Mode On = Mythic. There we go!
Only 2 things I want to see addressed is player ghouls have ridiculous chance to dodge spells for some reason, I couldn’t for the life of me kill on my mage because every ability just misses, didn’t have this problem at all on rogue.
Other issue is the infinite loop of ghouls spawning, 1 player kills some npc’s, npc’s instantly respawn and the ghouls from their previous body kill them and create more ghouls, within 30 minutes you have hundreds (thousands in SW harbor and boralus). The servers can’t handle that many at once, especially when they use their sprint ability, my client was basically grinding to a halt and took 10 seconds to catch back up.
1 small area of boralus, the entire city looked like this.
From the April 6, 2020 Developer’s Update: “We remain guided by the core philosophies that we articulated at BlizzCon: player agency and empowering choices.”
I think that’s sort of what the OP is getting at. They feel that they have no agency or choice with a world event such as the Wrath or Shadowlands pre-patch events. I could be wrong, of course. Wouldn’t be the first time, as I already demonstrated in this thread.
I’m sorry that I respect player agency and you have no good answer for it outside of ‘BUT MUH LORE’ until you start sputtering ‘BUT GAMEPLAY > LORE’ and then retreat to BUT MUH LORE again. I swear, I’m debating a Victrola with a crack in its record.
What’s wrong with not wanting to PvP at all? It’s why I disabled War Mode. I do not want to fight player-controlled ANYTHINGS.
If your concern is I’m trying to outright not DO the event, you’re wrong. I just want to remove PvP from the equation. I’ll fight AI zombies all day. If you must, think of it like selecting a difficulty for your instance, Normal or Heroic. I’ll take Normal, thanks.
You aren’t debating anyone. You are just spewing the same demands over and over again.
If you aren’t going to discuss anything, then just admit this is just a vehicle to ram your message down as many throats as possible to seem like it’s a bigger deal than it actually is.
Actually, as ive been on the PTR for a few days now, there are places you can quest and not run into any ghouls/zombies.
The Nelf starting area and Draenei starting area are two of those. Stormwind is actually mostly under control too. Portaling into the Mage Tower was safe. Barber shop was safe. Transmog was safe. (Of course im going to check transmog building!) Darkshire was a small battlefield and I got stuck in a chimney for a while, but a Frostwyrm came by and hit me with its aoe attack so problem solved. But there were lvl 50 players there working together to combat the zombies. It was really cool and I got on my copied over lvl 50 Warlock to help out. Im super curious on where that Frostwyrm came from. A DK had him Controlled for a while, which was so cool lol.
Ita a fun event that takes us out of the norm for a short amount of time. You can see the difference between the players who problem solve and try to overcome, and the players who encounter this and sit down to complain. Im not trying to be mean; this is what ive seen so far. Ive been having the best time on thr PTR as both a lvl 10 and a lvl 50, and im super excited for this Prepatch event to hit live. Edit for typos because rip my phone typing life!