The Plague Event is Fine, but only if it's Opt-In

This hasn’t happened before. The only thing that was even remotely similar was the pre-wrath event. Even then still not the same reason for the event. If nothing else this event should be bigger than the pre-wrath event because the scourge are on the loose now.

Mindless scourge? That sounds like AI zombies. Which would be fine to me.


No because I’m not asking for the world to bend to me and my whims. I want everyone including myself affected by the same rules.

Not my gameplay. I didn’t make wow nor do I make any of it’s rules.

What hypocrisy on my part?

The undead were “mindless scourge” until they got free will. Who says zombies couldn’t develop just a bit for a short time?

It’s easy. He wants an easy route to gank people and doesn’t want them to have any possibility of protection or survival. This event is essentially the ‘last gasp’ of the Scourge faction people are so mad they can’t join.


I don’t want to join the scourge. I just want to have some fun with an event that you’re trying to stop.

“I want everyone including myself affected by the same rules.” In other words, you want to force your gameplay style on everyone, including those who are asking for a way to opt out of your particular gameplay style.

True, you didn’t make the game or any of its rules, but you still want to force others to play by rules that you deem to be correct, conveniently forgetting that other people are allowed to have an opinion as well.

If you can’t see the disconnect or the hypocrisy, then I’m done here. Not going to spend my time arguing with a brick wall.

Good day to you, sir.


Because they’re zombies. No zombie, ever, has demonstrated anything but instinct and hunger. Whatever abilities they may have, they use them on the literal first thing they see, which would be guards in capitols.

No intelligent undead was ever a zombie. And higher forms of undead aren’t what are causing the problem. Also, weird that Bolvar decided to ressurect all of these Scourge bosses. Wonder why he did THAT?

I’m not trying to stop this event. I’m trying to stop the griefing this event brought last time. PvP should not happen if I have War Mode off.


So it would be fine to be killed by Zombie NPC’s doing the same thing but the idea that those zombies are controlled by a Human at a keyboard is bad?

Yes. And here’s why:

The Plague would be much harder to spread, because you wouldn’t have human players intentionally walking into cities while infected, intentionally dying while infected, and then rising and attacking NPCs and guards. The ghouls would slam up against the walls of the fortress, and maybe one or two would sneak through, but nothing that would necessarily overwhelm the critical parts of the city.

Also, you can run from AI zombies. You can leash them. You can not aggro them. You can CC them and draw guards to them. A player doesn’t respond to any of this, so there’s a totally different interaction, which essentially amounts to ‘see player, activate speed/damage boost, pounce, kill’.


Again, not my gameplay. Blizzard’s gameplay.

I do deem Blizzard’s rules to be correct. I think the correct course of action for Blizzard is to not allow anyone to opt out of the world. Whether they allow that or not is not up to me. I just know my stance on it.

If they don’t like Blizzard’s rules they can go to other places in the game world. People act like every pixel of the world will be so covered with zombies and that’s just not the case.

You’ve yet to point out any hypocrisy.

ai controlled zombies will only attack when triggered. Player controlled zombies will intentionally go to places where they can disrupt and annoy other players. say, navigating to starter areas and decimating new players. attacking the ah and camping it for hours. The ganking scum see this event as an opportunity to circumvent WM and force people into pvp.


Undead. Forsaken. The horde faction. They were “mindless zombies” until they weren’t.


What griefing? Are you talking about how the event played out? Like the event itself? I’ve told you before this affected normal and pvp servers last time. That’s the set precedent this event should follow.

The proper form is “affect” not “effect”. Read a grammar book.

Grammar Ganker

If Blizz gave the Zombies the same AI as you see in Islands then they’d do all that. That’s my point. I think players get triggered by the thought of another human killing their toon.

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As I said above…not if Blizz gave them the new NPC AI you see in Islands.

Yea that’s why I want player controlled zombies in warmode and just NPC zombies in non warmode. That would be a decent fix to this whole thing imo but I’m also ok with no changes so we’ll see what Blizzard decides.

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They were higher undead. No Forsaken was ever as rotted as ghouls and zombies are. Not as high as DKs but definitely higher. Furthermore, they had special rituals to raise them. They’re not zombies, and never were.

Name me one. All they do is groan, eat, shamble, and move. Forsaken aren’t zombies. DKs aren’t zombies. Zombies were cannon fodder because they were mindless and otherwise worthless to the Scourge.

Forced flagging is a bug and should be addressed by a strengthening of War Mode in this event, or Infection needs to not PvP-flag.

No AI will be as effective as a human player, and they will still respect the rules of aggro and patterns. That’s the point of AI, it’s predictable.

If I wanted to fight other human players, I’d toggle War Mode on.

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It doesn’t strike as they want to stop the event, they just don’t want to participate in the event. Not really the same thing.

There is no real problem with putting everyone wanting the event in one shard and those that could care less in another.

Unless of course people want to grief other people…


Give me a source on this.

This isn’t forced flagging. This is zombies coming to kill you.