‘A swarm of enemies threaten the world! Heroes, go do something!’
Wow, so unique. So unique that it’s happened twice before.
AQ was more unique than this ever was, and had a massive impact on the world, and people could STILL opt out of it and play the game without being affected.
No matter how hard you plug your ears and go “LALALALALALA”, doesn’t change the fact that this event is unique. A similar event happened ONCE pre-wrath but that’s it. You can’t change facts just because it doesn’t suit you.
It’s a re-run of a re-run. Yawn. Been there, done that. We didn’t have War Mode back then, so hopefully they tweak the code to respect the current systems.
Again, AQ was more unique, more influential, and more engrossing than this ever was, and yet you could still opt out of it and even wander around in the zone without being affected by it if you so chose.
Now they have a chance to address that problem. Forcible flagging is a bug and shouldn’t be possible to someone that’s not in War Mode. The code can be improved.
Also, what’s it matter if the event is unique. AQ followed the rules. This event needs to as well. You can have a zombie invasion for PvE players and PvP players.
Again, it’s you with the problem that can’t accept even one player playing the game being unaffected by this. A sane individual would look at the players jazzed for the event, and go, ‘great, we’ve got participants’ instead of looking at the people that want out and going ‘NO, you’re gonna do it and LIKE IT.’
The way the zombies works and infects players is how this is unique. The event needs to follow it’s own rules because it’s a one time event. You’ll live.
I want an event that has the integrity of consistent involvement of the world. Not pick and choose. Again, shared world. You shouldn’t be able to to choose to not be affected by it.
A sane individual understands this is a shared world and wow doesn’t revolve around a single person.
Weird. I remember this got scrapped a couple days in because the outcry about it was so fierce. I wonder why…
No, it doesn’t. It needs to respect War Mode. It’s the easiest way to fix the issue that caused this events cancellation last time. Then it can be as apocalyptic as you want.
AQ? ANY World Event on the Calendar? The Burning of Teldrassil? So, uh, do those not count?
No, it revolves around player choice. Those who don’t want PvP opt out of War Mode. That was the deal for the loss of PvE servers. So you griefers can go gank each other back in Tarren Mill or whatever the hotspot is nowadays.
War Mode is supposed to shard people off into shards that have the same setting. If it doesn’t, you get orange names above the entities and they’re unattackable instead of red names that are attackable.
Even then, still superior to ‘you have no choice UNLESS YOU WANT TO LOG OFF YOU SCRUB LOLOLOL FEEL MY GANK’
Ah, I’ll eat crow on this. Checking some recent documentation Blizzard is reported to have said the event ‘ran as intended’ though there was definitely some abruptness to it (having played it before in Wrath). That’s what you get for occasionally going with articles on fansites. Again, however, War Mode didn’t exist, and now there’s an opportunity to address this absence.
Every other World Event respects War Mode restrictions. This should be no different.
Participating in a raid carries the same rules as every other raid. The tactics may change, and you might get some new setpieces, but overall you know what to expect.
Weird. I can bend a world war to my whim, but not a dumb virus. Despite having a Priest with the ability to cure diseases. Guess Priest class fantasy doesn’t count anymore, huh?
War Mode’s already 90% there. Just have it address non-factional player-controlled attacks.
It worked the same on normal and pvp servers alike. Nothing needs to be addressed.
No other event is like this. Except for the pre-wrath event and that happened the same on normal and pvp servers. The precedent was set. It should follow suit again.
A raid is a raid right? The small details don’t matter.
World war? This only happened in a few zones. You could just leave those zones. Just like you can leave cities that have zombies in them.
Atulzan: “You’re a special snowflake demanding that the game cater to your demands!”
Also Atulzan: “Everybody that is logged into the game should be affected by this.”
Do you not see the disconnect here? On the one hand, you’re telling the OP to stop trying to force their gameplay on everyone else, but then you turn right around and state that you should be able to force your gameplay on everyone else.
I’m not arguing for either side, just pointing out the hypocrisy of those on the pro-zombie event side.