The Plague Event is Fine, but only if it's Opt-In

Not the same thing. This isn’t a WM issue. This is a world event.

Every World Event has had WM respected unless you did something blatantly PvP-centric and even then YOU had to be the aggressor. And no, ‘entering your own faction’s capitol’ isn’t a PvP trigger. You know how I know? My flag isn’t up until a zombie infects and kills me.

In this, Player zombies can forcibly flag you and drag you into PvP. Circumventing War Mode’s purpose and protection.

War Mode needs to be upgraded to take this into account.

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There’s no other event like this unless you count the scourge invasion pre-wrath event.

This has nothing to do with pvp and wm.


It is naive to believe you can run this type of event as ‘opt in’. It’s not my job to educate you on why, but know that you need to either run with everyone in or nobody.

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What do you mean, there’s no other mode like this. Ones with PvP attachments? I can name several: Children’s Week, Hallow’s Eve, just to name a few. Yet, somehow, War Mode manages to respect those.

Why do players uninterested in PvP have to be able to be dragged into PvP? Why are people that want to do this event so scared that it might not have participants if they’re not forced into it?


Did I say mode? I don’t think so. I said there’s no other event in the game like the zombie outbreak. None. This doesn’t follow the same rules as other events.

Why not? Go on, hit me with the ‘lore’ argument again.

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Gameplay > lore. This event needs to be all inclusive. Wow is a shared world. You don’t get to opt out of the world.

BFA was a world-consuming war, beyond anything the Scourge ever dreamed. The Scourge Invasion never cost either side actual zones. The literal world map changed due to BFA.

… Yet, I could opt-out of the faction conflict in BFA. I could play a Forsaken and a Night Elf wouldn’t be able to touch me, during the Tree Burning or beyond. Why?

Because I had War Mode off.

Because, as you know, Gameplay > Lore.


And you could avoid BFA by going elsewhere.

Now you’re just reaching. Do you honestly think the horde and alliance outnumber the dead? :rofl: :rofl:

Has nothing to do with WM.

And turning off War Mode. It let me wag my butt right in front of the Alliance as a Horde and they couldn’t do anything about it. I could stroll through BFA zones without a care in the world, engaging in PvE elements without ever needing to touch PvP elements were I not inclined. I could do the entirety of the continent. I didn’t need to leave, I just filtered out the elements I didn’t want to touch. Which, y’know, is all I ask of the event. Let me filter out the PvP, and it’s all good.

Exactly the same. Despite your desperate cries of ‘NO ITS UNIQUE THO’. Gonna try the ‘it’ll only be this once we gotta enjoy it’ bit, too, cause this is Round 3 of this event.

Numbers actually matter at this point? Arthas’s legions didn’t kill Darnassus, the Horde did. Arthas’s legions didn’t breach Undercity, the Alliance did. Arthas’s undead didn’t depose Garrosh, the Alliance did. The Scourge didn’t kill Varian Wrynn, the Legion did.

Come to think of it, the Scourge did approximately jack-all in the entirety of WoW. Just had some emo-hair band leader sit on a throne long enough for us to swipe his horse. Some villain.

Really? So what stopped the Alliance players from killing me? 'Cause I don’t think it was my doe-y eyes.


I’m not going to go round and round with you. The event will happen as Blizzard sees fit. If there’s no opt out I’ll be extremely happy. If there is an opt out oh well not my game.

The event WILL be better if there’s no opt out. I look forward to it.

I forgot, some PvP flags come in white.


AWW got’em!

We’ll see come time of the event.

will it affect the starter zones? no? doesnt effect the whole world. In dalaran? no? doesnt effect the whole world. Im ggs? No? doesnt effect the whole world. In wod? No? doesnt effect the whole world. On argus? no? doesnt effect the wole world. Evidently It isnt supposed to effect the whole world.

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Not unless players actively work to bring it there. Which they are, because they want to be on the Scourge faction so badly. They want to play villains, and they’re mad that Sylvanas is on the chopping block for doing this exact thing.


It can. If zombies get there.

It can.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

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The ganker scum want to force you to be their targets. So far, blizzard is ok with this.


Blizzard doesn’t want you avoid the world. The same shared world we all play in. How terrible…

Not avoiding the world. Just the PvP.