I wasn’t there for it so someone correct me if I’m wrong but the pre-TBC event had portals spawning and demons pouring out of them. Eventually a raid boss would come into the city and cause chaos until he was brought down. Kazzak if I remember correctly. Again, I wasn’t there for this so please someone correct me if I’m wrong.
Or they could be doing some tuning work. In the end it is Blizzard’s game. I just hope they stick to their guns and have the chaotic event. If they do it’ll definitely be one to remember fondly.
Yes and that is because those same people are trying to use it as a beta test for themselves and are complaining the zombie event is disrupting that, should be pretty obvious that this is the case.
Those are the kind of players that killed world pvp. Having a fight over a node in the world over a quest mob and going about your business is fine. In fact it’s fun. That how I remember world pvp being back in the day. You had chance encounters and it spiced things up and made the world a bit more dangerous. And you also had more organized large scale pvp battles as well.
Now it’s just glorified griefing. Killing you for a black lotus isn’t enough, they need to bring 5 of their friends to camp you the rest of the night. Or they need 5-6 raid groups to slaughter everyone in BRM over and over again for a month just to waste people’s time. The gaming community in general has gotten significantly more toxic over the years. That’s what has really ruined world pvp, not flying or BG’s, but the scorched earth kind of world pvp we see today. It’s just not fun or enjoyable unless you’re the one dominating, and even that gets old fast.
What is even more telling is sometimes people would suggest things that let others get out of that PvP and they were called “carebears” or other such things. The ones dishing out these labels then became the ones that complained how world PvP was dead. I am just here like “hey, idiots, maybe it is dead because you are being bullies and people are leaving”. Really, if people want PvP deals to THRIVE, they need to leanr when to dial it back or get slapped with something that evens the odds.
The Plague Event is fine, but ONLY if it’s opt-in.
ONLY if it’s opt-in.
If Blizzard keeps this as automatic flag for pvp, I’ll just take some time off during this “event”.
I support CHOICES. Even if something is supposed to advance the storyline, it should not FORCE us into a playstyle we have purposely chosen to avoid.
Make this opt-in, please Blizzard. The griefing, garbage and inability do do ANYTHING is more than ridiculous. (I got on the PTR and tried it to see what was really going on… in my viewpoint it was pointless to try to do anything, except pvp and that’s not my game).
I could not possibly agree more. Idk if you played classic at all. But before phase 2 dropped my server was one of, if the most balanced pvp server. We were 52/48 horde favored. Within 2 weeks we were 70/30 horde if not worse.
It would regularly take and hour or more to get to any dungeons, forget farming any sort of mats in the world, and if you were 48-59 just don’t bother logging in. Horde were relentless. Roaming 40 man raids camping solo players they’d have 2+ raid groups on the theramore boat 24/7, so forget about going to kalimdor. Their response was “well bring a raid and fight us” and then when you did they bring in 2 more full raids and camp you.
Once they had driven most of the alliance off the server blizz in their infinite wisdom shut off transfers for alliance. So those that didn’t bail early got stuck. Most just quit. Then Horde complain about how nobody wants to pvp them lol. Some people truly believe this is “winning” and don’t get why players wouldn’t want to be subjected to the scorched earth pvp lol.
It doesn’t matter what form of content it is, or what game it is, it never feels good to be forced to do something you don’t want to do. Look at all the complaints from pvp’ers through the years about they don’t want to be forced to raid to be good at pvp. Or raiders who don’t want to do world quests to keep their weapon relevant. There’s a ton of content in this game, not everyone needs to do everything all the time. If you want to do M+ only, thats cool, why should you have to pvp or raid to be effective in M+
I want this event to happen for everyone. Not my fault people can’t handle their mundane status quo broken. That’s what makes for a good memorable event.