? i honestly don’t get what you’re coming from…
If i understand correctly what you’re saying to me here, then you’re also part of the problem.
What do you mean being someone’s victim?
And what is the nonsense of having a middle ground?
No they didn’t last time was during wotlk and subs only went up try again… subs didn’t fall of until the end of cata…
Your delusional if you think that’s solving the problem and we both know there’s a very easy solution that literally does not in any way impact the people wanting to play the event. You’re all bent on everyone having to do this event even if they don’t want to and I’m curious why.
You’re being obtuse, there was a mass unsub for the short period before Wrath during the zombie invasion, to the extent that Blizzard added a specific “are you leaving because of the zombie event?” question to the unsub process.
Were you even playing then? I’m guessing no, if you didn’t know this.
well it won’t get changed so deal with it or don’t either way sound like a problem on your end…
Are you for real?
Yes, i’m very for real…
Is there a problem in wanting something for everyone without segregating the already fractured playerbase of this game?
Otherwise WoW should just be a single player game with a chat function and instances.
You’re yet again delusional if you think they wont add some option to opt out of it. I myself will play the event, i wasn’t there the first time and I’m personally excited for the massive game of hide and seek as I see it, but that doesn’t mean everyone who doesn’t want the pvp lag fest has to be screwed over.
no there was never a mass unsub during wrath your delusional your confusing the vocal minority with the silent majority… there was no mass unsubs until the tail end of cata and MOP. We have data that can disprove this Google it and see for yourself.
Then why did Blizzard add a specific “are you leaving because of the zombie event” question to the unsub process?
This was back when unsubbing involved the Crying Peon. Do you even know what that means?
You’re acting like i want everyone to get ganked by griefers regardless of their thoughts
didn’t add in vanilla and didn’t add it in wrath so no they probably won’t your opt out is to stay out of the area pretty easy.
again show me proof of mass unsubs? You can’t because there was none just whiny care bears who logged off for a week.
You do realize how long it’s been since this event was last in the game right? I highly doubt they are going to force everyone into a pvp event for a week or two. Even if it is just for a week or two, even if people can just go to their garrison.
Stop calling them whiny care bears, that’s just disgusting.
It doesn’t matter if you agree or not with their preference, using insults also diminishes yourself.
They added a question specifically asking if you were unsubbing because of the zombie event. The only other time they did that was when flying was removed.
Well apparently, you think that it’s are perfectly fine to force that upon people and that our arguments that we should be able to opt in is worse.
Where is it saying i’m fine with forcing as you put it?
Because i don’t think an “opt out” option to experience the quests is ok?
I actually never said it like you’re putting it. In my less-than-a-minute idea the only “forced” interaction i can think of is when you need to traverse the infested area to reach the quest turn in, but in those areas it’s safe from the ghouls…
What part of it is bad? the road? i don’t think an on-rails experience is good for the game, not me or other players, the game.
Let me ask you, how do you experience the game? what content and systems do you engage with?
Do you think it’s ok for a player to finish a raid without having to play better to defeat the bosses?
It’s the same thing, the only negative is having players that WILL grieve and harass other players, and that could also have many solutions without segregating the playerbase into “danger mode” or “walk in the park” mode.
Might as well cancel the whole thing and have a boring scenario like previous expansions.
want to bet they did it before with way more players not gonna continue to cobversate with you its how its acxept or don’t you are gonna have a miserable week it seems.
how about you mind your own business or are you a care bear 2 that wants everything for free to sit undisturbed in your city spamming trade chat? Don’t like it dont care.