This is just becoming a s**tshow where no one is going to enjoy anything…
I’m disappointed in this community.
Everyone just cares about their point of view and bashes others who have different opinion. That would work on a niche game but not on WoW.
Don’t like it, well, tough luck.
Not a single claim from any part in this discussion is good overall for the game, because no one can stick to their skulls that “fun” and “engagement” are subjective, even if understanding the meaning of the word, the purpose is lost in translation.
Wanna know the best part? If they end up cancelling the event everyone who wanted it will claim the “snowflakes” and “whiners” made it happen when in reality the devs will probably just go “this is too much stress to do right and there’ll be too many players complaining either way, so we’ll just scrap it and not have to deal with it”.
Why is it so hard to understand this is a game… GAME… entertainment! The pros of WoW have always been it has a way for everyone to find something they have fun doing. The problem arises when someone thinks 100% of the game should be the way they perceive fun, and everyone else who thinks different is ruining the game. Example? I dislike pet battles with all my heart, whenever i see content from that i just hate it. Do i want it removed from the game? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
Hundreds of thousands of players enjoy it, so who am i to say they’re wrong?
I’m sorry this is already a huge a** wall of text, but i have to keep going.
This event is fun in by itself, but no matter how hard even the devs try there’s a very considerate amount of players who will find a way to abuse that fun to make the game a chore for others who have fun in a different way.
Should those players have some kind of babysitting to not be subjected to those other players? No. Should they have some sort of mechanism to fight back without losing the perception of fun they have for the game? Yes.
Wanna know how to really make this event ok for everyone? Take into consideration the different ways players enjoy the game (and i can assure you, Blizzard has those metrics) and just make it so occasionally they have to deal with the other side of the coin but not be locked in a coup with no way out. And no, i’m not talking about an opt out feature, WM only interaction or phasing.
Some people just want to do the quests and (:gasp:) read the text to know what’s the story. Do they enjoy being beaten and turned into a zombie while trying to read a page of text? I can assure you not. Does that mean they shouldn’t be subjeted to the event? Also no, because it’s ridiculous to read about an invasion that’s happening everywhere and it not happening everywhere. Probably the only places it shouldn’t happen are Outland, Draenor and Argus.
The same way some players don’t find fun unless they experience an event like this happen to everyone, because why wouldn’t it? It’s unfair that i have to deal with it (even if i like it) but others don’t just because they don’t want to deal with it.
There’s always compromise to be found on the middle ground, but no one wants to compromise and say to the other “maybe you have a point, but we need a balance between the options”.
Going like this you guys are just going to endlessly argue and never reach a satisfying conclusion until some just straight abandons from frustration or the thread gets locked when the insults start. And the event just gets cancelled and we get a boring time-gated short questline to explain what happened.
Want to know a possible middle point? Quests are inside safe areas, like i don’t know bubbles or some stuff that ghouls can’t get into, but to reach the destination you have to go through the infestation where you WILL come across the invasion and turned players, but when you reach the destination to turn in the quest it’s also safe and there’s a healer to cleanse you there.
This is a bare minimum idea that i thought about in like a minute.
How about flying? Disable it would be the most simple way, but not everyone would like that. So maybe Gargoyles who act like the Wurms in N’zoths assaults? That either slow your flying to a crawl or directly dismount you or infect you in the air. There’s literally dozens of options that can be brought up.
Ok, that’s all, sorry for the long wall of text. I just recently resubbed because i wanted to play again. I really enjoy many things in the game, but what really drives me to want to abandon it for good always come to interactions with others because for some reason it’s just to hard for people to understand others have different opinions on subjects that don’t actually make them wrong. Just don’t complain in the end when the event happens it’s not what one expects or even if it happens at all.