You said that you wanted to have the danger in your event. Is that correct?
You said that you want everybody to be in this event, regardless if they want to or not because it retains it’s danger and the world is affected. Is that correct?
So, why are you okay with garrisons?
Or is it you are bothered by garrisons ruining your event? Which one is it?
If the game goes live with how you hope it will work, People will try and go about their business for a few days then will turn to literal zombie ghost towns because people will just log off until it ends or level through instances in their garrisons or quiet caves on the edge of the world.
Is that what this boils down to you? Just nit picking my words for argument’s sake? Seems like this is all you want.
I said I don’t want anyone opted out. Meaning their own safe shard to stroll through unaffected.
Said it before I’ll say it again JUST for you. Because the plague is still happening outside your garrison. Step out of the instance and you may have a chance to be affected.
What don’t you understand about this? Safe shard in cities vs no safe shard in cities. You just want to nit pick and argue.
Hint: this isn’t a real pandemic. This is a virtual one in a virtual game. If I want to participate in an involuntary pandemic, I need only step outside. Many of us are playing this game to escape from the rigors of the real world. We don’t want the same crappy reality involuntarily imposed on us in-game.
By your logic, N’Zoth should be an open-world boss that is constantly ravaging all the major cities without any provocation. Instead, the devastation is limited to Uldum and the Value of Blossoms. Furthermore, he sits in his raid instance and doesn’t lay so much as a scratch on you until someone in your raid taps him on the shoulder and tells him that it’s OK to fight now.
The plague is totally inconsistent with how everything else in the game works, and the only players who want it are bored try-hards who have Mythic Ny’Alotha on farm already and trolls who get a kick out of ganking players who are clearly unwilling to participate.
So city safe-shards, you think that’s not good. You don’t want to anybody to opt out. Alright, Fantastic.
Okay, so the outside of the garrison, there is the plague. That means Draenor is affected… Even though in lore it shouldn’t since it’s set in … Draenor timeline, but i digress. Minor details.
So you’re explicitly saying that if you step out, you have a chance to be affected.
So if you step in, you won’t have a chance to be affected? Is that correct?
If that’s wrong, then please correct me on that. I’m all ears.
Your entire argument here revolves around wanting people to be forced to participate to make sure the event is dangerous and you don’t want it to flop. You can argue that people can’t walk around in the city because it will get rid of the danger value of this event, but it has to be applied to garrisons/instances for the sake of consistency, because garrisons/instance safe safe shards too.
I mean, name ANY raid boss that wouldn’t be better served just showing up in the middle of some leveling zone and wrecking face for a while. Or that acted strangely in order to give the players a fighting chance. Deathwing literally one-shots entire zones, where was that in the Raid?
Also, hey, if they want to go by realism, I mean, the ghouls are mindless zombies, right? So why are players getting to control them again? Sounds like that’s an AI job.
Not everything in the game is everyones cup of tea, but as in the past everyone at one time or another has had to step into things in order to complete or compete with things in WoW.
In the long run the Pre-Patch events outside of the achievements that can be earned they hold very little to no lasting meaning in the game, fact is only a few could even be used for meaningful catch up mechanics for alts and gearing. More so lately than of the past.
Short term they are a few weeks break from normal day to day events for the players. They normally offers some rewards for ones efforts, but generally are considered sort and I mean very short term fun. Which by their end period of time are mostly ignored and abandon by most that play WoW.
But this is how its always been, its not a news flash and any player that has been around knows this already. So what is one expecting with this event is beyond me. If it geared toward a PvE, PvP or both groups, its all the same. Not everyone will be happy that their little bubble of game play is being effected by it. But yet then all the ones in the past also effected peoples game play to some extent and everyone survived.
Hmmm even though what happened in Icecrown affects all of us, I think that for those leveling a character for the first time, and are not max level, should probably be able to be exempt from it, and be phased in a part of Stormwind and Orgrimmar that is unaffected by the Plague.
Either way, it will be only a limited experience and I suggest everyone check it out, because it may be another 10 years before we see something like that again.
I’d be interested in peeking my head in, but not if I’m going to be locked into the event with no recourse. Let me curate it to my preferences, such as being able to opt out of the PvP portion of the Event, and we’re good-to-go.
I have taken your arguments and points and try to apply consistency here to fix them because otherwise your points and arguments doesn’t make any real sense.
You can say “the world is affected” and such, but if your simply not bothered by people going into the garrison or instances, your simply not bothered by people opting out.
Being bothered by one thing but not being bothered by the other, even though they both defeat the purpose of the invasion and danger value, is hypocritical.
Well that’s a shame. Even though i’ve taken your points into consideration and even argued for your points by making you see your arguments you made are inconsistent and even fixed them for you, which you called it being “willfully obtuse”, i guess you really don’t want your dangerous event and don’t mind if people are staying in your garrisons to ruin the danger of your event.
I apologize if trying to apply consistency to your arguments genuinely bothers you, so i offer my Mea Culpa.
Why even log in then? Just have an opt out, the people that don’t want to deal with the event aren’t going to play with you no matter how hard you try. Are you that afraid that people won’t participate enough to do the event.