The Plague Event is Fine, but only if it's Opt-In

So nothing at all like the scourge invasion, gotcha.

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Nope this works like the Legion event with the dreadlord the Players basicly turn into a NPC. So it’s not exactly PvP. It’s more of a PvX event.

Then if it’s so tiny how does their opting out adversely affect the event?
I’d rather people be able to police themselves and just log out not acting like it’s punishment but you’re not making sense to me.

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Hey, hey, noticing you haven’t replied yet. You DO have a reply for this, yeah?

You do realize that the pre-patch will see lots of new players excited to play the expansion, right? They get out of the newbie area, want to level through 10-50, so they can be ready for SL to play with their friends… and the quest gives are dead.

It doesn’t matter what you’ve argued for, but you cannot claim something like you are when other people have been suffering longer than you and for far worse when things like time sensitive trophies are on the line.

I have noticed, and he’s refusing to acknowledge that, as well refusing to acknowledge that i’m talking about the Idea behind those 3 pre-patch events. I’l just leave this video here since it would be pointless to change his mind at this point. :point_down:

If there was a reason for it and it had something unique to it then sure but you’re still just falling back on static and established activities in the game. Not a unique world event. You really should give up. There’s no scenario where you don’t sound like a whining child not getting their way.

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Because there is others that simply don’t care for it. Which is much lower population then those that whine about it wanting a opt out. Blizzard probably won’t admit it, other players probably won’t admit it. But this event is made for the Chaotic players that want to kill their own faction. The entire thing loses its fun when there is no resistance that is the point.

You’re being uselessly pedantic. I don’t want control of my playing experience taken away for the pleasure of someone else. If I sign up to do dungeons and raids, I’m doing so realizing that I could get a troll or a bad group. If I sign up to do War Mode, I realize I’m getting that PvE boost at the risk of getting ganked.

With this, it’s not a choice. It’s me getting pummeled by zombies again and again.


That is blizzards sure fire way to increase subscription rates. Farming their new customers like chickens.

And when they buy the game, they get a free boost so they can experience it without that problem.

Pre-patch is before the expansion. So you don’t have to have SL to ‘experience’ this.

Would you like this event more if it was just over powered Zombies that pummel you again and again that wasn’t players? Would that make it all that much different? You are no longer doing PvP but you are in the exact same situation.

God, fine. There’s a title at the very end of it. ‘The Very Best’. No player, ever, can refuse a Pet Battle, no matter what. Even if it’s during a raid.


Speaking of the pre-patch I noticed you’ve twice now ignored my post telling you that you will be able to access things like your garrison on a low level character because they’re changing how leveling works in the pre-patch.

but I’m sure there’s a good reason you’re ignoring things that are very inconvenient to acting like leveling an alt will be straight up impossible for 2 weeks.


There’s a substantial difference between player-controlled zombies and AI-controlled zombies. You can learn how to deal with the AI control, and they also won’t go absolutely crazy and out of their way to ruin entire leveling zones. Player-controlled zombies on the other hand…

You’re right, I don’t know how SL leveling will work. Still however, hiding in a garrison is a lot less fun than being able to actually go out and quest. So there’s that.

Except they would. The AI does what the Devs tell them to do. That is what this event is suppose to be. The Lich King is gone, so nobody has control over the zombies so they are…

They would be designed to roam everywhere infecting the world and turning every npc questing or otherwise into a zombie. They would be designed to have a massive aggro radius so you couldn’t avoid them. But it’s still PvE.

IF you can reach Chromie, who will be surrounded by ghouls.

Because some griefers will discover that they can ruin a night’s playing for newbies by blocking their quest turn ins.

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