The Plague Event is Fine, but only if it's Opt-In

LoL!! You think of that one all by yourself?

Nope, they are PvE servers, because that’s what Normal servers were.


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He’s being uselessly pedantic.

Wait till you see what he says about clipping.

I have a whole brain. Imagine that? You’d have to…

Black Friday rolls around
Karen: “I come to walmart for the customer vs employee content, not customer vs customer!” “I want my own walmart without black friday!”
Seriously… this one event hasn’t happened in 7-10 years? and you have to ruin it for everyone that is looking forward to it. Everyone that plays mmo’s for being an mmo, a world of players where interactions are with real people and ever changing world. Opting out, ruins the whole reason for the event.

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Not only are you bad at comebacks but you’re terrible at guessing.

You really don’t remember that event at all do you? We had limited armor sets called Blessed Undead Slaying (something like that), haunted memento, and a unique tabard.

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Opting out only ‘ruins the event’ for people that want to gank and grief PvE players. That’s it.


Except, Panda’s are peace loving folks… Ghouls are not. This is a massive RP event that follows the established lore.

There must always be a Lich King. If you opt out, you are ignoring a story component which you cannot do. We wasn’t allowed to ignore going against Garrosh, or Sylvanas, you can’t Ignore a zombie invasion caused by a lack of a Lich King.


You should try using all of it. Imagine the possibilities.

Because you can’t have fun unless you’re ruining other people’s fun. And you’re willing to admit publicly that you’re an antisocial control freak?


Also that guitar axe! don’t forget the axe!

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you are funny. You think your words are the only truth and can define what “Normal” is. /pat. Good cow.

More like I think you’re getting the Wrath event confused with something else because there was no such rewards.

I tried to make a ‘lore friendly’ opt-in system above. Then I got told to log off. So screw it, I’ll take an ‘event skip’ and forfeit anything that’d come if it as long as I get to actually play the game.

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In your example you don’t give players an option to do anything. In this event you have the option to go to the more remote places in the game if you don’t want to join the event.

:point_down: Dark whispers.

By the by, i corrected the mistake on my previous comment, i did meant to say “Wrath Pre-Patch and Legion Pre-patch.”

So again, it’s not unique. Doesn’t really matter the timeframe, even if it was a hundred years atfer wrath, it would still wouldn’t be unique. What makes it unique from Wrath’s exactly?

It’s not much to ask to opt out of one event without logging off the game.

Nope Opt in isn’t lore friendly. That is opting out of the RP which I wasn’t allowed to do. Neither are you.


NO! This is a Earth Changing Event. You are going to deal with the atmosphere. Sylvanas just altered the planet, its a big deal. So take your slap to the face and get over it.


Still have mine though I was a bit upset when Blizz “fixed” it.

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