The perfect reward to work for, for you?

We know the usual rewards ; gear upgrades, powers, transmogs, mounts, pets, titles…

But what is missing from this list?
What would you personally prefer to spend your time on acquiring in this game?

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It used to be legion mog runs til blizz messed that up for everyone


For me? Lots and lots of gold :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Five hundred MILLION gold! Mwahahahaha!!


Player gold cap is 10m, you can have a max of 50 characters on one account 10*50 = 500m boom, easy.
Guild cap is the same = 1 billion gold
8 wow accounts per bnet account = 8 billion gold

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Someone had this idea before me, but to me it would be trophies. They could be added to our character sheet in one or two extra slots. They would work as transmogs I suppose, but they would be acquired through a series of challenges, much like achievements. Maybe they could even have beneficial auras or buffs attached to them.

Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about :smiley:

Very nice!


Achievement points being spendable for cosmetics! :smiley:


the shelves in our player housing


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a little bit of everything

Collecting new moonkin skins and customizing the form I live in 90% of the time~~

Some more class fantasy friendly options that don’t go against everything the class is would be awesome~ (cough Not Glyph of Suck Stars cough)

Skins are good but not every player would benefit from druid skins. So skins for all! Some toys can alter our appearance, but they’re not always tied to our race and class like a special skin could. Basically it would be extra character customizations I think, but ones with a story behind them.

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That would be fun, reminds me of ESO where you can grab special skins for any race.

Here’s an example of an ice themed skin they did.


Character customization options. Like the Night Warrior eyes. I would love to farm new options like that.

Also more spell customizations like green fire and glyphs.


I’m too tired to type it all out, but I’ve actually wrote up an actual document on my old computer detailing how a player garrison could and should actually work…not the very pitiful excuse for what we got in WoD.

The very TL;DR version is something account but faction wide…every class leveled to max level unlocks the wing, every race leveled unlocks building/NPC options for that race, every profession unlocks appropriate buildings to support work orders for that professions. Alts can be assigned by your current active toon to work professions, teach other alts (passive way to gain profession levels and even transfer old recipes) or just linger or whatnot…and so many collectibles. There would be a museum for archeology stuff (adding pristines for everything from Cata and beyond), an armory with mannequins to display your most prized armor sets, a trophy hall with your most prestigious boss kills for each mode (the higher level the difficulty, the most detailed and cool the trophy and timestamped so tryhards could brag when they got it as relevant). New knickknacks and just oddities could be added and found anywhere…

The garrison would travel with you if the story warranted it…it would be a pseudo living representation of the time and energy poured into your account.

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This. I was thinking they should start giving every weapon a unique visual.
Guns from Mechagon should not be firing the same bullets than a gun I bought at a shop.

for me the perfect reward is a wow token :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d love an achievement point vendor, not to actually spend the achievement points but it would function like the old PvP vendors and only sell certain things to you depending on your rating (or in this case, achievement point number). There could be mog, mounts, pets, toys and a bunch of other stuff at different 5-10k breakpoints and it would encourage participation in a wide range of content as people would be farming points to access different things.


My own house. My very own house(s) for my characters. I’d love to build it from scratch, in a lovely location, and be able to sit in front of the fire while my pineapple pizza cooks on the stove.

Yeah, player housing would be my reward for putting up with whole bunch of crap put into the game for no good reason.


That would actually be pretty cool, all of your alts could be wondering around or sitting on furniture, when you want to swap alts, it could be like a GTAV style character swap instead of logging to a menu and then re entering the game.

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Well it used to be Mounts until I realized I have over 200-300 and I only use like 10. The only title I have ever begged for my entire WoW existence they finally gave me, Archmage. I am wearing my favorite tmog set, if only the damn belt would drop. So honestly…I am good on vanity and collections crap, personally.