The perfect reward to work for, for you?

Yes but we begged for this and got Garrisons…so I don’t know if I wanna trust Blizz to take another crack at player housing. chuckle

Isn’t that pretty much everything minus achieves?

An actual infinite zone / dungeon that doesn’t kick me out with a stupid screen, which I can come back to from where I left off, whenever I want / am able to… something I find actually fun and engaging… honestly not gonna lie, I wouldn’t mind Torghast AT ALL, if it had an outdoor wing that had infinite floors… it would be like endlessly exploring the Maw! I literally wouldn’t give a :poop: if it had an attunement questline or something, I’d “git 'er done”…

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Iono if it was just me but I didn’t run into any trouble doing legion raids until Antorus.

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Revert the item drop changes from the Shadowlands prepatch.

Revert the item changes done to legacy raids.

Remove the aoe cap in Legacy raids.

Or Tomb of Sargeras, and both of those being Mythics I’m guessing…

Also still can’t clear the :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:ing Illidan phase in Nighthold Mythic Gul’Dan…

To repeat the old hoary response, garrisons are nothing like player housing. I can’t even begin to express how unlike player housing they are. And if Blizzard can’t tell the difference, they are lost to all reason.

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Lost me when you bagged on Glyph of Stars. Glyph of Stars is the end-all counter argument to the “omg balance druids need MOAAAR!” argument – because it allows you to display your character instead of form and thereby letting you customize your gear equal to every other player in the game. When you discredit it and besmirch it, it shows that you know it’s what people are going to tell you – and that you’re trying to pre-emptively smear it.

It’s my experience that regardless of what forms become available for druids, they will still want more, which leads to thinking the best option is just leaving them where they are at currently to prevent snowballing.

But to be a druid is to embrace shape-shifting and it’s forms. I’m sorry that you don’t appreciate the druid class fantasy of shape-shifting but suggesting I embrace a glyph that negates it is pretty sad.

Not everyone is going to get it and that’s okay, just like folks won’t understand wanting to play as a person who’s really good at stabbing when an entire world of possibility awaits~

I have a 220 Boomkin. I have currently benefited from the overwhelming strength that is Balance druids. You are not the only one in the game, nor the only person to ever play a druid.

So… just to verify, you are refusing to embrace the forms provided to you – which are thematically the forms utilized by Druids for thousands of years, and are instead wanting more forms because you wont accept the class fantasy that is provided to you through these metrics? You want additional things, presumably unendingly and continually added to revitalize your opinion of a “class fantasy” ?

I get it. Trust me, the druid groan fest for more forms has been in full swing since Mage tower went away… And I don’t think I’ve ever responded to a single one until now, and I only specifically responded because you pre-emptively mocked the counter argument which you knew would shut you down. If your concern is “the form you play in 80% of the time”, you have the option to be equal to every other class in the game and transmog your armor into things you like, just like everyone else.

You’re not wanting equality, or anything else… You’re wanting special treatment, and have set out the terms for how you want your special treatment provided… Anything less than you wont accept… and that discredits you heavily and is not a healthy way to approach a conversation.

Sorry you’re so offended, we’ll agree to disagree.

Don’t worry I totally read all that~

bear form >.<

Achievement points as a form of currency was mentioned way back when they were first added. Never went anywhere or happened. Probably hanging out with the dance studio.


Nothing really as it’s a fun epic time waster. Maybe if I could stream and reap real money from it.

For me the best reward would be a fulfilling, quality storyline with a decent non-timegated pace and quality content.

I know. It’s a pipe dream.

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My current bugbear is that, ever since I started in TBC, I still don’t have a horde race that I actually find appealing enough to play on my mage. So maybe if there was a new racial option that I actually like instead of crappy reskins of options that didn’t really grab me in the first place, or if I could unlock alternative race/class combos, or something. Basically I want something more animalistically monstrous like tauren, because I like the mythological aspect of them being inverted. So stuff like pandaren or vulpera don’t grab me at all.

It’s a bit of a bummer because it kinda kills the whole appeal of transmog if you don’t really have much interest in what you look like underneath it.

These. This is the only reason I play.

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I like tabards a lot

I’d love tabards for different achievements like a tabard for 250k hks, one for 500k, a tabard for wrecking ball, tabard for battlemaster, khan, tabard for collecting mounts, tabard for all exalted reps of a certain expansion, etc you get the point


As of now, the Game has nothing for me.

Player customizations without a doubt.

We should be able to earn different eye colors, hair styles, skin tones, heck even size, etc. By completing achievements or as rare drops.