right!?!!? nobody dosent want this
sounds delicious brother i hope blizzard dosent ruin our fun
Oh they will probably nerf it all lol. I just know blizzard by now xd
1,000,000% YES! Cata released and nose-dived DIED within months… Very reminiscent of the near 4 million sub cancellations that happened in Cata.
Vanilla, TBC and WotLK. That’s all we need.
Yep This is all we need agreed.
Having perm servers across the first 3 versions of the game can be problematic through splitting of the playerbase - we dont’ want that because large group-content is going to be pain to organize and be consistent over time as ppl come and go; this is classic content we’re moving around here not Retail – providing too many options is likely counter-intuitive.
In the end we’re all here because we’re playing Classic for EVERYTHING THAT IT IS. I vote fresh start cycles.
Wake me up. When permanent wrath classic comes.
Seasons come to pass. I wish wrath classic would come and last. Wake me up. When permanent wrath classic commmees.
Ok alpha gnome brother just hum to wake me up when september ends my green day.
honestly really bad take i wouldn’t be splitting the playerbase it would be losing it. when i create a classic character i should know that its going to stay a classic character i shouldnt be forced to cataclysm
we need to not sleep brother we must be adamant on our era server demands
Ok Ill stay awake. Blizzard will make permanent wrath classic and bc classic servers lol. We will make them.
this is truly the only reasonable outcome for the future of classic blizzard pleaseeeeeee
Alienating a lot of the playerbase with this. If anything maybe remove vanilla or limit it to 1 server. Cata has 10x the players.
Permanent Vanilla, TBC, and WotLK Eras are what I’d like to see. I don’t care about fresh servers, but I know that a lot of players do, so I’d like to see fresh rollouts periodically that are designed to feed back into the various Era servers when players are ready to stop and stay at their preferred spot. Charge a few bucks for clones if you want.
I think this would be fine…if they were authentic. But they won’t be. The Classic team can’t resist making changes.