This time around, I hope they’ll roll out both The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King, stopping at WOTLK to solidify the “holy trinity” of the classic WoW experience. Instead of repeating past mistakes, they should maintain permanent servers for Vanilla (which we already have), TBC, and WOTLK, giving us the freedom to pick the preferred era and settle into it for the long haul.
On top of this, they could introduce fresh progression cycles every three years or so. These would allow players to experience the journey from Vanilla to TBC to WOTLK all over again, ultimately leading them to one or all of the permanent servers. Such fresh runs would serve as a way to keep the community engaged and excited, gradually feeding into the era servers over time.
Agreed, been saying similar things to this for a while, and I too hope they don’t progress these servers into Cata. There is a ton of people I know who really do just want to play the original trilogy forever <3
yes please blizzard please copy this plan, and bring back the cloning feature at every era checkpoint
I hope so too, but from what I understand Era Realms proved to be unprofitable which is why we only got Classic Era and not the other two.
Wotlk kinda…sucks. People want tbc.
I would 100% play both Vanilla and TBC, as for Wrath meh, but ya know… those folks who love it should be able to play it.
If I had to choose between a TBC Era server or a Wrath one I’d choose TBC hands down.
But both would be nice for those that want it.
Yup, TBC is really good… Vanilla is Really good but wrath is just kinda crap.
Every time I think of Wrath, I think of the Arcane Mage who bound Arcane Blast to every key on his keyboard and turned off his monitor and proceeded to rub his butt with it.
He topped the meters.
edit: found it lol
Wrath is superior and 100x more popular. Highest xpac of all-time. Bring on the lich king
vanilla tbc and wrath are all S tier an no other version of wow comes close
I just hope anniversary servers get its own fresh ERA, without gdkp’s, for players that don’t want TBC.
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Leet skills required… This reminds me of the corruptions in BFA… such amazing skill needed for that sweet RNG.
It’s so simple of a concept yet Blizzard need to make it complicated and screw everything up. How on earth have their devs not realised this? Because they are too busy telling people to NOT REDEEM SAAR!
no way theres gonna be 2 seperate vanilla eras
Why should there be two separate vanilla eras? Has that been suggested here in this thread? There is already one now; they need to establish TBC and WOTLK.
100% they need tbc and wotlk era realms before they even think about another vanilla era realm
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Yep. And hopefully we see this come to fruition. Permanent wrath is the one I want.
yooo bumping this post tbc era for life!!!