The Perfect Classic WoW Setup: Vanilla, TBC, and WOTLK Endgame

Bumping again for permanent tbc and permanent wrath era servers. Get it. Letsgooooo!!!

Wheres my gnome brother at?


ayeeee brother perma tbc and wrath all day babyyyyy lets goooooooo!!!


Original Wrath endgame was the pinnacle of a good balance for the hardcore and casual players.

Wrath Classic endgame is garbage. I’d be onboard with a Wrath Era if it was authentic. But a rehash of Wrath Classic means a horrible, toxic nightmare.

yah i will agree end game in wrath was pretty easy already. Cough cough naxx revamp. But it’s like, who cares. At the same time, there were hard stuff to tackle for hardcore and elites alike to. Like on heroic modes and stuff like that.

And sometimes you would just log in and raid ulduar or whatever. No one cared. Ulduar is still one of the best raids ever made in my op. And of course the toc raid was pretty trash I will admit. But 5 man toc was ok.

But it was the journey itself in my op that killed it in wrath. I loved that process from 1 all to 80. Every single level mattered and counted. It was the legit leveling experience in my op.

if classic wow was set up like this i would be sooooo happy

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omfg how have they still not answeard us on this?!?!?!

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Ill just keep posting till they get sick of it lol. And till it happens. Nothings gonna stop me.

im right here with u brother tbc and wotlk era realms will literally make or break blizzard

ill be here too!!

Ahh yess my gnome brother. Definitely colluding with this gnome dude.
Why you ain’t attacking this gnome? He’s my friend bro.

And we will get permanent wrath classic and permanent bc classic.

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Please Blizzard. Give us TBC era servers. If not TBC then WotLK servers and restore access to original Naxxramas with a toggle like you did with Onyxia. I’ve got a really bad “need to solo old content to collect tier sets that I’ll likely miss because there don’t seem to be enough crazy people like me who enjoy that sort of thing” itch that desperately needs scratched. Do it and I’ll throw in some free pics of the sexiest hooves in all of Azeroth.

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On one hand, Wrath is the version of the game I’d probably stay in permanently. It has ( for my tastes ) the best balance where it still feels like classic but with a little retail polish.

On the other hand, I really, truly, utterly do not want to start over from scratch again, but I know that’s unavoidable. I cannot for the life of me understand why they didn’t just leave a BC eternal and Wrath eternal version the first time around. I have a suspicion that was by design though.

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permanent tbc and wrath era realms with with a constant 3-5 year fresh cycle of vanilla-tbc and wrath with the cloning feature brought back would completely kill off any reason to play a blizzlike private server.


Ahh yess my gnome brother. Definitely colluding with this gnome dude.
Why you ain’t attacking this gnome? He’s my friend bro. We started a permanent wrath classic and bc classic and got it done. And blizz still blows.

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that gnome is invited to the horde barbeque


Yep alphasmoke come to the horde barbeque with us brother. We be having permanent wrath classic and bc classic era servers made. It’s gonna happen.

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that sounds great what will we be eating? should i bring anything?


Maybe just bring some chicken. Im bringing some boar stew and boar ribs.

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Agree with the OP.

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Why is it so hard for the morons running Blizzard to understand this? Like how can you work for the company and clearly not understand what people want? How stupid are they?