The Perception of Furries - How to Change It

Hello everyone! Shaanis here again!

So a post or two ago I discussed how I was making a community and how I viewed WoW from an FFXIV player PoV in the links below, This time I am going to start with a new topic! How the perception of furries has been tainted and how we as individuals can fix it!

As this pertains to the community I am building, I believe now is the time to address this and help cultivate a new understanding for what we are all about.

So lets begin!

Furries have been known for a very wide array of different things, ranging from how friendly they are to how nasty they can be in terms of behavior! Unfortunately the concept of a person in a suit modeled after a anthropomorphic animal has been tainted over time by highly publicized gatherings such as Rainfurrest.

Such events and things that took place during them are honestly frowned upon by the majority of furries and for the actions of others? I humbly apologize, though it might not be my responsibility to do so? I still feel it best to start there.

Now! To start with how to change the perception of how furries are viewed, this is actually very simple but I will go in depth with some personal views as well.

Above all, we as furries should not be hostile to those with negative views towards us. But instead accept their views and understand that those views are there from personal experiences be it their own or others. We cannot force a change on others, we can try to help them understand what we stand for but hostility is never the way for this.

Secondly, while a lot of the perception of furries is based on acts of a sexual nature? or even certain things related to it (you know what I am referring to, art and so on.) this is actually not the foundation for what we stood for, actually our views align more accurately with what the LGBTQIA+ community core values are.

Acceptance, love, and compassion above all. In a world where chaos is all around us, a little bit of light shining through goes a long way to soothe the hearts of others.

And with this it is our role to try and show such on a consistent basis even in the face of judgement and adversity.

Thirdly, A highly important part we must remember is that above all? We’re just like everyone else, we need not act differently just because we give ourselves a title. We’re all trying to live on the same planet, all playing the same games, all interacting with each other.

This is why while I do run a furry community? You don’t see me acting differently inside or outside of it, I am Shaanis first and foremost.


People: Vulpera aren’t furries!



Pretty sure there’s nothing wrong with people of a culture attempting to separate and denounce the seedier avenues. People are people, always. In the most vanilla circles, creeps still exist.

No harm in practicing open minded acceptance of others, it’s a valuable life skill and perception. If people aren’t hurting people, animals, etc, is it really so hard to love and let live?


Honestly, you guys have to distance yourselves from the troublemakers that you mention in your post. I understand that it’s way more easily said than done, but it’s the only way.

Someone who doesn’t mind the non UwU type furries.


Not one myself, but I have no issues with them.

It’s going to take time and patience. Just look at what the LGBTQ community still goes through after so much time, and they’re actually starting to achieve a more accepted status in society.

Humans are tribal critters, and “not us” is a hardwired enemy. Just gotta keep showing folks that you’re real people who hurt and bleed and deserve compassion like everyone else.


My perspective:

So long as you don’t publicize what you do in the bedroom, I don’t care what you do in the bedroom.

That applies to everyone.


Or we can just not be jerks to people for being different, and stop lumping them in with the fringe elements of their group.


don’t really think there’s much to be fixed at this point, people have their minds made up.

it’s like trying to change the perspective of the racist uncle whom you have to put up with screaming about minorities at thanksgiving dinner. You can say stop and give facts to disprove his stances, but he’s just going to double down anyways instead of admitting he’s wrong or admitting it’s just a minority of said minority group.


I hope they all wear deodorant under their fur suits


Just stop letting everyone know.

Who cares? Just like the crossfitters and vegan memes. No one cares unless they ask your interests.


Why should I care what WoW players (lol) think of furries?

Every negative thing wow players can point out about the furry fandom I can find 10 times over within the WoW community. WoW players have a history of ego insecurities that stem from a fear not seeming “cool” so they lash out at things that they perceive threaten this. Its pretty much a time capsule of internet culture from 2005 to 2010 here.

In short, furries cant change there perception and really should not try, WoW players have the same if not more negative, cringe and sexual deviants with in there own ranks. See Twitter, these forums, trade chat, reddit, Goldshire and Silvermoon for details.


Well Sunday does not disappoint.


oh god the thoughts you just put in my mind

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Thanks for reminding us of the people who get real thirsty over an animated corpse.


Why did I read this.


But that’s been one of the great pastimes of humanity for thousands of years! It’s brought countless people together and parted blood-deep alliances like a knife through air, you can’t just end so storied a partnership as that.

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Right? I needed this in-depth analysis of furries with my coffee this morning, from an FF player who keeps comparing the games in essay styled format.


There was a teenager who wore a furry rainbow tail to school everyday. This was a couple years ago while I was substituting.

I’m allowed to have my own opinions and that’s just extremely weird. Halloween is 1 day a year.


This is a very true post. While I am not really a furry in real life, I play one in WoW and get a lot of hate for it. People seem to think all furries yiff in public, and have some weird fetish with animals. These false assumptions need to stop.


My issue with the furry tag being tossed around willy nilly makes it seem that in the current world, if you like werewolves it’ll make you a furry.