The Perception of Furries - How to Change It

I think just don’t worry so much and be who you are. If you’re taking it too far you’ll get in trouble probably, if not then whatever it’s harmless. Don’t worry about rationalizing the problem or changing the perceptions of others. It’s just a weird hobby and people will always see it that way.

People are just ignorant and that won’t ever change. I am in your boat but people making generalized assumptions to try and trigger me aren’t worth my attention.


This is a very negative and untrue post. Telling someone to stop being themselves just because society says so is very wrong and toxic.


I don’t understand it, but they seem harmless.

So like a furry can take off the fur suit and a black person doing that would involve ripping their skin off

There is a rather dramatic difference here


Holy yikes. Never make that comparison again if you want people to respect furries.


Yeah… it was pretty bad. I’m just gonna… edit it out.

You saw nothing. (In other words I was being dumb please forgive)

Lmao at the person acting like being furry should be a protected class… when the only real definition of furry is “likes anthropomorphic animals”.


I am really not surprised the third post was hidden, moderation will unhide it soon enough.

This post shouldn’t exist at all. That’s a fact. It’s bait nothing more, meant to incite rhetoric.

Funny thing I think I’ve picked up on here. This OP and all their posts, would not be allowed on the FF forums. They are much more monitored then ours. All of their posts are comparing communities, which really who cares? This is WoW.

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I suggest you get professional help and maybe a hobby outside of the Internet.


This one time in bandcamp…

Yup it’s a hobby, people get picked on for any hobby and like. Heck WoW players know about that.
But it’s not serious, it’s just a meme.

I wanted to post a great video on YouTube but turns out its age restricted.

If anyone is interested in a showdown look up the Furry Apocalypse from Flashgitz

My dude. I’ve been active in the fandom of 20 years now. Furries are no more sexual then any other group of people on this planet. If furries tend to flirt more online it’s because a lot of us grew up or learned to be socially comfortable expressing friendly or loving emotions via friends we met on the internet.

You get any group of people together in a large enough gathering there’s going to be toxic and hateful people. Furry has been incredibly good at self-policing it’s truly unsavory elements, so much so that the people who pay attention to sub-cultures have encouraged others to look after how we have dealt with toxicity as model to follow.

If you want to get into “fursuits have been turned into an OwO thing nowadays” boy do I have some stuff to show you from decades to centuries before the fandom ever was a thought in someones head.

The reason few media is allowed in at cons is specifically because that’s all the story they want to tell, stuff like the small amount of bad stuff at Rainfurest with no context or supporting information. Meanwhile they literally laugh on screen while reporting on the chlorine gas attack that happened at Midwest FurFest in 2014.

TLDR: The fandom is perfectly fine and doesn’t need stan’s wanting to “clean up it’s image” by pretending things that exist outside of the fandom don’t exist here, especially in a video game about another planet. Hell, the weirder (but still consenting) parts of the fandom is what’s helped keep corps from rolling in and trying to monetize and take over the fandom from the fans.


So I’ve always been a huge fan of anthro designs but I hesitate to consider myself a furry just due to all the negative connotations surrounding them.

WoW players criticizing…any other fandom. LMAO


Only problem I have with all these issues is acceptance and tolerance now means you have to sit through endless proselytizing and you can’t say just shut up.

It’s like door to door Mormans you can’t say “Sorry not interested” to and they just come into your home and keep talking.


If people want a good look and breakdown of the furry fandom, I recommend Ash Coyotes documentary called The Fandom : A Furry Documentary, viewable in full on youtube. It’s a pretty straight look without any pandering in it.


Ok this made me laugh, but I’ll one up you.

This week got two phone calls from Jehovah’s Witnesses. Covid had changed the door to door stuff up here in Canada.
