I think my brain is too muddled to figure out what shenanigans are going on here. I know there are shenanigans. I can tell. A post about drama, stirring up drama. Classic.
In my fevered state, it all seems very suss, and very amusing, for very vague reasons.
I am not name calling and attacking, simply addressing the nature of their behavior, would you prefer I pat them on the head for being aggressive with their childishness?
At least trolls these days are transparent. They are easy to see because it’s all already been done.
To OP: Be the change you want to see.
Actually, you did. With that inviting thread title. I don’t know what else you expected, especially considering you know enough, somehow, to have already made up your mind.
If you have question etc then the more specific forums tend to be better.
Ask in the mage forum about mage and it will likely be more constructive than GD. As a regular forum dweller I can safely say GD is a cess pit worth avoiding most of the time.
I know nothing about mage but know a bit about the game. Quote me (highlight and click quote, it sends a different type of notification so its easier to ser) so I see a response and I will do my best to help.
He linked the thread that the clown you’re defending brought up.
Don’t let the door hit ya!
Bahahaha, you go whine in other threads about how mean people were to you, and he’s the one that’s mad? Nice gaslighting attempt there bucko, but we can all see how shook you are.
True. And it’s fun to see which familiar names pop up in what threads to see them chime in or post some delicious gif/music video because truly there’s no reason for anyone of us to be here wasting time when there’s other things to do like work, laundry, grocery shopping, etc. But yet here we are seeing what others are doing.
The mods do. But times vary when it comes down to them shutting down those posts deemed offensive. But devs, yeah no. GD is like a cat that one minute will happily let you rub it’s back then try to eat your fingers.