The people here seem hateful

That’s toxic

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i like community that is not hateful to one another and that don’t act like high school brats
and don’t defend scumbags that do things like post popcorn gifs when a family member dies
and yeah some folks here did that crap to me

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You also get mass reported by a special group of people if you make one of their overlords mad.

:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: :rage:

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If I’ve learned anything the past eighteen years, it’s that you do NOT want Blizzard teaching anyone about “healthy culture”.

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blizzard shill detected.
why would you defend the most hated company with awful people that work there that ahte their own customers? LMFAO

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The OP has 90 achievement points.

Going out on a limb to say they are probably legit.

Your observations are correct.

These forums are largely only community moderated. Which means that unless enough people flag a post that is TRULY terrible, nothing will be done. That has bred a culture of nastiness that has gone on for years and years.

WoW’s community, at least the forum community, has a well deserved reputation.

My advice? Stay clear and avoid these forums. Reddit is better, but then you will run across the downvote fanbois. Try r/wownoob. They tend to be friendlier.


you didn’t seriously say that with a straight face, did you?

yes, and no.
I agree we can be a bunch of snarky trolls, but people generally set the tone in their OP and responses.

If someone hits the forums with a post “hey I encountered this problem, any solutions” kind of post, they’ll typically get helpful responses.

but if they hit the forums with “BlizzSUCKS im QUITtINg this thing i hate is the WoWKILLZERSZZZZZ” they’re going to get the responses posts like that deserve. :woman_shrugging:


Better than here.

It’s an already low bar. It doesn’t take much to find an improvement.


I mean, anything is an improvement above here, the background is even brown… both thematically fitting and disgusting… nothing says “Yep, I’ve stepped in it.” like the most revolting shade of brown they could find.

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I’m not usually suspicious but those commenting with low post count…hmmmm. :thinking:


Not sure I’f I’m hateful…or just jaded

Squinty eyed picture of fry from Futurama inserted here.


People are just bored.

I’m sorry you’ve had such a bad experience here.

Welcome to WoW! I’ve played for over 17 years, and love the Game so much, even though there are often aspects of it I don’t like! But that’s life, I suppose. :smiley:

There are many wonderful people on this Forum, so many funny, witty, clever people. I make liberal use of the Ignore option, so my experience here is mostly great.

I hope you can see a better side of WoW’s Forums as you continue in the World of Azeroth.

Regarding the Community Council; I had some preconceptions about some of the people chosen, based on their posts here on GD, and what helped ‘humanise’ them was going to the CC Forum and reading their ‘Meet Me’ posts. It gave me a better insight into who they are as people, and allowed me to see that differing opinions in a Game do not dictate the calibre of a person.

Good luck, have fun, and don’t stop asking for help when you need it. :seedling:

If you think the fans are toxic?

Remember, it took Blizzard until 2022 to admit they have an ego problem.

From a game which started in 2004.


I think forums were better when you could see the player’s alternate characters.

They were! However that required the old form software features and a third party addon called Cogshanks. It stopped working long ago. Blizz likely broke some of the info it needed to detect and display posting alts.

I sincerely hope Blizz switches the WoW forums to post by Battletag like every other Blizzard forum, with Likes, Flags, and Trust levels all tied to Bnet. Player avatar can be a character of choice of course.


So, is this your first day on the internet?

Sounds like I’ll be spending a token a month to avoid the creepers who want to see alts.

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