The people here seem hateful

What is this even?


Someone being a stalker while shouting “Stalker!” at everyone else, welcome to the internet!

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This place can sometimes be like early Barrens chat. Overall I don’t think it’s too bad. But it can get very bad depending on the topic.

the word hate lost all its meaning in recent years. throw it in the pile with all the other buzzwords

Most are just jaded and aggrivated by blizzards rescent actions or lack there of and letting out frustration on others in response.

The community in my opinion, feels ignored and time not respected by the company anymore…its lost so many on an expansion that could have easily been one of wows best but was horribly bunggles so we got the dreaded WoD repeat…
Then also the treatment of its employees and those in charges action its just a bad time to be a wow player…

But fear not Seffer will try to heal those wounds.

this is where the most anti social lunaticks come because anywhere else they would be shut up immediately

as to why is tolerated here my gosh i dont know :worried:

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I disagree that the GD is toxic because that label usually comes from people that do this:

creates a thread calling the community and Blizzard garbage
GD reacts negatively

Garbage in, garbage out. I have never seen a thread where someone was genuinely asking for help and not whining or insulting being treated like crap.


You disagree because you are part of the little forum gang club. lol

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Imagine thinking because you are a stalker someone else can’t be one too. Its not exclusive club or something lol

Well people don’t like to hear the truth sometimes.


What gang? The Discord group? I’ve been posting way longer than that’s been around.

I’ve never stalked the man (woman? no clue…), he (she? they?) decided to be ugly in the linked thread then dragged it forcibly into this one… THEY are the one bringing up personal stuff about people while hiding behind a classic alt. Don’t accuse people without facts…

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But usually it’s not the truth, it’s just whining.

I’m not saying Blizzard is perfect, I have issues with them, but constructive criticism post are very rare.

And necroing old threads and generally just being unpleasant.

Clearly someone going on a trolling spiral to get themselves banned. Seen it before. Don’t really understand why some people can’t just quit the forums without moderator intervention.


Mozegler, there are bad apples everywhere and unfortunately it is human nature to be more impacted by the bad than the good. It is unfortunate that you’re experience has been less than desirable but it isn’t a reflection of the community as a whole.

By the way, it can help if you ask questions in your new player chat which you should have since you are newer to WoW. And when making posts, try to put them in their appropriate channel to get more serious answers (I of course am guilty of this same misstep as well) but general is where you will get the well, general populace and if you have a specific question it wouldn’t be the best place to look.

In my own personal anecdotal experience, Area 52 is just a bad realm, all games have those. Your character is only level 18 so rerolling on a new realm wouldn’t be a bad idea or a large investment.
On that note, selling runs has been very largely prohibited by Blizzard and you shouldn’t be seeing those anymore except from the people on your own realm. It isn’t what the game is, though the WoW game token has certainly hurt the game economy and made that a staple niche no matter what Blizzard does.
I would suggest taking something like this to the realm forums to both see what might be a good fit to you, and that is also a good place to look for advertising guilds, thus finding one you may want to join.

This would fit better in either the Story forum or the Mage Class forum. There are plenty of WoW creators that go into the stories of the Order Halls, you could find those on youtube if you were confused after playing through it.
Though, I will admit a very bad habit that WoW has is relying on outside sources of information to tell its stories. Many characters that play crucial roles in Azeroth get their stories told in short stories, novels, comics, or previous games such as Warcrafts I-III that if you were entirely new it could be confusing.

It would take a forum post even longer than this current response to give you ALL the details, so I would suggest looking in places such as the WoW wikipedia or watching videos from content creators on youtube.

Good Luck :+1:

Take notes folks, this is what toxic POSITIVITY looks like… and it more often than not nicely compliments toxic negativity…

As with all things, one must achieve BALANCE, neither too far to one extreme or the other. Perfect equilibrium.

Dang this thread got spicy while I was at work.

I love GD

I also love how some of you bleat on and on and on about community, then when players form community you crap all over it. I’m not a member of the discord community referenced earlier, but I think it’s great it exists.

So what if players formed a discord to hang out in? Isn’t that what we want players to do? Build community?

Guess just only the community you agree with…


I am having a hard time believing you are a new player. Firstly because you are doing legion content and not BFA content to which all new players are directly. Secondly, because you have lingo a new player who was playing for one day doesn’t normally have.


There are some good people but there are definitely those with a tendency to be needlessly argumentative.

I try and do my part to keep folks happy by sharing beer with everyone.



Forums are always very heated most days. Then towards the end of a expac it gets way worse even more so if it was disliked.